War is HIGHLY unlikely. Why ? If Russia attacks, it will cause deaths. A lot of deaths. Ukrainians and Russians are relatives. Almost every family is married with each other. Deaths would mean permanent ill-will. Putin will never do so. Putin is making a BIG show to scare the west from pulling Ukraine into Nato and want guarantee from USA that Ukraine will not be pulled into Nato. I say it's a reasonable demand but as Greg says military establishments need money . A LOT OF MONEY. So they want Russia to attack Ukraine. It's crystal clear to me. Putin knows that and he won't do it.

Listen to beautiful Tulsi Gabbard interview on Fox. Only politician that makes sense. West REALLY can't wait for Russians to attack Ukraine.

Only possibility is a lightening raid on Kiev and installation of Biden- type guy who would do what the masters' ask. Then Russians will withdraw.

For now I think, it's a stalemate and Russian army will dig in for a long haul. It's great time for China to start excursion into Taiwan. I will buy SOXX on any dips.

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Of same mindset. Look here, not there. mRNA officials dumping shares and hiding is bigger deal.

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A very good opinion piece. I think putin is trolling sleepy and his war mongering generals.

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Former Fed chairman Alan Greenspan once admitted that the central bank answers to no one in government, but this does not mean the Fed is independent. The Fed is only a part of a larger global central banking machine under the oversight of the Bank for International Settlements.

This is not “conspiracy theory,” it is simply reality. The notion that the Fed acts thoughtlessly, or that their goal is to keep the U.S. economy afloat is just not true. There are much bigger plans at play.

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He’s “married to Andrea Mitchell. What did they attempt, to bring forth another brood of vipers?

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That whole group seems to be connected to each other

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Lots of inbreeding.

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Banking Cartels are racing towards their next move


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Thank you for posting that!!! It has been three years since a hitman from the cartel came after me. I felt so lucky to still be alive when he drove off. It seems that he was on an intimidation mission instead of a kill mission, but I had no way of knowing that at the time. It was an intense confrontation to say the least. I well know that the passage of time doesn't mean that I'm off of their radar.

Getting the truth through to folks of average intelligence is an enormous challenge. They don't know how the world works and have a tough time getting it. Greg is absolutely right when he says nothing happens by accident.

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It was definitely an unforgettable experience.

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Activated charcoal will take care of food poisoning. One capsule should take care of it. I give my kids half of the powder without the capsule as they have a hard time swallowing the capsule. Walmart sells it, but I prefer health store brands.

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Speaking from years of experience, activated charcoal is a "must have" in your medicine cabinet for food poisoning and similar (generally less severe) digestive disruptions. It is safe for adults & children alike. Also drink lots of water and eat rice & bananas until your system recovers.

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Feb 13, 2022·edited Feb 13, 2022

Great Video your the man, You might might want to point out to some people who may not know you have to apply for options trading, JP Morgan trading has level 1 and level 2 access. You have to fill out the application and agree to JP Morgans contract terms. If you go loopy with contracts they own your ass to pay up. i am sure all trading platforms are the same

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Great insight

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Monday’s closed door meeting? I harken back to Kenny Roger’s hit in the 70’s. Now we know what Janet’s screaming and Yellen was all about.

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Klaus Schwab and George Soros must be laughing.

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Thank you Gregory for the good info and I hope you get well quick.

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Can someone explain this dummy over here (Me), why I should buy those puts and calls 500/1 and 100/1 ratio?

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Whaaaaaa?? Buy PUTS? I've been doing this for 13 years. Can't possibly work now.

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Buy puts as a hedge, not to short. That is what I covered.

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Understood. Was being flippant to point out a popular bearror.

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buy puts when the fear is the highest ?

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Scroll down for Fear & Greed Over Time


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Feb 13, 2022·edited Feb 13, 2022

what's your point? Fear is still pretty high. Put premiums are quite high. I think market's going higher and King dollar is about to fall after being smacked in the face hard.

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agree. think they will try to create bit more fear but with the view on the 2020 extreme i don't see much potential any more. Also don't see a war at the horizon as you explained above. Some puts Greg is talking about are a legit strategy to hedge long positions for an eventually worse case, false flag included. Me will not buy puts now. Am prepared to see market lower. Than I would cheapen my calls. Will be very careful when we see another all time high and/or WTI @ about 110 USD.

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