Seems like every day is a new world we are confronted with and deep thinking continues on this path of deep diving real information to continue skating across thin ice. We are looking to reach the other side safely and with complete liquidity. Thank you Greg!!

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DXY doing all of the work, as Ten Year Yield remains somewhat stable....what was a fear trade, turned into panic selling.

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Good work Greg, from across the pond. Keep it up for us all.

Billy M

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In this article I will provide you with a very brief history of Central banking in the US. What I will present here is factual although I’ve added some comments, a few opinions here and there.

Let’s proceed.

The Federal Reserve, or the FED as it’s more commonly referred to as, is the Central Bank of America. It was established a little under a century ago on December 23rd 1913.

It might come as a surprise to some to learn that FED is not a government institution. It’s actually a private corporation – a privately owned company. So, it’s not really Federal. Neither does it have any actual reserves. And it’s not even called a bank. It’s actually called a system.

In historical terms, the FED is the third Central bank to have existed in the US.

There was the First Bank of the United States (1791 to 1811) and also the Second Bank of America (1816 to 1836).

With regard to the First Bank of the United States, it came into being on February 25th 1791 and was chartered for a term of twenty years. As is common to all Central Banks, their main task was to lend currency to government. Back then they did not set monetary policy as they do now – more’s the pity.

Alexander Hamilton, the First Secretary of the Treasury at the time, made the claim that a Central Bank was necessary to stabilize banking and improve the nation’s credit. Yeah right … The bank’s charter expired in 1811. The issue around this is rather involved, so I won’t go into it here. But it’s interesting, so I would encourage people learn about it.

The Second Bank of America was chartered in February 1816. It was, as before, a private corporation with public duties. Again, it was claimed that its purpose was to ensure a stable currency. Bullshit.

Andrew Jackson wasn’t of this opinion. In 1828, he ran for the office of President promising to end the bank’s charter. He became President and continued his attacks on the bank. After a struggle, which came to be known as the “Bank War”, he managed to get the charter revoked. This is also very interesting, so I would therefore encourage people learn about it. As a side note, Andrew Jackson went on to become the only US President to pay off the National Debt.

I think I’m right in saying that President Trump had a picture of Andrew Jackson hanging in his office when he was in the White House. I think that’s quite telling.

Let’s look now at the latest Central Bank reincarnation - the FED. As I said the FED was established over a century ago, on December 23rd 1913. Any Americans in the audience can thank President Woodrow Wilson for that particular treasonous act.

The plan had been hatched by the Banksters, or the “Money Trust”, as they were known as back then, in a place called Jekyll Island, Glynn County, Georgia.

To quote from Wikipedia … “At the end of November 1910, Senator Nelson W. Aldrich and Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury Department Paitt Andrew, and five of the country’s leading financiers arrived at the Jekyll Island Club to conduct a secret meeting to plan the country’s monetary policy and banking system”.

This was dubbed “the Aldrich plan”.

The reason for the secrecy was that many people were against the “Money Trust”.

This plan was defeated, but another plan very similar to it was put forward and was passed into law.

I think I’m right in saying that the people behind the FED, the “Money Trust”, were of a mind to get a Central Bank in the US ever since Andrew Jackson ended the Second Bank. They set about engineering a banking crisis in order to persuade people of America that a Central Bank was necessary for financial stability.

As it happens, I would argue that Central Banks often engineer Booms and Busts. I will talk about this only in passing a little later, but going into depth about this will take us too far off topic.

For an in-depth look at how the FED came into being I would recommend you reading a book by G. Edward Griffin called “the Creature from Jekyll Island”. There’s a video on YouTube in which G. Edward Griffin is interviewed about this also.

Why is all this important? Well, I would argue that history can teach us a thing or two about our situation today. Central Banks are responsible for the inflation that we presently are all experiencing. Inflation has been caused by the massive increase in the Money Supply. They’ve created currency on a truly massive scale.

