I disagree with you regarding Trump and the FED. If he spoke out against the FED or suggested it be ended the FED would end him. The only way we get out from under the FED is a revolution or a currency collapse. A currency collapse might happen very soon with BRICS. Have you heard about operation sandman? You’ve pointed out many times about central banks and sovereign nations buying gold. Do you think it is a coincidence that the nations that are buying gold are all BRICS nations? At the same time non BRICS nations are not buying gold.

I’ve heard you dismiss the threat from BRICS or perhaps downplay the risk. Love your work, and I know the BRICS rabbit hole is a difficult one to go down, but it checks all the boxes IMO

Take care

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So is that why Trump during his last tenure was calling for a weaker dollar and NEGATIVE rates? Because he was against the Fed? And now Trump, AND Kamala, are both promising lower rates? You do realize that this mechanism makes the Fed. Stronger correct? During Trumps last Tenure the Fed. reached its pinnacle of power, and he did absolutely nothing to counter it.

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I’m not claiming to have all the answers, and I love your idea of a Constitutional currency. If you were trying to destroy the FED wouldn’t making the currency worthless do the trick?

As you have said many times, he can call for whatever he wants but ultimately he’s on the outside looking in. He has to get elected first, and even when he is, he doesn’t control the FED.

He has suggested that he knows the whole system is going to collapse, he even said he hoped it would happen sooner so that he doesn’t get blamed for it.

I don’t think this system can be changed until it melts down, unfortunately, this is why I applaud your idea of a Constitutional currency, because when it melts down they will be ready to implement their new CBDC if we don’t have a counter idea among the people, this is what we will get.

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1980 was high inflation and high interest rate? Was the time better? I am not sure about that. Broken money doest matter if interest is high or low is broken. Stay in the system nothing change. Ex is BTC. Jeffbooth.ca

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And why are the BRIC nations buying gold and not the non BRICS nations???

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Because this is what the BRICS will be based on, and I believe Fort Knox is empty. That is the reason for these wars, this is the last gasp of the Dollar, when we eventually lose it will be over for the dollar and the countries that are not BRICS (the dollar ones) will go down as well.

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And how high $$$ to you think gold will go?????

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I mean how much monopoly money does it take to buy an ounce of gold? The better question is how will gold be valued under the BRICS system? They will be the ones controlling the market

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Wouldn't that be why to buy silver for bartering amongst us? They will set the price on gold, but silver too?

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I mean if the currency totally collapses than you will need to barter cigarettes and alcohol will probably be more in demand than food, but ammo and guns, fuel, lots of things will be more valuable than silver. However silver will be a part of the BRICS system as well, it will be based on natural resources, including labor.

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Economic History would inform Americans that, in 1933, F,D.R. took the necessary steps to revive the American economy from the 1929 economic collapse by a Bank Holiday restructuring of the financial system.

In March of 1933, this was followed by the Percora Commission hearings exposing the Banksters collusion with the Fed in bleeding Anericans into a deflationary collapse in 1929. Glass-Steagall legislation was implemented to put an end to Wall Street speculation by separation of commercial banking from investment banking. The next step was to create a credit facility to direct Treasury-backed credit to the agro-industrial sector of the economy (the real economy) to launch a recovery of "the productive powers of labor", the intention of America's first Treasury Secretary, Alexander Hamilton. The Federal Reserve is a violation of the U.S. Constitution. Only the Dept. Of The U.S. Treasury has the power to emit currency. The Fed is a criminal organization run by private families like the IMF.

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The Fed and the Central Banksters are trying to destroy China's dirigist economy by forcing it to inflate with a 1.6 $Trillion stimulus package which would weaken its currency. China has the most successful and the most productive economy in the world today since it follows a Hamiltonian credit policy which benefits manufacturing and agriculture. As a result, China has a 0.6 percent inflation rate currently.

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I can't until the gold market opens in a few hours. Will we see another rally or a pull back before the FU##MC meeting... 😂🤣💜

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Own both btc and gold. Problem solve.

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If Bitcoin can go to $70,000 why can't gold go to $70,000???

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15

Bitcoin has no underlying asset, it is pure speculation, which makes it a Wall Street dream.

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Good question. Own both there is no debate which is better. They both have its purpose for when you needed. Btc limited supply is one of the factor of why.

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You answered your own question using fiat as value it’s not the item but who puts the price tag on it and how bad do you want it

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