Hi Gregory, I am really looking forward to your in depth analysis of David Rogers Webb's The Great Taking.

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Its a chilling read with source documents to back it , makes sense that they already stole everything while we were sleeping , the next step is just the rug pull / clean up

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Yes, it certainly is chilling that the Parasite Class has been busy for at least 6 decades with their agenda to pass unlawful laws to steal it all. On a theoretical level, as you put it, the “rug pull” would take place not with hyperinflation of the central bank printing presses at warp speed, but with their sudden refusal to hyperinflate, causing an implosion of the entire financial Ponzi system and a hyper deflation. Everything would go into bankruptcy, the derivative collateral would be first in line to be collected. Because of the derivatives being in the quadrillions of dollars, the “protected class,” which the judge actually proclaimed JPM to be a member of in the suit against JPM which stole all the financial instruments **from the clients** of Lehman, they will be **taking it all.** Any asset that has any debt attached to it in any manner is eligible for seizure as collateral. For example, if you are in the final year of a 30 year mortgage, and your balance of debt is, say $1000, they take your house and leave you with nothing. The only protected assets are physical things with absolutely no connection to debt in any form.

It suddenly occurred to me as I was writing this reply, if we could stop in fact the Fed from printing just one more dollar, this would instantly precipitate their “rug pull,’ and the Parasite (Protected) Class would then take it all.

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Wish there was a way we could hunt these psychopaths down.

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Hotel California = You can check-out any time you like But you can never leave!

Bitcoin = You can buy it anytime you like But you can never sell it!

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Wake up you sheep(people)!

Trillion dollars here Trillion dollars there.

Billion dollars here Billion dollars there.

Million dollars of Bitcoin here Million dollars of Bitcoin there.

This money does not exist, it is all fake....= Fact...

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🤔? Pretty sure you can sell it in a liquid market

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Good luck....

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Seriously though, you can. I feel like I am missing something awfully obvious here…

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Go buy some Bitcoin today and try and sell it tomorrow, let me know if you were able to sell it...

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The idea with crypto is to use ir, not sell it. It's a lousy investment because it is so volatile. But its great for instant private transactions. Except it has a public ledger, which is why I buy Monero, its privacy coin. More and more businesses are accepting crypto.

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I pit $40 in btc 2 wks ago. Today I have $43!

You may want to listen to me

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Greg, you are totally right. This is a depopulation agenda. I always couldn't figure out how the elites were going to deal with the angry people when they told them there is no social security payments or retirement savings left. They never intended to deal with it! I am convinced this was always the plan. Bunch of sickos...

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Greg would you post an answer if you can, you said our service payment of over 1 trillion/yr for our debt, where does that money go, to who????? Thanks always for everything

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This money does not exist, it is all fake.....Fact

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Understand that but US debt interest is paid, real or not who claims it FED’s, they print money out of air, buy investments that pay or grows sells for profit where does it go, definitely not back into thin air FED’s won’t allow that profit to disappear!!

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(they print money out of air) = fake it does not exist = Fact....

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Who controlls Moody's???? why did they wait so long to tell the people when they hinted to this a Mo. ago!

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The geopolitical crisis in the Middle East has been providing a boost for oil prices on speculative flows. The risk of a wider conflict could threaten the oil supply to the world and that has been the reason for sudden buyers to step into the oil market pushing prices higher. However, the seasonal bias for oil is tilted firmly lower.

Over the last 25 years, US soil has fallen over 60% of the time for an average fall of 6.91%. If we see oil, take further moves higher on any sad escalation of the conflict investors should remember this week’s seasonal pattern. Should the geopolitical crisis fade and a relative calm return to the region. Then one reaction to look out for would be a sudden drop in WTI oil prices.

The major trade risk here is if there is a greater escalation in the Middle East which would be likely to send oil prices higher.

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So appreciate your reporting. And you are funny:)

I agree with #anOmaly, we have only one Representative - Thomas Massie. Look at his voting record. Didn't bow to Covaids and isn't bowing to wars or Zionists. Literally, the only one. All POTUS candidates want to give Israel a blank war check except Dr. Shiva. Only one.

The rest represent their donors and their portfolios. Marjorie Taylor Green is having a Covaids Dog and Pony Show on Trump's #deathshot tomorrow. Meanwhile she holds shares in Gilead, makrrs of Remdesivir and Crisper. Trump bought all the Remdesivir from Gilead in 3020. Almost every last drop. Kills people in 5 days.

Its a Snake Pit

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Monday is going to be a bad day for the market.

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To all of the Bitcoin belivers and pumpers!

I have been hearing and reading that some people canot sell their Bitcoin and have lost all of their Bitcoin. So please buy some Bitcoin and let me know if you have sold the Bitcoin you just bought.

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Yes, where is Steve McQueen in Wanted:Dead or Alive when you need him :-)

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It’s not fake it’s worthless, you buy groceries with it are they not real?, you house, car, clothes are they real?, bought with money!! Who will give you that shit if it isn’t real for our everyday use, I’ll take all the fake money I can get and buy real things , gold, silver, diamonds, and anything else that’s been around for thousands of years. Someone is doing that with interest we are paying, again who?????

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Hint: rhymes with who and begins with j.

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I am not talking about your money in your pocket I am talking about all these Trillions/Billions of US Dollars that the Fed is handing out to Ukraine, Isreal, etc.etc. and fake interest payment on the US debt...

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Greg, Expect more QT! There's just too much liquidity still floating in the market. That's why people are still able to make insane purchases. And that spells inflation.

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Good Sunday morning. Pardon my stupidity the way you put two statements clicked: Trickle down doesn't work because of how the system is built, and everything is bad debt. Have a good day.

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Re: Bankster Bash

Banksters gone wild!

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