Also, they are responsible for creating serious systemic problems in the Economy due to their policies of low interest rates. Such low interest have bought into existence an extreme environment.

In short, excessive currency creation and cheap money have created a gigantic boom. We will soon experience a gigantic bust. Be advised, we are in a Currency Crisis at present. When it hits full force it’s going to be cataclysmic.

Why have I concentrated on Central Banking in the US? Well, the FED is the most important Central Bank because the US is, for the time being at any rate, the most powerful country in the world. And so, what the FED does has ramifications not just in the US, but the whole world.

So that’s a very brief account of Central Banking in the US.

To share a personal anecdote, in 2011, I came across a documentary on YouTube about the Federal Reserve and the history of Central Banking in America called “the Money Masters”. It’s an in depth look at the history of Central Banking in the US. It’s a few hours long, but I would very much recommend you watching it.

The information it contained made my head spin. When I saw it, I straightaway began to appreciate the enormous implications – the massive control and corruption involved. The information took me a few days to absorb. But once I had assimilated it, it altered the course of my life – no word of a lie.

Facts are hugely important. They are indisputable. Arguing with facts is foolishness, but anyway. Opinions, by contrast, are more subjective in nature and can be argued with. With this in mind, I believe that in an argument, it’s best to base everything on facts, to stay as close to these facts as possible in respect of opinions.

If we are to win people around to our way of thinking, to wake up the Normies, we must base our arguments on facts and use them as a foundations from which to build our opinions.

What follows is my opinion …

Trust me when I say that Central Banks are the scourge of our societies. The sooner we are rid of them the better. We would all be a whole lot better off without them. I hope and pray that that time will come fairly soon.

There’s a Central Bank in most countries of the planet.

As a side note, the Bank of England is the Central bank of Britain. It has the dubious honour of being the model upon which all other Central Banks are based.

For anyone who’s interested in finding out more, I’ve done a whole series of videos on the Bank of England.

Central Banking represents the primary financial control grid. It’s how our Overlords are able to maintain their power. We are slaves to their system.

I believe that the people that own and operate the Central Banks are criminals because Central Banking is a complete con. I realise that this might sound outlandish, but I can back up my claims with good evidence. But to do so, would be to go beyond the remit of this video and I’ve talked about it elsewhere in other videos.

I believe that it’s important to gain a good understanding of Central Banking and knowing how they operate it will act as a key to unlocking a whole host of other very interesting things that affect us all.

Wise up and rise up.

For anyone who’s interested, I have a channel on Bitchute called “the Alt Economist”.

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Whats this all mean fore Crypto Greg? BTC, ETH, ADA.. Why do the elites hate it so much??? Its not a commodity and has nothing substantial to it except for technology...

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Beautiful. Burn down this shtshow of an economy. Pocahontas and Piglosi must be taking big hits on their portfolios lol. Maybe Nance will have to start buying cheaper ice cream.

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S&P 500's bounce at 200-day still a relevant guideline? 10 Y Rate & dollar must go down then. It sits at 3940. *S&P 500 DROPS BELOW THE 50-DAY MOVING AVERAGE. I will wait MMRI surpase 300 to be sure open a position.

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Id'z habbening, and we're the only ones who know about it!

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Oh shit. Here we go. Praying we don’t hit 300 🙏. Thanks for the MMRI Greg.

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Is it because of Powell, or China's accusation that the RMA provided China w/bogus gold bars, that gold's getting hammered? BUYING OPORTUNITY!

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Paper gold is worse than the fake gold

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Need to test Fort Knox gold I bet that would rock the gold market 🤣😂

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Or because USA saying that we and Ukraine didn’t blow up pipe line according to unintelligent reports 🤣😂🎈

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Yup that's a BIG joke LOL!

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023

I own plenty of Perth.

All mine's tested 99.99% fine.

Sounds like FUD to me.

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Testing tons might be a little harder not saying that you don’t have tons just saying

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I only have silver from the RMA so I'm not sweating it. GREAT screen name!!!

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Hee Haw 🤠

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