(Edit was to correct a one letter typo.)

Covid-1984 is a false flag event, the biggest in known human history. As opposed to Lee Harvey Oswald, who was a real person, the patsy in this false flag has been a non-existent virus. The bullshit regarding the virus has been stacked one upon another like bricks. The virus has never been isolated. Yes, there are papers which claim that it has been in their abstracts and conclusions, but if you read the methodology (I am a chemist by academic background) it is totally flawed and fraudulent. The lung aspirated soup in Wuhan was taken from one sick person, while almost 200 were available at the time. This is not science.

This is how the bullshit is stacked, fraud upon fraud.

1) Virus never isolated and taken from only one person in Wuhan, China.

2) Thus no true genomic RNA sequence can be taken. The lung soup has RNA and DNA genetic sequences from a huge variety of sources, the patient, bacteria, fungi, etc.

3) This invalidates the rt-PCR test, which was never designed or valid as a medical diagnostic test in the first place. Even if the PCR test were a valid methodology, it needs the genomic sequence of the purported virus to construct a probe. No rt-PCR test is licensed as it would require a validation study against a “gold standard” which it could never pass. Thus they can only be “legal” under an EUA. If the emergency were officially ended, all rt-PCR tests would then be illegal and the scamdemic would collapse.

4) The pathogenicity of the "virus" is based on flawed virology where no control group was included.

5) The scamdemic is based on cases of the bogus rt-PCR test, most of whom are asymptomatic, i.e. healthy. Deaths and hospitalizations attributed to dying with covid are simply the same as dying with a positive covid fake test. Hospitals were paid huge surcharges from .gov for listing deaths as covid even in examples of gunshot wounds and motorcycle accidents.

6) It is quite impossible to determine a variant if the original virus was never isolated and its genetic sequence determined. The so-called variants were never isolated either. It's all bullshit computer simulation.

7) This was all planned out decades ago by an incredibly evil, anti-human force.

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Very precise. May I add, the planned

“phase in“ of an expedition to the Aleutian Island Chain circa 2003-5, where an investigative team of scientists journeyed to Alaska, to find samples of the 1917 influenza. Very peculiar, that this sample group was viable in a production of a “Jurassic Park” hybrid, capable of continuing where it originally left off. Nothing is by accident, no matter how many bells and whistles are attached to obfuscate the truth. In 2022, flu statistics disappeared, while “Corona” replaced all causes of death. Anything from gunshot wounds to motorcycle accidents, were suddenly stamped as “ COVID Deaths.” Crisis actors, fainting dead away to mimic the 1917 scourge, set the panic phase into motion. The “managed media monkey cage,” did the rest. Yelling “FIRE!” in a crowded theater! This was the “plandemic” strategy all along. The criminal oconspiracy began long ago, when the U.S. Congress insulated the Big Pharma Giants from any and all culpability by way of a Legislative Act going far back to the Reagan Administration.

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The so-called Spanish flu (so-called only because Spanish newspapers would report on it as they were neutral in WWI) was not caused by a virus. It was probably caused by several factors. Probably the most important was the mass vaccination of the USA military, especially against spinal meningitis, but many others as well. When servicemen caught on that “flu” victims were dying from the injections, they stopped taking them. This left .gov and Pharma with quite an inventory so they started a massive advertising campaign to vaccinate the general public. Nothing new under the sun.

Another cause was Bayer losing its patent on aspirin, causing the price to drop to the floor. Because it had been previously very expensive, it was being given in massive doses as people were originally unaware how dangerous aspirin overdosages were.

Arthur Firstenberg in his well documented and footnoted book, The Invisible Rainbow, builds a very strong case that the “pandemic’ was caused by the allied militaries during WWI building incredible powerful radio transmitter that could span the Atlantic and communicate with war ships. The EMF sensitive dropped like flies. This was the primary reason that it so affected servicemen.

A Dr. Rosenau MD, an employee of the federal Public Health Service, published an article in the Journal of the AMA in 1919 relating in detail his experiments with this “flu.” This took place in the Boston area and he had 100 naval recruit volunteers as test subjects. His experiment centered around transferring the illness from hospitalized sick with the “flu” to his volunteers. He was unable to do it for even one case. All the volunteers remained healthy. As his lack of “success” went on, his methodology became even more extreme which then included literally transferring large quantities of phlegm and snot from the sick to the noses and throats of the volunteers. Not one case of “contagion .” The article is now only available to subscribers to the JAMA.

