Any of u smart people out there tell me why would Israel tell Iran when where and how they were going to hit them. Seems to me this whole thing is scripted

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Yes scripted and all bull shit...

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You are right, and furthermore, these aren't wars they are rumors of wars. All designed to keep the "SHEEPLE" fearful, ready to accept any brain-dead un-lawful and un-GODLY rules to live by. All the best and keep thinking!!

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Israel attacked nothing all bull shit....

From ZeroHedge!

Some 100 Israeli warplanes were sent, primarily across Jordanian airspace, for the unprecedented attack which reportedly included strikes on key missile, drone, and other military sites - including air defense installations. However, Iranians are mocking it as if it didn't even happen, and there's an emerging consensus among Western pundits that this was remarkably limited in scale. The attack did not involve Iranian nuclear or oil sites, according to Israeli military officials.

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Yes Greg! 80% of the American/Canadian sheep(people) are stupid and have been dumbed down and brain washed since birth...Fact

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I have seen a DRAMATIC drop in IQ by one-third in those who took the COVID shot on my Wordfeud game. This is a HUGE dumbing-down of 70-80% of the U.S. population, and the same for Canada too.

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Thanks for the following (15:00).

'The Bank of England is pressing on with the creation of a Digital Currency as commercial banks risk failing.'

Well that's vindicated my suspicions.

Two weeks ago I went to pay some wages into the bank, and could not do so, as they now require proof of earnings!

I went to discuss this change with the manager, where I said to him, well if its this difficult to pay money in, - then what will it be like to take money out?

As my questioning increased, and to ease my growing concerns, he then 'accidentally' gave me the bank's list of regulations which they use to determine whether the customer is allowed to withdraw their money. I only got to the first regulation, before gasping, -look at this!, this means the bank can refuse to give customers their money back.

Realising he shouldn't have shown me the document, he immediately took it back, as it was only for bank staff, - whilst we customers were given another public document mumbling on about 'customer safety' or some other woke nonsense?.

You should have seen the worry on his face when I asked him to let me read the document in full, which details the bank's 'private list of requirements' through which they can decide whether to give customers their money back.

I then told him that I knew that customer deposits immediately become bank assets when they are deposited, and asked if he was aware of bank bail-in laws?, and asked him what he knew about the current state of the economy? - I was met with the look of abject ignorance as can only be expected from a 'jobs-worth' junior bank manager.

The net is closing fast, - that's for certain.

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I recently went to my bank and asked questions as well. They claimed the Manager was "unavailable" but reassured me everything was fine. This kid was supposed to call me back and give me more information, but I have yet to hear anything. I am thinking of taking a sizable amount out, just in case.

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Yes - and don't forget what happened in India a few years back, when over one particular weekend, and with no prior warning, the Government sneakily outlawed the existing currency. The following Monday morning the news outlets announced that the currency was no longer legal tender: this took the whole nation by complete surprise.

When billions of people took their life's savings to the bank to be exchanged for the new currency, - they were met by tax officials asking for receipts, etc [which no one bothers keeping]. Huge sums were stolen by this dirty trick.

Every penny of cash allocated for saving purposes I will now convert into legal tender gold coins - kept in my own Central Bank.

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By your "own Central Bank" you mean in a vault down the basement or hidden in a closet, etc?

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Yeah something like that!


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Gold & Silver?

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No - just gold.

Takes up less space.

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Great interview. Rogan's interview humanized Trump, the problem is his policies. No constitutional money, no Bueno

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So are you still buying this market?? You’ve been touting to buy every dip and that you were buying more JEPI.

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Well here we go.

Kuwait has just force introduced digital ID, - non compliance means people cannot access their own money.


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I hope you had a great weekend.

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I listened to Rogan’s interview of Trump. Trump is spontaneous and speaks his mind, unlike most politicians; that’s one main reason people like him. Rogan asked him about tariffs vs debt/deficit during his term. At first, Trump skated around with a long-winded answer. Rogan asked again. Basically, Trump said he ran out of time because of Covid then the “election.” He must know that monetary policy is controlled by world banks: specifically The Bank of London (The Pilgrims Society) since 1902.

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I think Trump also floated the idea of introducing tariffs so that income tax could be eliminated.

That would be a start.

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Just a reminder -

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will deliver remarks (along with other passionate Patriots fighting for us (RFKJr. Tulsi.Gabbard, to name just 2) at a rally in New York, New York (Madison.Square.Garden)

-TODAY: Sunday, October 27, 2024,

at 5:00pm/EST.

Watch @ RSBN - LIVE Now from NYC:


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Repeal the 16th and 17th Amendments.

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Somebody and his mystery friend are guessing!

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Thanks for everything.

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