Debate is over >>> markets down, dollar up. Sad theater.

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Will watch the Freak Show. My guess is that the market will rise. We will see.

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There is no chance - ZERO - that Joe Biden will be elected without rigging the election.

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why do you think that?

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Because of 4 reasons: 1) Trump is backed by military 2) Before election day Trumpteam will attack the Democrats with their corruption, f. e. Bidens/Ukraine, General Flynn/Russia Collusion-Case, Clinton Foundation Pay to Play Scheme (Assange/Seth Rich) and so on. 3) Americans will never vote for socialism. And finally 4) Joe Biden is natural born loser.

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interesting, I have no idea what is going to happen. I would not be surprised if trump won again.

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You are an absolute fking buffoon. Just burn your money you will fair far better. Thanks for showing your stripes. Enjoy the open

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Currently, it looks to me as if the Democrats are being caught with a gun in their hand trying to rig the election and that the military is intervening. I think without the military nothing will be possible.

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That's the "Global Warming" Money Scheme:


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