That's why trying to be "morally" invested in the stock market is not sustainable. Two companies own MOST companies in the world.

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You got this!!!!!

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With $20 trillion between them, Black Rock & Vanguard could own everything by 2028.

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Mar 27, 2022·edited Mar 27, 2022

I think inflation will go down now and here is the reasoning :

1. Food and energy prices will be up yes, but they are not included in the official inflation

2. Many will only have money left for food, rent, and energy. Nothing for anything else. So the demand destruction will occur. That means less inflation

So far there is no sign of #2. I went out all weekend and lo and behold the mighty American consumer throwing money everywhere. I don't know where the money is coming from but the math is not adding up. Went to buy Salmon and Tuna at Whole Foods. Big line of people. Alaskan Salmon and yellow fin tuna prices are through the roof. Still, let's assume #2 does take hold, it will only lower the inflation.

Inflation does not transpire due to printing money. It happens when the printed money is directly sent to the American consumers who immediately spend it. Won't work with Chinese consumers 'cause they will immediately save it. Stimulus is history now. So no more money for the American consumers.

Oil prices may come down imo because the war is sorta dissipating into some ongoing skirmishes with no end in sight. So speculation will subside as the war will be simply new normal. That's a looming risk. Moreover, if the oil rolls over here, technically it will print a very bearish pattern on the chart. Huge spike , followed by a weak lower rebound and then roll over. Very bearish. However if it crosses 130 again, then it may spike further. I am outta of all oil stocks and options. Not trying to contradict, just another perspective. Would like to hear other opinions. Elliot A, B, C is in the cards seems like. A and B has completed. C wave will be down to 80 next. That's one possibility

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Inflation is NOT Rising Prices. Rising Prices are the RESULT of Inflation. Caused by rising money supply plus rising money in circulation.

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What a bookish definition but useless as every other 'bookish' thing.

Inflate a balloon. That's the verb. What you are saying is inflation in money supply. Inflation in money supply does not cause inflation in everything. If the FED prints 10,000 trillions and gives it you, money supply increased but the price of TV may come down because 1 million TVs were created and you would buy 10 at most or something like that. rest would go on sale. So the official inflation figure would show deflation.

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If you don't understand what I wrote, you don't understand the game.

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Pretty straight forward explanation Zio.

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Is Putin resisting the great reset and NWO ?! Is resistance what we’re actually seeing?

It seems to me there is a bigger picture here to look at and observe.

Now we’re playing a new game with a whole new set of rules.

Look beyond the propaganda and take a look at the bigger picture .

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Mhm very!!!!

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Logic seems to point to Inflation will wipe out so many and no money printed is going into the real economy & avg consumer, only the investor class so when #2 if takes hold - that means deflation. I was listening recently to Jim Rickards I think it was talk about deflation.

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What's the best cheap ETF out there at the moment guys it's the only thing I'm missing in my portfolio 😕

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German Finance Minister Habeck: G7 will not accept to pay energy in rubles.

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Mastercard suspends operations in Russia. https://www.mastercard.com/news/press/2022/march/mastercard-statement-on-suspension-of-russian-operations/ @disclosetv

With that, the last of the western accepted credit and debit systems are offline in Russia. For some context, Russia and Ukraine were some of Mastercard's most important contributors

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Morgan Stanley expects Russia to default on April 15th. Causes: falling bond prices, looming recession and limiting payments after the conflict began

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Prolonging the war having talks all over the place the USA didn’t talk killed the guy put their guy in then looked for another war

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