Jun 30Liked by Gregory Mannarino

2 things scare me

1.. a Biden win

2 ..a Trump win

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Both are a loss, not a win.

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You are correct my friend

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Is Melania Trump seperated from her Husband. I read someone wrote, she stated , it was first time she seen him in three years. can't be true, he was at her Mother's Funeral and they both at Ex President Trump youngest daughter's wedding.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Yes Greg stay positively focused on winning the game just like you are right now this morning. Winners have the same common denominator! Thumbs up! 👍 love ya with all my heart!

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This is huge, we'll see where this goes.

The Supreme Court strikes down Chevron, curtailing power of federal agencies. The decision will likely have far-reaching effects across the country, from environmental regulation to healthcare costs. Agencies like the IRS, CDC, WHO, WEF and hundreds of others come out of Chevron and have now been deemed unconstitutional.


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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

LOL, for a supposed "democracy," it's so weird how APPOINTED officials rubber stamped by CON-gress have so much power.

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I reckon they’ll have to find some new scam by which to screw the public and the rule of law. They’ll probably ratchet up the fear campaigns, start operating by new interpretations of obscure old laws, and increase threats and blackmail against the uppity judges who dared defy them. If I were one of those judges, I’d be hiring a reputable security detail for myself and my family right now.

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Too much evidence of a tribe/mob/fascists killing off the competition for eternal power, control. DISGUSTING.

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We do not own our wealth.

Take a look at the Finacial accounting manual for Federal reserve banks.

Section 2.10. Treasury secretary can instruct the fed to revalue the gold on the US governments balance sheet. The Federal reserve operating manual says it all.

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Those who own stocks and bonds, do not own them at all. When the too big to fail banks fail, all of the paper assets, to include your 401k will be confiscated. If you think you'll get anything back when that happens, go ahead, hold yer breath. Or better yet, buy some bitcoin ETFs.

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.... is it proper to ride corporate-fascist "profits" Henry Ford?... there will be burning and a-looting tonight! Take no shit and tolerate no stupidity.

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Project mBRIDGE is a key component of a system of international settlements that is not dominated by the USD.


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🤣 different clown did you see that they want Germany 🇩🇪 to lead the new Cold War bloc

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No, but thanks for letting me know.

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The US owns more gold than any other country.

They will revalue the price of gold after they impose capital controls. Not the first time.

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Love the lion in the thumbnail!! <3

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Greg you have been right for so long and you absolutely continue to crush it. Thank you, sir!

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Yes Greg! You have nailed it 99% and I have my fingers, eyes and toes crossed on your gold and silver prediction....

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WE nailed it my friend. I am nothing without you guys/gals.

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For those who missed it...what is Greg's "gold and silver prediction?" Yes, I'm in on physical and some stocks. Thanks.

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Greg's "gold and silver prediction is that gold and silver will sky rocket...

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Thank you. I agree, but only when CRIMEX implodes.

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When do you think that will happen Steven?

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An honest non-BS answer = I don't know. However, we can watch for indicators/events/info, e.g. Silver crosses $32 and holds; SGE silver price differential holds over $5 vs Comex price; India continues massive silver imports; read COT reports; more contracts standing for delivery (Exchange for Physical) and ultimately a force majeure. Read every single "cartoon" posted on usdebtclock.org since roughly October--you may have to dig on "x.com" to find it or read series on The Fruited Plan. There are some serious clues in those cartoons. Yes, really, I'm not kidding about that. There are clues in the Wizard of Oz and Dorothy's shoes were supposed to be silver--the story is an allegory. Why do you think the road was yellow (gold)?

Also, Trump already sold gold sneakers. When he produces and sells the SILVER sneakers, well, then....That's All Folks!

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I got kicked off X for telling the truth. He doesn’t really stick up for the right to say what you want.

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Wow, thank you for your very serious answer and I am definitely going to check out those cartoons!!!

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'Playing' the Stock Market is fine, for making $$$. BUT, are people doing so in a 'MORAL' & ETHICAL way?

What I mean by that is, are they putting their $$$ towards stocks/companies that are NOT PERPETRATING EVIL upon this Planet/Peoples?? Meaning....are YOU helping to SUBSIDIZE Our PRISON PLANET; the ENSLAVEMENT/DEATH/ILLNESS of Humans/Animals/Planet? Are YOU helping in making DEMONS MORE WEALTHY & POWERFUL?

Just a SMALL sample of these PURE EVIL companies......






ANY Pharma

and so on.

From Catherine Austin Fitts (one of my HEROES!) of The Solari Report.......

Coming Clean: Building a Wonderful World


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Gonna be broke in this hell

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No. MONEY means NOTHING. And where WE are headed, it will become clear, to everyone, that money IS, in fact, worthless! What WILL be in high demand, is SKILLS! And I have lots of those. Growing food, preserving it, 'labor' skills, and so on. SKILLS will be the next 'currency'! 'Poor' people WILL fair VERY well, with what's coming, as long as they have SKILLS. The frame of mind that people NEED to be in, is AMISH. BE an AMISH person! If one has THAT (or close to it) lifestyle, one WILL do VERY WELL.

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When Yellenstain and company buys back all the debt, and they will, rates will skyrocket to 10% or more. I'll sell my gold at 20k to 30k an ounce and buy 10 year treasuries at 10%. It's all relavent and borrowed wether we earned it or not. We already pay heavily for the privlage to use their currency.

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So his prediction is for falling bond prices? If the Fed keeps buying that is…

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Gregory Mannarino don’t really matter if ur right or wrong .. we just love your passion!

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Yeah you’re right but he will never be in government

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