So you are saying that the FED should raise the rates above 10% and stop buying bonds ? This will result in:

- Stocks plunging 90%, which will result in pensions wiped out, insurance companies defaulting and whole lots of agencies and entities defaulting instantly

- This will have a chain reaction of defaults around the world. Blow up of a gargantuan proportion that will make 1929 look like a walk in the park.

- Absolute blow up of bond market

- Companies will fire everyone. 60% to 75% will have no jobs for years

and so on. Could be way worse than that.

Is that not true ? How will this help the people ? Anyone ?

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Maybe both will happen. Maybe the Fed is guiding and manipulating the market and the economy to a desired point, THEN they raise the rates in a Volker move to "save" us, whereby they rake the majority of the middle class into the lower class. So the Corps lose

on the stockmarket, what do they care? they have the masses money already, and add

to the intended collapse with mass layoffs.

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The market can't even handle 2% interest rate.

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Come on, don't make me sign you up ... bring that stuff on here .... https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1352325367926362113

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Mossberg Shockwave is impressive.

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Greg, did you know that JFK once privately said: "There is a plot to enslave every man, woman, and child in this country, and I intend to expose it"?

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There was a plot like that and JFK was part of it imo. He enjoyed a whole lot of sugar babies

Handlers knew that sheeple preferred sensational syntax presented in flashy Hollywood style rather than semantics. So it goes on even today.

We can not change it but we can exploit it. I sold a lot of in the money puts. Used that money to buy calls on dips. Bought a lot of semi-conductor companies.... the monopoly of American companies.

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we may not be able to change it, but it is our moral and civic duty to bring justice to it

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If you took all the articles blocked by big tech and media the last few years, you'd have some of the finest recent examples of good journalism!

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I don't like the Twilight Zone we are in y'all... Season 2 episode 29... Master Mannarino thank you for what you do. Thank you for navigating us through the financial shitshow. Lord have mercy bubba...

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remember, they got his brother RFK too after he (RFK) announced a presidential bid to end vietnam war, also JFK took on the mafia, steel industry as well as the military industrial complex and he never invaded Cuba which he easily could have

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also JFK supported a dollar that was backed by prescious metals so money couldn't just be printed out of "thin air" anymore - i can bet there were some unhappy campers over that one

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Truth... on a 320 day... things are a changin'... we know much of the puzzle... but all at different stages... thank you greg...

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Thats it. Love to you Greg and all who read this. DO NOT FREEZE! Learn about the system and apply that knowledge. Become your own central bank!

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It's all theater. All of it. Heheheheheheheeee!

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In line with Greg's financial interpretation. From an Org which is trying to indict criminal leaders of countries and Corp leaders regarding COVID vaxxes. The economic assessment is bleak.


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France froze the assets of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in the amount of 22 billion euros - Ministry of Economy

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Russians are so dumb. It's laughable. West routinely freeze assets of anyone they want and yet they left the money in France. Utter stupidity beyond belief

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Inflation target / 4.0%

Inflation February 2022 / 9.2%

Key rate from 28.02.2022 / 20.00%

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Is Luke Oil still trading in Germany ? Must be a good buy. War will be over in 2 weeks and then 4X LukOil

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Checked it. Is not trading.

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I would buy it as soon as it starts trading. From jpm to Goldman would be all buying it as sheeple sell. Even hunter might be buying it from the money received from being on the board of Ukrainian gas company

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Europeans are dumb. That's for sure.

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Jawboning at its finest. Miraculously, Russia buying our bonds which they will never fulfill a profit when they sell do to a false flag of course.....

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