Greg. You have nailed it down my friend. When the debt (Bond market) implodes, there will be blood (ankle deep) on Wall St. Until then, buy those dips and get in on the metals and cryptos! If you have been going long in the market, you will come out on top of this “freak show.”

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I am LOVING watching my obscure crypto coins skyrocket! Heheheheheeee! 😂😃🤣😁👍💪


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Greg, i am 110% with you.

I absolutely love your work, your views and your plan for attacking this market environment. Everyday i move towards our goals. I fucking love it!!!!!

Thank you

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Went to check Starbucks status around the city. Long lines of cars at drive through causing traffic jam. "Consumer is weak" is the bullshit of the century. People are loaded with cash

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Greg.. do you like BHS ? also ...can you do a real estate warning video...my MOTHER needs to sell before the bubble pops while she can get good money but I fear she will wait too long... can hardly talk to her , they don't believe enough.

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The real estate bubble is real, and the analogy of the used car salesman is funny.


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Thanks I shared it with them, but doubt they will pay any attention. The analogy was fun. ...Cheers ~:')

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Real estate bubble has existed since the beginning of time and will continue to stay forever. I truly enjoy this bubble as sheeple stay out and pay rent.

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I don't think there is so much of a bibble on undeveloped land is there?

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Jamie Dimmo is out in full swing hoping to snatch cheap shares from sheeple


I have no doubt in my mind that he and his firm are buying now with both hands, legs and the thing in between.

There is no real truth in media any more. All fraud and thuggery

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Apr 4, 2022·edited Apr 4, 2022

Is the economy overheating ? Ignore the fake news trumpeted all over the media. All egregious lies of epic astronomical proportion. It's like Fox News saying Ukraine women model defeated Russian army firing Javelin missiles wearing evening dresses and high heel shoes. Or billions in aid for Ukraine that basically vaporized like a drop of water in Sahara at mid summer day. Billions in aid for preferred vendors may be ? Hungry pack of wolves disguised as preferred vendors devouring all the aid as they devour a baby rabbit and then looking for MOAR and MOAR to help the destitute

I went on a survey all afternoon to check out Starbucks where sheeple spend money. Holy Cow.. Drive through at every Starbucks had lines extending into the street causing traffic jams. Inside, it was a war zone. Distraught employees were rude and visibly shaken. At drive through window, I could see fat people sitting in SUV getting 6 drink 8 drinks for the whole family. Where is this money coming from if the economy is so bad ?

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