I believe the fed has lost control.

They have lost control of inflation. They have lost control of government spending. They have lost control of bank bail-outs. They have lost control of the economy.

34 months with inflation above 3%.

Commercial real estate losses are mounting out of control. 300 billion in commercial real estate debt. 1/3 of the banks assets.

Powell says regionals will fail and be bought by the bigger banks. Could happen today.

Recession, stagnation, depression.

America's future?

They are stealing the money from the VA to fund the illegal alien scheme.

There's yer sign.

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Ok, I get it, The sky is falling! So what now? Don't just be a simple-minded bearer of bad tidings. A red-headed migrant midget from Mesquite could do that, while Biden sniffs her head. Give us a little glimmer of hope. What should all of us working Americans do? Obey The Pug.

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Would you have me sugar coat a turd for your sensibilities to be soothed?

Better to get a taste of the crap that's coming, so you can get ready.

Hope is an illusion of those who fail to act.

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Ouch! Please, do not go to your kitty's litter box and gather some of freshly minted Kitty Almond Roca for me. No need to polish your feces of choice.

I am a not a doom and gloomer Mr. Argiem.

Just because you believe life on earth is finished, does not mean agony and misfortune are around the corner for working Americans. I choose to use my brain to escape the disasters ahead. Being snarky doesn't fix the problem. Solutions are at hand for conservative hard working Americans. We do not have to simply fall into the abyss because Mr. Argiem has no solution.

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Well, use your illusion solution.

Let me know how it works out for ya.

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Obey The Pug!

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Mark these words....

Trump, Big Mike or whoever is selected, will lead the weak and stupid directly to the FEMA camps. This government hates us. They want us all dead. We are not part of the franchise called the stock markets. It exists as a mechanism to fleece us. Yeah, you can make a buck but, you will lose it to them anyway. Blood will be spilled in copius amounts.

Hope it's the banksters first.

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Greg preaches that the Stock Market is disconnected rom reality but never preaches that Bitcoin is disconnected from reality, Why?

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Because in my opinion, Bitcoin is not disconnected from reality. Easy enough? You are certainly entitled to your opinion on Bitcoin, and so am I.

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What is bitcoin without electricity? Or, at least a connection?

False flag attack on internet ?

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Really now Greg! You say the stock market is fake, the elections are fake etc.etc. etc. but Bitcoin is not fake....Wow....

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What is bitcoin reality?

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I don't know, ask Greg...

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its all a scam

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No Panic here G

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Happy Valentine's Day, Greg! Cocoa is so adorable. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the world learned to love the same way a dog loves.....what a wonderful world that would be!!!

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dog spelt backwards id GOD and that is my best friend

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Feb 14·edited Feb 14

Poop is poop spelled backwards. They said I was backwards in school.

I do not see it.

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so is LOL

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