Jul 6, 2023Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Thanks Greg!

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Eeeeeeeheheheheheeee πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

10yr yield over 4%! Hahahahahahaha πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ƒ


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Pardon me for saying this but it befuddles my brain that anyone would follow this literal casino. None of it makes sense, the money system doesn't make sense, charging interest purely for using an accounting system (and a high premium at that) shows you're all sorry to say...patsies. How much punishment and wasted life are you willing to take? Why not put your brainpower and emotion to something that raises humanity instead of this clown show. They are manipulating you, you need to get that. They steal everything, your labor and then have you play this ridiculous game called the stock market. Why are you glued to it? Think you have too much invested to give up now? Why send good life after bad? This is your life people - we could be doing something phenomenal at this time. We could be showing the bankers what happens when they mess with us. We are literally at the cusp of immense upheaval - never let a crisis go to waste! If you want some ideas, hit me up. I'm always ready to give banks a schlapping.

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As an outsider looking in I am amazed at how dumb brainwashed most of the American sheep(people) are.

Joe Biden does not make any political decisions cause he is brain dead ....Fact

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"Plunge Protection Team please report to the front desk."

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Tell your mom I'll be over tonight.

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I'll tell her to get her strap on ready for your back hole.

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These markets are fake, phony, false and based on worthless Government/FED fiat money.

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Gold, oil....DOWN. Bonds up.... PAN SELL OFF?

Get ready for the MASSIVE FALSE FLAG that IS coming.

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Yes, interesting. What will these morons do next???

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When the Central Banks crash ,the dollar, the pound, the Euro . What would be the next global currency,we use living in the west?

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They want people to sell so they can buy. They missed the train and they want on. The dialogue they put on mainstream media made it so obvious

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GM keeping listeners on the "TIP of the SPEAR', or you could say 'the flies on the steaming pile of ...'

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Thanks, Greg.

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Hopefully crypto had a little bull run this summer first.

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Of course. I am on vacation and got out of my shorts before I leftπŸ˜‚

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Removed (Banned)Jul 6, 2023
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You are one sick in the head moron there waveRider....Only in America...

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