I have asked you several times now to address the stock screener. I, and several others, have said the same thing. That stock meter is total crap. And I say that with the utmost respect.

I love your work, and you personally, but the meter which shows a strong sell, should only be in that position when the stock is going Lower,... Not higher,... It did it for DAYS. It stayed at strong sell, while the stock price went up and up, for days. People,... dont use the stock meter, or you will get fleeced. It's total crap. Love you Greg.

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The buy/sell recommendations have been very accurate. Are you playing the trades correctly?

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Greg, I'm glad you finally chimed into your daily email, and personally I don't use your stock screener because it seems to be behind the daily trends of the stocks that you enter into the stock picker, and that is because the time line that the stock screener is set on is days or weeks, and that would explain why someone might get caught in a trade that the stock screener didn't give them up to the minute information like they were expecting. I trade the market everyday and therefore I don't need anyone's stock picker to tell me what is going on, because I'm watching it live!!!! I don't even go to your website anymore because I have learned how to do this on my own, and I'm so glad you finally decided to chime in and help your LIONS that ask you for help everyday!!! Very Important, and IMO you should chime in on here to answer everyone's questions at least once a day to show that you really want to help your followers!!! This is your PRIDE so don't be so evasive!!!

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Yes, I do have your book. I've been trading for several years. I'm specifically mentioning the stock meter which shows up after typing in the stock symbol. It stayed in a strong sell position while the stock continued to climb, for days. I hit refresh several times to be sure I wasn't missing something. I'm sorry, but it hasn't proven, to me and several other people that have commented on your blog posts about it not even being close to accurate. I would not promote it. Just a suggestion. Lions be aware. Peace and love.

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Patricia, don't give up challenging Greg. The assumptions you are starting to get are correct.

Trade safe!!!!!

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I said it more as a comment, not as a challenge. Just don't use and promote something that doesn't work well and say its 98% accurate, or it can ruin your credibility. 98% accurate in What? If it's 98% accurate in assisting people to loose what took them years to earn,... then the claim is accurate. Never give up, never surrender. Again, said with the utmost respect.

We love Greg. Spread peace and love wherever you go !

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No disrespect, Greg is a good teacher, but he can not teach you SELF DISCIPLINE. If you're trading naked options up or down, you must pay attention to timing because timing affects THETA. There is about 4 times slots in a trading day plus days of the week is affected as well. Once you get the understanding of TIMING, you will do well. Day trading takes a lot of self discipline and seeing the option price movement. Greg is just a GUIDE to your OWN decisions making. I make own decisions based off of Greg's knowledge. JMO

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Kahseim, Theta has nothing to do with the timing of a trade. THETA is the rate of decline in the value of an option due to the passage of time. Patricia from past comments KNOWS what she is doing. Greg's "screener" is crap. If Greg took the time to review his comments he would know of the complaints. He's been SLOWLY roasting his client for a while now. If the market does not go straight up....his recommendations are worthless.

His responses passes the blame back to Patricia. I guess the other 100+ people complaining about the same thing ARE ALL wrong.

Greg, you can challenge me PLEASE.

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Thanks. I'm not a youngster. I've been around long enough to know to not answer that last comment on THETA and self discipline. If I didnt have self discipline, I wouldn't have what I have today. Also, I never once stated I was trading naked puts or calls. I don't buy on margin either. Buy with cash and turn the profit in for stackable gold.

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Sounds like a freaking plan to me. 😃

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Keep Rocking!!

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Paul, if you have been following Greg for any length of time you know that Greg is never ever ever wrong??? EVER???

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OK, my understanding is you're complaining about a stock screener when to sell...So you want Greg to tell you when to sell? Have a great weekend and THETA is why I trade against you.

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LOL......OK I guess you got me piker.

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Listen, don't crap on Greg. Email him privately with your issues. It takes a lot of time and effort to do what he does. I feel crapping on his platform that he built is rude. Unfollow him if you don't like it. I've traded the market as well for years and lost a lot too but following his work with my own experience I have grown my account tremendously. Support his work

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Obviously, you HAVE NO IDEA what THETA is and your mad I called you out on it. LOL!

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You don't know what you're talking about.

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What is a "time slot"?

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Yo 666, are you playing your SLV?

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"Playing"? What does that mean?

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Just so you know,... You have taught me well. I thank you for that part.

I do listen, and you've always said, buy the dips to cut the average. So when I bought, long dated, ITM Puts based in a strong sell on the stock meter, and the stock went up, up, and up,... I bought the hell out of the spikes, knowing it would eventually decline. And so it did. When it did, I cleaned up very well. But most people are not well enough off to be able to do that. Thank you for the lessons. You have changed my life for the better, so I can now help others ! Peace

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Greeeeeeeeg....explain to me what "98% accurate" means. Accurate at what?

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Thanks for your daily market analysis BTW.

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i love how greg turned it back to you as though it's your fault instead of his screen.

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i love how greg turned the blame onto your trading abilities, not his screen.

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Stackable gold, silver nailed it. Not a digit on a screen!!!

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It is my understanding that only 1 in 8 puts pay off. All the rest loose $$$ or close worthless.

Be honest!!!!

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https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1213925602033291264 how much of this do you think is true?

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