the Fed will not taper; they will flood the world with dollars and inflate assets in pursuit of their end game, I trust you over the mainstream media all day - p.s. would like to see Cocoa again sometime on your show - love ya bro

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I'm a laughing hyena out here (as I don't think Lions laugh?). It is bad enough the regular news media are government propagandists, but it is now completely clear that the FINANCIAL media are now COMPLETELY falling in line, too.

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Pfizer CEO says we may need a fourth s—t

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Just put things in perspective, most of the countries run inflation at 10% and way more than that. Inflation is not affecting the majority. People still driving F150 and huge SUVs all across USA. Highways are choked. Two car garages are HISTORY. Now we go for 3 and 4 car garages.

Starbucks are jam packed all the time. Drive throughs have line so fukin long, I avoid that.

Does it sound like people are hurting ? What the heck.

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They use credit cards and have other debt. Debt is high in the USA. Plus the poor are often overlooked by many rushing around shopping in their SUV's at Whole Foods and Target. The average American debt is at $92,727. https://www.bankrate.com/personal-finance/debt/average-american-debt/. It's all a facade.

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Majority are rich people. More debt means more prosperity in a debt based system.

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Not true, poorer people also use credit they just get screwed with higher interest rates and loans. Rich people pay off there debt like Greg states “get out of debt” the real winners in a debt based system are the controllers, banks and their cronies. And if you do proper research the tip top is the Catholic Church/Vatican and the Jesuits they have there people/puppets in key positions in all critical industries.

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Well there is something on the horizon that will affect the housing market.

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lol "something" was on the horizon for the last 40 years. I am still buying every time I see a good single family house.

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Houses will keep going up 10% + per year for decades. Houses are very cheap in USA compare to Asia and Europe.

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I love real estate . Always have !

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And I want us all to be winners and make profits and do well. I never punch holes in anyone’s boat.

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I will laugh out loud all the way to the bank !!

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At least according to my year end investment newsletter

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Inflation is transitory as if income in real terms is lowering and more and more

condensing of wealth in fewer and fewer hands equals less stuff purchased over time.

If you have only finite means/income to buy stuff as well as limit on credit equals

less "stuff" being purchased not more over time. So, it's Christmas and New Years

coming so people buying the gifts they need with discounts to boot but come January

you got to know people will get cheap again not because they "want" to but because

they "have to".

In reference to the IMF pertaining to inflation warnings, the IMF is attached to the Fed

but they are projecting out world demand strictures not US Domestically. The IMF

only recently for the last several months warning of global growth slowdown and

de globalization as Nations want more of the growth going on inside their "own nations"

that will produce some of the "stuff they buy". You also, had economist Dr. Nouriel

Roubini, you know Dr. Doom, speak of the potential for stagflation situations, de globalization

of production and so supply chains resulting in what? Any company out there having to

reset production centers away from China as Donald Trump pronounced it "vagina"

as well as having to set up entirely new supply chains. In addition to these head winds

you then have what you refer to as moronic happening resulting in further vaccinations

or counter measures supposedly lock downs by the evil government. So, let's take a look

at the too sides of this formula, the "evil government" with vaccinations and boosters and

trying to get people vaccinated thereby enriching the pharmaceuticals in so doing and

yet the other moron side of the equation the "anti-vaxers" are stripping clean all the supply

of invermectin from cows, pigs and chickens thereby negatively effecting their own food

supply while enriching no other than the freaking pharmaceutical companies making the

invermectin which is then bought by anti-vaxers for "themselves" rather than for the normal

users; cows, horses, pigs and other assorted animals on your nearest farms. Don't believe

this side of the moron equation go to your own website and search ZTS- Zoetis and you

know you've got to say that is really moron.

In addition to this moronic situation here in the US, you then technology and Artificial Intelligence slowly taking over for even the slave labor in China is being replaced by

AI Robotics on the assembly lines as well as over here in the good ole US of A I believe

right in Cali for ni A! They already have a AI Robotic shirt production system that requires

no workers and that AI Robotics works 24-7. So, slave labor no longer has efficacy even

in China, the slave capitol of the world so what does that equal to even the Chinese

Heads as it relates to their mantra of: "useless eaters"?? This type of revolutionary

AI and technology ascendency is marking the beginning of a new era in human history.

I believe even Dick Gregory, the well known comedian with high intellect, in one of his

videos about the state of the world stated that there are a "small circle of people" in

the highest echelons of the mlitary/intelligence operations that acknowledge that

AI at some point has taken over the world in terms of operational basis. How does

one get ones hands around that type of massive issue. So, tech is going to dramatically

impact our whole entire system of the way we do business, societal ways and general

path forward mostly in positive ways "if" we have the humanity in ourselves to apply

correctly and evenly for all people rather than just a few or handful. (*Dick Gregory-

Video- Indigo Children.)

Meanwhile, you're also seeing the fracturing of each Western Society along retarded

disfunctionate red - blue nonsense all the while the richest ass _____ are robbing your

very own government of billions of dollars as you yell at each other over every stupid

thing in the book. This is happening as well in Europe even as the total i tarian type

oligarch nation states militarize further and threaten annihilation to each and every

western state. (*Specifically Russia-Ukraine, China- Taiwan-Australia-Lithuania, North

Korea- all neighbors with endless threats with their "missile tests" over other nations.

All the while, the West cogitates what new clothing style is in fashion, hair styles,

Kimmie K and how rude this person's statement was and made them feel "bad".

I'm not quite sure the Western Nations have the b______ to stand up to Putin but here's

my solution to Putin. Firstly, no US Troops or NATO Troops in Ukraine, "however" give

the Ukraine military so many Javelins and Stinger hand held surface to air missiles that

if Putin crosses the West's Redline, he pays with Russian Casualties of his own self created

war at home domestically. Then cut off any natural gas and oil to Western Nations from

Russia including more sanctions. This goes hand in hand with movement away from the

One Belt-One Road Initiative by China as that means you have Chinese Imperial slave state

that has zero human rights tolerance which equals what my friends. These two nations with

their side kicks are repeating what the Axis Powers did preceding WWII so expect even more

of the same with these parties and the Western Nations sucking the b___ O____ for their

share of the booty or loot that they think will remain with them as well as their freedom

but it won't unfortunately. US Citizens as well as Western Nations, could and can stop

China's psychotic move forward by simply not "buying" sh__ made in China period. The

first one today not to buy as well as replace is APPL, yes Apple, that made a Billion Dollar

deal with China as a bribe to remain intact as a "client slave corporation" to the Chinese

Government. Power comes from consumers purchases. You don't purchase their Chinese

made sh__, they lose power progressively over time. Even the low likes of Senator Marco

Rubio sees this and knows this whole process is "not" good for the West, the US or any

nation wanting some self determination and some liberty and freedom no matter what

race, creed or religion. That's worth fighting for!

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if they are saying inflation is high, it means exact opposite i.e. there is a deflation and more deflation is coming. Oil is down big. Not just gold silver but every commodity is dropping like a rock.

Remember when JPM spewed that commodity super market was starting? that was the clue that the deflation had arrived.

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