Another lockdown coming? Has anyone figured out yet, that lockdowns don't work? No. You know why?

People LOVE being slaves and I'll keep saying that.

Everyone around me told me, "No way! No masks! No vaccines!!"

Guess what? I found out that most got the jab and said nothing because they didn't want to hear it.

What if millions upon millions of people had said NO right from the start??Then what?

Now? We have very few who are NOT afraid and millions who ARE afraid and how do you think that ends?

My Nephew informed me last night that his 1st Sgt called him to let him know that June 5 will be his last day of serving, because my Nephew refused the jab.

What if we ALL had done that?

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May 20, 2022Β·edited May 20, 2022

Why serve a country that is not serving you? Getting kicked out of the military is the BEST thing to happen to him. It's good your nephew has some sense.

I told those people in the military the DAY trump got elected that they had better get out while they could. Who listened? Nobody. Hahahahahaaaaa πŸ˜† Now they are getting jabbed up and are stuck in a contract to serve. Soldiers who were all gung-ho and re-upped during trumps watch are paying the price now.

Sometimes....... it's good to get out while the gettings good πŸ‘.

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Yep. They fooled me once in β€˜68. I convinced my son and nephews that dying for Jewlandia is a one-sided deal. The Bankers who profit from war will get our sons and daughters no more.

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Yep, they TRICKED us with all that patriotic bullshit in commercials, radio, movies and print media. Had us thinking it was the most HONORABLE thing to do to go to MF WAR and get our asses KILLED for some mf's who didn't give a damn about us in return..

Becoming AWAKENED is absolute and total HEAVEN! Eeeeeeeeeeheheheheheeeeee πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ΉπŸ€£πŸ˜€πŸ˜†πŸ˜πŸ˜ƒ

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Your nephew has more balls than his Sarge. Tell him I’m proud of him!

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Thanks! I am actually going to pass this on right now to him!

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From this vet too. πŸ˜ƒ

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Let him know from me also. Your nephew sounds like a smart young man.

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Give your nephew a copy of Gen Smedly Butler's book

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Keep in mind that the information we have now was not known to most of us during Vietnam. We had a draft and It was still a very naive country. This is why 18 year olds are chess pieces and 55 year olds are the chess masters. It’s always been that way. It’s basically On the Job Training. After 2 tours as a Corpsman with the 3rdMarineMedicalBattallion, I said that’s enough for me. Their were others we called β€œlifers” who never seemed to tire of being told to jump and how high.

Most of the officer corps are so corrupted by wokeness now, that they should just for a giant circle and fire at will.

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Wasn’t fooled last time. Won’t be fooled again. They can rot in hell.

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πŸ€ inπŸ”₯ !

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The Globalist WEF NWO β€œGreat Reset” plan is well underway. The first step in fighting these Satanists is to recognize how the events around you play into their plan. Resist and awaken your friends and family.

The attached article was published on InfoWars yesterday.


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Bat Flu? Monkey pox? Swine Flu? Aids? it's like an Animal Farm of infectious diseases...WTF! you just can't make this stuff up...

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No doubt about it CPE, CORRUPT,PERVERTED, EVIL predicted in the Holy Bible we are in the last days. This country is controlled by the WEF,who controls Obama, who controls Biden. These people are described in Romans 1 :18-32 look it up tell me where I'm wrong.

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Amen my brother. They've been turned over to a reprobate mind. Stay strong in the faith.

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Another bio weapon from the globalists. Pure evil!

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and K-Y! for the anal swabs....:-)

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Oooh, aaah....the swab slides right in. πŸ˜ƒ

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Transmissible via sexual contact, apparently one doesn't have to worry about it unless gay. Sounds a lot like the other made up virus back in the day.

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Before all else fails they train you to fear, when and as all else fails they take you to war

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The only diseases that are rampantly spreading are RETARD and IDIOCRACY.

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Bunch of crap

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Uh oh so all the monkeys screaming β€œmy body my choice” are going to make us monkeys wear the monkey mask for another 2 years and take their monkey vaccine? No. This monkey isn’t doing that bullshit again.

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Hahahahahaaaaa πŸ˜†πŸ˜πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜. Damn, you caught me off guard with that one. Hehehehehe! Beautiful. πŸ‘πŸ˜ΉπŸ€£πŸ˜†πŸ˜πŸ€£

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Surprised you just saw that lol

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And the hits, just keep on coming!

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May 20, 2022Β·edited May 20, 2022

So. I took the day off and thought I would relax. Here we go again. Yet another sharp rock thrown at our face. I have a shield. How about you?

