How the H_ _ _ is it that XLE has gone up 3.10% today, but I LOST ($2.00) and ($5.00) on two of my calls? Any geniuses in here who can explain that?

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That's because options prices are not immediately updated. Try to sell them and see the spread.

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10:37am-- XLE up 2.83%, my two calls are down ($2.00) and ($4.00). At what point in time do they plan on "updating" the options info?

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Try to place the sell order but don't place it. You will see that either the spread is very wide (bid/ask) and/or volume is at 0 This gets updated when there is an actual buyer/seller.

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Things got better. Now I'm up 0.50 cents profit on one XLE call and down ($2.50) on the other. Things are looking up! 😃

I'll try your method tomorrow to see what happens.

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Nope that's not it....try again LOL

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I could very easily...but since you are a weirdo...I'll watch you lose money. HAHA

If you do not know the answer, it proves you are more of a moron than I thought.

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Shortsellersexwithsheep, have you been having sex with any prime, young sheep lately? Nice and fluffy enough for you eh? Hahahahahahahahahaaaa! 🤣

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Here, look at this weak, deranged trump-voter (like you) quit when the shit got real. He killed two cops, then when those cops pumped a round of lead in his belly he was screaming "Time-Out!" You trump-voters are just like trump who lost the election LOSERS! It's funny how you trump-voters think being a violent criminal is going to do you some good, but it all ends in tragedy for you. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaa! 🤣 🤣 👍


trump lost the 2020 presidential election in case you forgot. Hahahahahahahahaa! Eeeeehehehehehehehheheheheheheeeeeeeeee1 👎 🐷 🐍 🐀

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You know: Trump won in a landslide. Always be prepared for a surprise.

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If trump won in a landslide then why didn't half the electorate and half of the Congress (who are Rebublicans) and more than half of the Supreme Court of the United States do anything about it? I'm just curious. You're an intellgent man so I don't mind hearing you out. I just don't understand how 50% of Congress and the majority of the SCOTUS did nothing about it. Didn't trump voters elect the republicans in Congress to do their will? Mitch McConnell and Mike Pence...they said there was no major discrepancies with the election and did nothing to help trump with the election results. They are republicans voted in by trump-voters. The Supreme Court which is republican controlled, said there were no major discrepancies and wouldn't even hear trump out. Why don't trump-voters love, and believe and trust what the republican controlled Supreme Court has decided? Didn't trump appoint THREE Supreme Court justices...or was it two? Regardless, when he made his appontments the Republicans held the majority. Don't you trust the decisions trump made with his Supreme Court appointees? If so then you should support their decision when they said they found no major discrepancies in the election and tossed out trump's case.

So why are trump-voters angry at DemonRATS, Libtards, and other lovely pet names they have for democrats, when THEY are the ones who elected and supported the very republicans who said the election was fair and didn't support trump and trump-voters in their efforts to steal the election?

It's a fair question and if you or anyone else can give me an intelligent answer to THIS question I will be indebted to you and just might even send you a couple XLM or ADA coins to joingle in your pocket. That question blows my mind.

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You guys are arguing over something as if it would have changed anything. FED would be doing the same thing what they are doing now.

As investors, Biden is better for us imo. He will print more and run more socialist programs. That would create more inflation and it's easier to make money for us. It's a one way street with Biden. Trump would be throwing money wrench here and there. Now the path is clear. Oil, Silver, Stocks will make us money. Real estate as well. Think about it.

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Who's arguing? I like President-Elect Zio's responses. I actually like his responses and I learn from him. I only have two eyes and ears and he keeps me abreast of what's going on in his world that I'm missing. That's why I try to keep all you guys talking because you always hit a piece of info I wasn't aware of from time to time. My goal is not to talk to people who agree with me 100% on everything I believe in. I want to hear opposing viewpoints. That's how I get smarter. If you got info...spread it.

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The only "suprise" I'm waiting for is this market to correct so I can buy some Puts. That will be a most welcome surprise indeed.

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Yeah? Then why didn't trump voters scream to their trumpanzee republican leaders and Supreme Court judges to do something about it? I mean, didn't trump himself appoing like 8,000 supreme court justices to the bench? Are you telling me when the chips were down and trump needed his "installed" supreme court justices to "uphold the law" that they didn't? Are you telling me those trump-appointed supreme court justices stabbed trump in the back? Hahahahahahahahahaaa!

