Jul 17, 2022Liked by Gregory Mannarino

If you still doubt the veracity of what Greg is trying to impart unto you, let us revisit the brash statement of one Nathan Meyer Rothschild. “Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who establishes their laws!” That is the epitome of arrogance. That is your FED (Central Bank) which is controlled by the tribe on Wall St. and the the City of London. Digital Fiat Currency is right around the corner.

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Removed (Banned)Jul 17, 2022
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Sounds like your going to ride that USD wave right into Santa Monica Pier. Ouch!

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Jul 17, 2022Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Sounds like money laundering to me

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Jul 17, 2022·edited Jul 18, 2022

Don't be tricked. The Jews are in fact Khazars. Khazars are Turks and Turks are Edomites, NOT Jacobites. Jacob is ISRAEL! Jews ARE NOT Israelites! They are NOT of the seed of Yakob (Jacob). They are imposters.

Esau (Edom) is.....DOOMED! Hahahahahahahaaaaa! 🤣 🤣 🤣

2014 Times of Israel Report:


"The 13th Tribe"-- Arthur Koestler


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They will end this game "at the moment of their own choosing"....at a particular time that makes sense to them.

The majority of this country believes that a two party system still exists. More and more political tensions will build into the upcoming election year, and they will drag this out right up until then.

The central banks need a scapegoat....and i do not think that people will look towards the puppet government to save them...i believe they will go after the puppet government, after they attack each other first, while the central banks hide in their bunkers and wait it out.

Society is stupid and ignorant and full of anger. Those attributes will be used at the maximum level, when the system does lock up and the people will make it political...the banks know this because they are and have been designing this endgame for over a century.

There will be a revolution or civil war or anarchy...but it will not be directed at the banks...it will be directed at the two party system that people believe still exists.

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You sound like you wrote the script. Hahahahahaha 😁🤣🤗😁😃🤣🤣😂

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<<< More and more political tensions will build into the upcoming election year, and they will drag this out right up until then>>>

I think you're right about this. Roe vs Wade being overturned wasn't a big enough catalyst to set it off. I think the midterms will be that devisive catalyst. Especially if there are some "election discrepancies" involved. LoL. You know it's coming already.

<<<i believe they will go after the puppet government, after they attack each other first, while the central banks hide in their bunkers and wait it out.>>>

You're right 👍💯 That's EXACTLY what's going to happen. The puppet government is the only easily recognizable and accessible target.

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It is a tremendous injustice that the true villains of the world travel through time escaping the wrath of their victims that they truly deserve. I pray that this time will be different, and the entire tribe including its bankers will get wiped out.

One thing that doesn't get mentioned is that the mossad blackmail operation to control politicians and bureaucrats didn't end with Epstein and Maxwell. That control mechanism of those in power continues somewhere out of sight of the viewing public.

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The beautiful thing about "control" is..... you can't possibly control everybody.

People inherently love freedom and are naturally rebellious.

Good luck to any group trying to control everyone. They're going to have their hands full.

Hahahahahaha 😁🤣😂😸🥳😍😁🤣🤣🤗😃🤣

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So far, the tribe's control is still intact. There are signs that their scheme is in trouble as well as signs that their control is going to get very much worse. Things are going to get interesting either way. Everyone in the current system of control getting whacked would be the best possible outcome.

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Inflation is a loaded term, one that generally refers to generalized increases in prices that is driven by a generalized decline in the value of currency. __ yahoo finance

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Maybe Mr T and the Boyz come riding back in?

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So Greg, are you personally leaving any money in the system or are you strictly working on buying physical assets at this time? What will happen to our liabilities especially when we are unable to access our dollar accounts to pay them?

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Whatever cash you're not putting into hard assets should be withdrawn and controlled by YOU. See recent events in Canada and China in regards to people not being able to get cash.

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The question everyone should be asking now with this new tool is "Can we get DEFLATION from INFLATION?" I only ask this question to understand if we are going lower in the stock market because INFLATIONARY tools are causing the dollar to strengthen due to increasing demand because the FED needs dollars to purchase the DEBT they are purchasing. Everyday they need more dollars to purchase the same DEBT, this is a "DEATH SPIRAL" STARTING WITH THE FED

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Jul 18, 2022·edited Jul 18, 2022

Do you think the ecb is getting ahead of putins gas pipeline freeze into Europe? Trying to distort the reality of that before it starts to happen?? Without their gas, energy prices will boom. Nat gas options will be a fun one come Thursday’s numbers after the Putin cut off…like will the actual fall be to the excuse of that ever growing ordeal….I guess that’s the trillion dollar question

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Greg, all the Lions need to read the following article if it is true. I details key parts of the Great Reset (https://www.theburningplatform.com/2022/07/16/bombshell-hack-of-nwo-globalists-never-before-seen-glaring-details-of-the-great-reset-revealed/)

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i dont know what to do with this infomation, buy silver buy otm spy puts sell my house, no idea

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So Greg, If this lockup happens, and no transactions are possible, does that mean that you advise selling all our equities and converting to physical gold/silver, even if those equities are all focused on gold, silver and mining stocks?

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I expect this to happen before nov in this country gm i cannot see the midyerms taking place they will try to lock us down agin due to the moronic virus several new varients showing up rapidly

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The world is burning down except the elllustion of the dollar. Unlimited bond buying by ecb. The nation's around the world business, people, gov could pour in the market. Once topped they sell and the dollar dies. But I wonder if it will work out. I hope they are standing there holding the bag. Heck I don't know just sitting here thinking 🤔

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