I love silver and it will go up, there’s one caveat the powers that be know smart people are buying silver!! But to counter that move the feds will outlaw the use of silver and gold --period because they plan to kill us all!! They will starve us out!! Therefore the “best” commodity is food storage--long term food storage!! So when the poop hits the fan, it will be the food you have! The IMF just announced a big move to install CDDC’s world wide!! When that happens, all the gold and silver will be worn!! Gets some chickens, seeds, make a greenhouse, plant some fruit trees, make planters filled with compost and prepare to feed yourself. Get liquid fertilizer on Amazon to nourish your plants because fertilizer will be gone!!
Apartment dwellers don’t have much storage space. Wish I could have chickens😩 You would be surprised how much I can grow on my deck though. I dig carrots out of pots from under the snow in December! We will all find a way.
Good morning..
I love silver and it will go up, there’s one caveat the powers that be know smart people are buying silver!! But to counter that move the feds will outlaw the use of silver and gold --period because they plan to kill us all!! They will starve us out!! Therefore the “best” commodity is food storage--long term food storage!! So when the poop hits the fan, it will be the food you have! The IMF just announced a big move to install CDDC’s world wide!! When that happens, all the gold and silver will be worn!! Gets some chickens, seeds, make a greenhouse, plant some fruit trees, make planters filled with compost and prepare to feed yourself. Get liquid fertilizer on Amazon to nourish your plants because fertilizer will be gone!!
Apartment dwellers don’t have much storage space. Wish I could have chickens😩 You would be surprised how much I can grow on my deck though. I dig carrots out of pots from under the snow in December! We will all find a way.
I have 4 wooden planter boxes I’ve built right on my cement driveway -- works great
IMF / CBDC announcement, yep you got to love that the released handbook openly discusses “reduce dollarization” of the global economy
I swapped my long derivative on silver today: slightly more risk and slightly higher leverage.
I like you all. Silver mining stocks are doing well this morning.
youve always been a natural gas guy its an at all time low.
Fuck the market, what about the sweet Moderne!
Later Jay
Bet against the debt. Become your own central bank. Own physical silver.
Good morning. Have a blessed day. Thank you for all the hard work you have invested.