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"the biggest false flag event in known human history"

are you sure?

What about menmade climatechange via carbonoxide? What about earth is a spinning ball? What about Big Bang Theory? What about Theory of Evolution? What about "economy/taxes/U.S.A.-Corporation?

Welcome to the Matrix. Follow the White Rabbit.

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Biggest FF in terms of damage (so far) to humanity.

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Bureaucrats Desperate to Bring Back Masks, But Yet Another Study Confirms They Don't Work

Do not comply, not for a second. We must put our foot down and end the next wave of COVID tyranny before it begins.


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^^^ yessir! there is no virus.

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Totally agree. Great recap. Thx

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Economy is peaking = inflation infinity for stopping deflation

Example of insanity: Tesla sells all Bitcoin to pump up its stock overvaluation.

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Conspiracy Music Guru

Dont let them take your mind


//think about it//do your research//

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Today I learned how much I still know nothing about. Good song but 1/2 the time I was writing down new things to read up on. Crap.

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Hey guys lets talk about the markets.

Isn't this what Gregory's newsletter is about.

So here is my 2 cents about the market.

This market is more in line with the chart readings seen in

2001 or in early 2008.

Which is setting commodities up for a counter trend rally.

! am watching oil ????

Oil prices fell from a high of $133.88 in June 2008 to a low of $39.09 in February 2009. 1) Over the same time period, natural gas prices fell from $12.69 to $4.52.( 2 )The lower price for oil and gas due to the financial crisis was the major impact on the sector.


Remember everything gets sold in a down market to cover over leveraged margin calls.

Looking forward the Fed <>Powell is trying to be like Volker.

IMO he's not as smart as Volker.

Volker squeezed all the excesses and speculation out of the stock market when he was Fed chair.

What happens next?

Recession or depression??

IMO this remains very volatile.

Until the markets and the precious metals meet at a bottom simultaneously.

But don't sell your precious metals<>IMO.

Finally don't live with greed or fear both of them are bad for your overall health and your loved ones.

Greg check it out ??

One of my favorite stocks is APO<> do your own research.

Marc Rowan is one of the finest minds in the business<>IMO

Yes he sees a future for Blockchain.

Enjoy the day.



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Any thought on SBR? I invested in them awhile back and like their monthly dividend. Thinking I’ll ride out the storm with some intact.

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Good Morning,

I work in the industry.

I don’t know you or your risk tolerance.

We do not currently follow this stock.

What I have done is taken some time to give you basic information from Schwab research.

Please note that Schwab<>No rating provided by Schwab.

Below are 3 0f the tools that you can use at Schwab.


From Schwab Research

1. Trend Analysis

SBR appears to be in a strong bullish trend. Its 200-day moving average is upwards sloping and the MACD histogram is above 0 and rising. Comparative Relative Strength analysis shows that this issue is lagging the S&P 500.

As of 9:43 AM ET Tuesday, 07/26/2022


Momentum for SBR is strongly bullish. The 14-period Slow Stochastic oscillator is above 80, the level which many analysts call overbought. This means that investors have been actively purchasing shares and driving the price higher.

As of 9:43 AM ET Tuesday, 07/26/2022


Bollinger Bands® use standard deviation of the closing price around a moving average to measure volatility. The Bollinger Bands® are presently wider than usual, as a result of greater than normal volatility that accompanied the recent price move. Events such as this may precede a pause or reversal in the near term trend.

As of 9:43 AM ET Tuesday, 07/26/2022

Important Note<>Market Watch one of the other services on Schwab went long on the stock 6/24/2022

Other analytical services we use at Interactive Brokers have very high/favorable rating on SBR

IMO<>Oil is in a counter trend up cycle.

It hit a high of $123.70 this year.

So it is your call and your capital what you decide<> what to do??

Obviously you must pay close attention to oil.



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Thank you for the stock analysis. Appreciate it!

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Your welcome.



