Another trump-voter gets censored and de-banked. The America they loved and trusted in is now waging war against THEM! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! 😅 😅 😅

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeheheheheheheheheheheheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 🤣 🤣 🤣


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First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

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That's one heck of a true statement buddy!

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The problem with Ethereum layer 1 is congestion resulting in high gas fees plus Solidity is not easy to code securely which is very important for defi. The introduction of Layer 2 breaks composibility and therefore will have issues scaling as well due to increasing complexity and inter-shard comms. Most other competitors in a rush have also opted for sharding as a way to increase throughput but again in doing so have broken composibility. Alternative solutions such as DAGs etc all lead to centralisation. Only RadixDLT has solved all 4 issues facing defi. Scale, Security, Decentralisation, Composibility. BTC does one job and does it well. Security/scarcity just like gold. So BTC and Etherium are not competitors just as cars and trucks are not competitors.

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Looks like the "authorities" who are chasing criminals are criminals also. Krasnov is probably just mad because he can't get his "cut" of illegal activites because of Bitcoin anonymity.

<<<According to local investigations, Krasnov has himself been involved in some controversy related to corruption.>>>

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Wow! I was reading this article about a Boy Scouts of America Pedophila sexual abuse settlement and a commenter at the bottom of the page had a link to a video so I clicked on it. The title was innocuous enough and I thought some gay people were going to deliver a message of tolerance, peace and love...you know...the same messages we have heard forever, no big deal, nothing controversial. But instead I got what I never would have IMAGINED I would get. Nothing...I repeat NOTHING shocks me anymore....except this did.

Boy Scouts sexual abuse article:


You'd better take a seat and get a stiff drink first for this one. Heck, I don't drink, but I feel I need a drink NOW after watching the following video. Remember, take a seat first.

"A message from the gay community"


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BTC is an abject failure at being a Bitcoin System since it failed to scale. Lightning is not a scaling solution.

ETH has been promising multiple scaling solutions for years now and they are either still TBD or have strong downsides.

Bitcoin Cash has already done the work to scale layer 1 and is working on scaling it higher; the goal is to support 50 tx/day/user.

Bitcoin Cash also has a sidechain that's being added (production release is soon) called SmartBCH which is an optimized EVM that has 100x the throughput of Ethereum.

Intelligent money is where people are going to be, not where the crowd has already been.

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Bitcoin and Ethereum have no "real world" use cases as a fast payment system becuse they are too slow. Hedera takes a couple of seconds. f(x) has a blockchain that just went to mainnet. I've got my money in the future, not the present.





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Read this -


"A council of 19 multinational corporations from around the world govern the platform and the software that will run on millions of nodes globally."

So from 19 banks they went to 19 corporations.

ok good luck with dat.

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Banks/Corporations...same thing. I'm ok with that. With the big corporations on board they will get bigger and better teams of developers together to create a working product a LOT faster than Hedera would have otherwise. Healthy funding changes things. As long as the Hedera blockchain stays decentralized I'm ok.

Crypto development teams are moving too darn slow because they are not well funded. If corporations get involved....projects get streamlined and productive.

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Your video has been removed. Markets a look ahead.

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After a whole lot of research, only digital asset I would buy is - CHINESE YUAN

Even that I would wait a year or so more

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