Dont worry all my friends tell me we just need to make it till jan 20 and then magically everything will be fine and will sail off into the sunset with our "retirement" and "bitcoin" !

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That's an extremely sad comment !!!

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It is just a sarcastic comment there Cheryl...

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Yes I knew that booboo I just feel it is sad that our country is doomed and his base feels DJT will be good for our economy they are delusional !!

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that's hilarious! LOL

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To all of the American posters here!

Please Wake the Fuck Up!

Trump is not your God, the once Great Empire USA is being flushed down the toilet as I type..


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Many accept the state as their god without giving serious thought to the real Almighty God. The same tribe that runs central banking, the media, the government, and the schools, also controls the churches. It's a top-down hierarchy by which the few control the many. Surely that accounts for a large part of the problem. Another factor is what was demonstrated by the Milgram Experiment.

from Google AI:

The Milgram experiment, conducted by psychologist Stanley Milgram, was a famous study that demonstrated how readily people will obey instructions from an authority figure, even when those instructions conflict with their own conscience, potentially causing harm to another person; participants in the experiment were instructed to deliver seemingly dangerous electric shocks to a "learner" when they answered questions incorrectly, revealing a high rate of obedience to the experimenter despite believing they were causing pain to the learner.

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Its like talking to a brick wall they dont want to hear any truth and dont want you to say anything bad about king trump . Did the vax just lobotomize everyone into drones/ sheep ?

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They have been dumbed down and brainwashed since birth...

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I just never thought the people would be cheering to be replaced by robots and be brain chipped but thats exactly what the country wants it sounds like as long as its trump pushing it they will blindly obey

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It is not Trump pushing it, it is that rich Canadian Elon Musk...

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Does Elon Musk have Canadian citizenship?

At the age of 18 he immigrated to Canada, acquiring its citizenship through his Canadian-born mother, Maye.

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I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy!

Henny Youngman

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Hotel California: “You can check-out any time you like, but you can never leave!"

Bitcoin: "You can buy it any time you like, but you can never sell it"

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Yes Boo Boo you are 100% Right Lion Friend

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Thank you friend

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The true and real President on Jan. 20, 2025 will be the Canadian Elon Musk..

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Gregory, I appreciate all you do. Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year to you. You have had our back this whole time.

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Good luck Vega!

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Ready or not, here we go...

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...over the falls in the barrel.

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Out of market. If they collapse the financial system before Trump is inaugurated then Trump comes in saves the day with CBDC and the peeps will follow along with anything Trump says. Central banks win again. We are tracked and traced. What about the Dems do they go along or reject!

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That has been my sick feeling the last 3 years

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Right as rain as usual Gregory

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You can trust no man only the triune God. The alternative was far worse - we have been given a reprieve for a short time - Rev.18,19,20 has to happen and when it does we will be 'throwing our gold and silver into the streets' meanwhile we pray for the removal of trudeau, starmer, europes bad leaders. Ezekiel 7:9 We all have work to do.

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Thank you Greg for all you do for us , I find your information extremely helpful to this 78 year old widow , I was not born yesterday Greg I know what is going on and yes it is up to the "Almighty God" he will guide us each day ! I hope your Christmas was blessed and your New Year will be graced by the Almighty 🙏🙏🙏

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Thank you, Greg, for caring and having our back. I am grateful 💗

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Trump better keep his eyes on "The Tech Bros" as they line their corporate pockets in H1 B Visa operations...!

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Thank you Greg for all your hard work. I've been with you for 9 years.The All mighty, God, our Lord has blessed me bc of you and my faith.

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Sorry! There was an Election!

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Sorry there was a Selection just like Gregory said and we will be facing a devastating year ahead in 2025 ...Better be prepared

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... the compounding ruin will last Fifty Years - if we're lucky only a decade. Make it up!

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Guess you didn’t vote!

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I don't do excercises in futility and illusions of choice.

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Great video!

Greg got side tracked at the very end.

Heard about the future of stocks repeatedly, Bitcoin just as much, he began on silver & gold and got side tracked on the outlook??

Never came back to it?

Maybe next time

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