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will check APO. Thank you.

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see BTC @ TrumpHell999?

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Thank you @ Vaxx cancer-sideffects says Heidelberg Pharma

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I want to transfer money

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Thank you @ W.H.O. says SIGA Technologies ...

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I told you so ...


(nobody listened, as ever ...)

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^^^ very stable genius.

+ 23 % today.

anyone on the train (with me)?

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Oh. This is the song I think. Thx for clueing me in.

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WOW! Thanks for this! 🙏 I had no idea these guys were out here singing the truth! He’s amazing! Made my day!

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Till now / at the moment I think monkeypoxx outbreak will not be succesfull. >>> try harder @ Big Pharma

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You dont think so? Hm, well. I wouldnt bet against them actually. I hope you are right.

I have been warning people for months, daily on certain forums. But I am still invested in the monkeypox vaccines, and its doing fabulously. One of my best trades.

I think they will scam it up real good, this time just like with covid and the 2020 election.

The PCR testing drives the cases you see, as they are lying tests. These tests give false positives all the time. The more the cases => the more of an issue to "solve" with money to throw at the problem we have.

We'll see. Last time I heard, the monkeypox vaccine makers started hiring contractors in the USA for manufacturing. Come January of next year and we'll have millions of cases I believe.

And thats not only because of the "predictions" of our friends at the CIA / NTI.


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am also invested in poxx. will ride this wave without being married with the stock. Corona-Pandemic was a PCR-Test-Pandemic, no doubt. With Monkeypoxx it's different. You see the symptoms, hard to falsify the numbers. Think it will be "transitory", hahaha. >>> Advice: Do not accept any losses anymore in your investment. Stopploss @ entry.

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well, you might want to know that the CDC actually has got PCR testing for monkeypox. I think case inflation is to be expected as a result of this :


Its all good. I think BAVA will go higher, more orders coming now that they got the nod of approval from the EMA (EUs version of FDA) to give this "vaccine" to people for monkeypox.

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very good. thank you for information.

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Finally found a use for those flimsy Klaus anal Swabs!

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Marburg virus maybe?

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We should look at the side effects of vaccination, which they can sell us as a new disease. Cancer is certainly one of them. I think with all the viruses, they will have a hard time fabricating a new pandemic. Maybe they will try. The vaccinated have given up (outsourced) their immune systems to Big Pharma. Probably many will die from the regular flu. So those sick and dead will be labeled with a suitable disease.

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I believed it would be Marburg back in november/december. Many of us believed that.

But it seems they put this one on the shelf.

Remember friend, its the "decade of pandemics". And they got at least 17 pathogens in store for us, besides covid, monkeypox. Dont be shocked if you hear about Anthrax or Marburg, or any of the other horrible diseases out there. There will most likely be another pandemic after this one as well, maybe a few years later..

There is also another Pandemic coming. Thats the "cyberpandemic". And I wish I was joking.


Read page 18 of this one if you care to know more about all of this :


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Thank you for sharing this. I’ll chk it out. Only heard about cyber attack. The title indicates this is even worse. Wtf. They have every angle covered.

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Cyberpolygon is a very good bet!

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I think they will inflate with full knowledge/intent to ultimately destroy the dollar so that they can bring in a central bank digital currency that will then enable them to control everything and everyone. Dont be shocked if cbdc gets introduced as early as 2023 or 2024....but its coming and it wont have anything in common with crypto/bitcoin...all transactions will be tracked....nothing will be outside of govt oversight and control. And expect massive voter fraud come mid terms and 2024 general elections. No way possible they dont double down on what worked last time especially since little has been done to address the voter fraud thus far. Marxists are relentless and they are already entrenched in government and even major corporations.

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As you see, am back from holidays.

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Is it me or am I getting your notifications way later in the day?

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This newsletter has devolved into retarded conspiracy theories. Time to unsubscribe

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Return to the Matrix.

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Cya Jilly. Remember, 70 million monkeypox cases come january 10th 2023.

271 million dead by december 1st , 2023.

You'll be considered a cook one day too sweetheart. When you finally wake up.

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eyes wide shut ...

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Who bought SIGA? You or me? Who was right? You or me? Dream on.

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