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Everybody knows the "election" was stolen. Ask Dominion. There is tons of prove. So from a market standpoint we have to ask the RIGHT question: What will be the impact of the forensic audits results? Keep in mind: This is not about how we want it, it is about how it is/will be. So always be prepared.

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The "selection" wasn't stolen...it was selected. Hehehehehehee! U.S. presidents are selected puppets. If they wanted to select ME for U.S. president I'd go along with the ruse for about two weeks. That's all I'd need. I'd mandate that EVERY American recieve an account directly from the Treasury Department. On their phone or accessible by a debit card. Then I'd send every American $1TRILLION DOLLARS!, tell everyone to KMA and take a flight down to Cancun and lay on the beach while sipping on a cold glass of distilled water and let someone else take over the presidency.

Hopefully everyone will buy gold/silver/crypto/real estate and other hard assets with that cash and would be better off financially.

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Trump Biden etc all parts of the same cabal that rules from Davos imo

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Yep. They are all in it together. I trust NONE of them. Heheheee

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Are you in any DAX positions? What do you buy? CFD's.

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Am not in Dax. Buying kind of CallOptions. Derivatives called "Optionsscheine". Sometimes I choose Knock-outs.

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I heard you can't get out of CFD's until expiration. If that's the case then the MM's in control can just see where the bulk of the cash is and make sure price is nowhere near that at expiration.

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a) There is NO Inflation but

b) There ARE Aliens.

Another Fake-Attack incoming. So finally we all desperatly NEED a ONE WORLD Government, a ONE WORLD Currency and a ONE WORLD Religion. And all these Geniuses who believe in that "Virus" and the Claim "Masks work" will also believe this kind of Shit. Poor World.

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Here, look at this video from the 22:04 to the 22:23 timepoint. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcH5nuqa-0w&t=13s

I wonder why I am seeing so much "aliens" and "ufo's" stuff on T.V. programs and movies lately just like in the video above. If you watch the clip in between the timepoints you will notice him talking about "we need to come together to meet the threat" or whatever such nonsense he said.

The BEAUTIFUL thing about all this is.......these wicked devils are about to go to battle with The Most High. Hahahahahahhahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa! THAT is the absolute FUNNIEST thing about it all and trump-voters are all hoo-rah about doing so....blindly following people who advocate such. Hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaaaaa! YES! I get to witness the DESTRUCTION of trump-voters! Eeeeeeeeeeheheheheheheheheheeeee! Yes trump-voters...you SHOULD go to battle against the "aliens" when you see them break the clouds. Yes trump-voters....go fight with the "aliens" and save your planet! Hahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa! 😂 😍 😄 😃

9Proclaim ye this among the Gentiles; Prepare war, wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near; let them come up:

Joel 3:9-14

10Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruninghooks into spears: let the weak say, I am strong.

11Assemble yourselves, and come, all ye heathen, and gather yourselves together round about: thither cause thy mighty ones to come down, O LORD.

12Let the heathen be wakened, and come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat: for there will I sit to judge all the heathen round about.

13Put ye in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe: come, get you down; for the press is full, the fats overflow; for their wickedness is great.

14Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision.

It's going to be fun to watch that fight. The gentiles vs. God. Hahahahahahaaaaa!

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Great! He told us the Agenda behind: ONE WORLD CABAL LEADERSHIP! Mark [my] HIS words: Beware of the false prophets. So what is the best we can do? Seems it's Praying & Trading.

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I clicked on the link. Yeah, angels and humanoids and other aliens were here before "Man" even got on this planet. Since God has been in existence for eternities past it would stand to reason He was creating for a heck of a lot of that time and there are innumerable creatures who have been in existence from innumerable aeons in the past. The scriptues even mention "those who were here before Adam", so there were people even on planet earth before Adam. What book that statement is in I forgot, but if I run across it again I will let you know. The earth was formless and void because creatures who were here before us made it that way. Then God put US on this planet to take dominion of it and tame the unruly creatures on this planet, but of course you know how that turned out. lol

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Good reminder on buying ITM Long Dated calls

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