The NWO playbook is so predictable. WHO and UN will meet next week to vote and get the green light to mandate global lockdowns anywhere at their digression. Wave two is about to be released.

It will probably be Smallpox. The MonkeyPox scare is just fear a preparation campaign (and yes, it is real bit just scaring us in preparation for being terrified greater than the 2019 and 2020 events). We are NOT buying the fear and curling up in a ball this time.

Did you know? A specific plant has the chemistry to fight both of these PoxVirus:

The plant nickname ( Pitcher Plant)

The botanical name: (Sarracenia Purpurea)

History Lesson: Just read the first few paragraphs. The full article is quite intriguing as well:


Research Studies: If you want to geek out and understand the biochemical mechanisms:


What Next?

The last time I looked, the Pitcher Plant can be purchased online at Home Depot and elsewhere. If you want to make your own medicine. Be absolutely sure to purchase the exact plant species (Sarracenia Purpurea) as there are several varieties of this plant.

Purchasing (Sarracenia Purpurea Extract) to store in your herbal medicine archive is the easiest option. SBC corporation sells it and you can also find it at other vendors. Be careful when buying and ensure it is available for local shipping. I got mine last year (in anticipation of this event) and it took two months for the extract bottles to ship from India. We only have weeks so be sure you ask the "shipping time" question.

Fear is not an option for Lions and Cubs. The forest is dangerous but natural remedies are all around us.

Rant: I am so tired of investing time in this defensive effort to understand organic chemistry and read deep scientific journals on Virology and biological and genetic mechanics. However, it would be a crime not to protect the ones I love and also share this information broad and wide. We will be the survivors as we see and listen rather than dwell in bread and circus with the mental stupor and a dazed hypnoptic stare of normalcy bias. Just make as much fiat as you can before they flip the switch and stop civilization as we know it.

Urrrrrgggghhhh: Lionus had said to Charlie Brown.

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<<<We are buying the fear and curling up in a ball this time>>>

Truth πŸ‘

Frankly, I can't believe all the people falling for this crap.

Natural selection at its best. Dummies will be eliminated. πŸ˜ƒ

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I want the dummies to be educated and provided with a huge set of Crystal balls (if you know what I mean) so we can all stand up at once and say NO. Sorry to the ladies out there, but, the Crystal ball reference just had to be made.

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May 20, 2022Β·edited May 20, 2022

Oh, all the people who never believed me when I told them America would be destroyed.....by December 31st, 2022 things will be so fucked up here in America they will begin to start believing. But it will be way too late at that point.

The time to get into the ark was when Noah was warning..."Destruction is coming, God is going to DESTROY the world with a flood", NOT when the floodwaters actually came and the door of the ark was shut and sealed tight. πŸ‘

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I 100% understand your sentiment. They will HAVE to be educated for the rest of you to have any chance of survival. This is not a "one man" game and can't be accomplished by one man. It will take a majority at the very least. Otherwise, the PTB will end up convincing the dummies that YOU are their enemy and they will fight against you instead of "Just saying no".

The PTB have already convinced the dummies you, "the anti-vaxxers" are the enemy. I've seen them on video screaming with HATE at anti-vaxxers who are refusing the Jab and are compromising the "health and safety" of "the rest of us".

Hahahahahaaaaa πŸ˜†πŸ˜πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜‚πŸ˜ƒ

The plan has already been made. The test run has already been tried and succeeded. Now they know the vaxxed will support the sending of the unvaxxed to FEMA "internment camps" for the "health and safety" of everyone else.

Hahahahahaaaaa πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£

I told people a long time ago hell was coming, but no one believed me. Now they are CAUGHT in a world situation they can't get out of.


1. Being proactive is the way to go.

2. It's hard as fuck to be reactive, trying to undo some shit Fauci/Powell/Gates have already done.

I see you fighting hard to awaken people, that is good and you should continue to do so. I'm just curious as to why I didn't see people trying to convince others of the IMPENDING DOOM... before the doom came to avoid it in the first place. It's not like God wasn't warning ⚠️ people for decades.

Many prophets have told Americans that America would be DESTROYED if they didn't repent, but just like the book of Revelation says, they refused to repent. NOW it's time to Pay the Piper and the Piper's got his hand out looking for payment.

Keep doing your work because you can still help some people. πŸ‘ Bravo buddy.

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It appears that you and I have something in common. The red pill we swallowed several decades ago has grown to the size of a large SUV. I am feeling red pill bloated and just fine with that.

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