Even if there was a revolution, it would not be fought against the Central Banks...it would be fought against puppet governments, while Central Banks hide, scheme, and control the people even more. Because too many people still think the two party system still exists.

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While the Central Banks fund both sides and then manipulate and conquer and subvert the winner.

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A real revolution starting with USCitizens doing their USConstitution duty legally impeaching ALL USgovernment and running it with help of Patriots with GOVT expertise (&much of govt systems are run by AI systems independent from ppl), a new Govt design to create govt in compliance with US Constitution and in service to US Citizens; Reorganization in support of new work design and jobs to implement new Govt design automatically terminates all US Gov employees, thereby purging both corruption and the bad mentality which facilitated the various corruptions; new work definitions serving the ppl's interests and serving Business interests in balance while ensuring the Environment issues are remediate (not more dumping sewage&garbage &nuc etc chemicals materials in oceans & rivers ...business models must include recycling waste etc ); no more FIREIGN ownership of US Agricultural Lands or any real estate property: International Law=land of a country belong to legal Citizens of the Country and no govt our got official or corp entity or private individual has legal authority to transfer ownership of land or real estate property to foreign country, corp or foreign citizen. A large amount of US financial wrongs and overleveraging are in the real estate and its valuation and financing business sector; enough said. Illegals must be immediately repatriated including children whom International Law legally requires their immediate transport repatriation to country of birth/origin, no detentions or fostering or court appeals. Foreign born antiamericans need to be repatriated to end their antiamerican disruptive influence; no court appeals for NonUSCitizens. US headquartered/owned businesses manufacturing must return to USA; export controls must be strictly enforced to protect US intellectual property. tariffs on imports of goods available in USA increased to discourage foreign cheap products competition with US made goods. USA must be made economically independent in support of its sovereignty and economic and financial stability.

New advanced tech from DECLAS'd patents will redesign much of US infrastucture and more environmentally safely provide USA needs. Ending inflation by increasing Capital Reserves and constricting Capital can only be successfully implemented in USA society by leading with the aforementioned changes (Back to the Future, we did things that way before and USA was strong and stable and solvent). This is a major change and will cause short term disruption, but exponentially less than watching the current ventral bank controlled financial policies devastate US economy and destroy lives of USA families and citizens long term.

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Yeah don’t look good they would use China to help them are some other countries historically revolution just become something worse

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Sadly there will never be r4volution against these scumbags, not enough moral, people with gumtion, courage or and ounce of integrity.

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What is sad is all the vaccine pumpers killing their children and refusing to look at all the evidence showing them what they don't want to hear because they don't want to be labeled a conspiracy theorist.

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The face diaper wearers have been demoralized. I won’t be following them anytime soon.

They’re all too happy to run the country off a Cliff.

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Some people wearing face diapers look like they're wearing dog muzzles. I feel tempted to walk up and ask them if they bite.

I know they must be either retarded or insane, and I always wonder which one it is.

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I was a young woman when I was aware that Capitol Hill made crisis hit the American people. In the early 1970's this year opened my eyes with the FAKE lack of GAS and we the people had to wait our turn for gas. Remember, this people. There wasn't no lack of gas. "Boy", I remember that people got angry an Boycott. It work for that crisis.

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“facilities” hehe, they said “facilities”, hehehe ...

Duh! Duh!

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deletedOct 18, 2022·edited Oct 19, 2022
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Oct 18, 2022·edited Oct 18, 2022

Wonderful,stuff IF only people could be cured or at least the horrendous effects of that poison could be mitigated it would be mavellous, a miracle. Thankfully, I was and am the eternal sceptic,I never took the poison dart, stomach churning reaction to the fact the poison had never been tested and people stood to get a lot of £££$$$ I do hope what you have will do the trick. So many poor kids and others are suffering and it will gt worse.

I also measure wealth by the amount of health - physical mentally and emotionally -joy, happiness and freedom....the love around me and the ability to enjoy life itself. money is never the be all and end all to this at all. Yes it helps, a lot...as most people are in survival only mode and that is just sickening.

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