Beware the Ides of March.

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They will NOT act because they CAN'T act! Hahahahahahahaaaaaa! ๐Ÿคฃ ๐Ÿคฃ ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeheheheheheheheheeeeeee! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ ๐Ÿ˜ˆ ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

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Fed does what it's told by the owners period. So do all the central banks they do

what they are told because the markets are "owned" by the owners so you end up

with some of the owners acting like an elephant in a china shop trying to grab whatever

they target as what is "theirs" and so the Fed provides them that candy and ice cream.

They've been doing that for ever and ever. When do you see any billionaires or trillionaires

not getting what they want like a baby with a baby bottle? Never, ever. So, they liked the

Fed Largesse that spewed forth to them during all these years since the last debacle

and feathered their nests to trillions while the rest of the people were screwed to the wall.

Now they demand the interest rate hikes because they want that piece of the largesse

as well. Will it create more jobs, more production of anything, etc? No! It will create what

is known as a high misery index within the general public which will not trickle down to

anyone else but their own flocks that stay together.

Greg, provided that list of Congressman and Senators and how they are investing. I don't

look at the House folks, they are not from the "elite group in the Senate". Out of five

of the Senators you see 4 dis investing over time. The only Senator that is doing slightly

more into the stock market is Tubberville a "newibie" at best.

As far as the Stock Markets in particular and then other general markets in general, I would

have to surmise all these markets like an ocean with tides. In the ocean you have a cycle of

high tides and low tides. Sometimes we have historic high tides sending ocean water into

homes and streets near the ocean. While, then there are ebbing low tides which slowly recede

to lower levels very subtly and slowly. In this case this seems to be the case with the current

markets "even" with the Fed having infused so much liquidity and largesse into the "markets".

Greg advised well that the Fed Has A Purchasing Desk on which to make trades in the public

markets to effect a rebound in any sector or any stocks and inversely to sell stocks as well

when they believe that market or stock is showing maintaining it's level of activity and

higher trending. But, if you look at the today's increase in pricing of stocks you then have

to ask from what and what was the last high realized. Here it is: AAPL recovers to $174.26

last high= $821.12, MSFT- recovers to $310.07 last high = $342.70, AMZN- recovers to

$2,984.99 last high = $3,311.07, Google recovers to $2,709.71 last high = $2,837.37, TSLA

recovers up to $934.05 last high= $1,107.72, FB recovers to $312.40 last high= $332.38,

NVDIA recovers to $244.75 last high = $332.38, UH recovers to $472.46 last high = $505.89,,

WMT recovers to $139.81 last high = $145.38, even MA that screamed upward like a screaming

eagle in the last several days recovered to: $385.46 last high = $395.57, WFC recovers to

$53.81 last high = $58.03. So, rather than speaking about percentages of increase or change

each day, we all need to be looking at the overall receding of the market at "this time" like

the low tide of an ocean over several hours however the several hours of a low tide equal

months in a much more intricate dance or flow.

In referencing to oil somewhere in the vicinity of $88.30 per barrel "but" you have to get out

in front of any investment and ask how this will and can effect economies across the world

inclusive of the US. Anytime your basic energy costs go up, this impacts the discretionary

dollar/currency elasticity meaning in effect if you have to pay more at the pump, grocery

store, retail outlet for stuff, you can only buy so much before you run out of the greens

to buy the stuff. This has a deleterious effect on any economy unless everyone is uber wealthy

and has money to just throw away on purchasing stuff. This then effects your job levels, income

levels, pension levels of incoming infusions of invested dollar/currency wealth which is a

recessionary process not any outlying indicator of higher results in terms of bottom lines

of any businesses.

Then you further look into the gold and silver areas and you see even that receding in

valuation per ounce from $1,840.00 down to $1,796 and silver down from $24.00 plus

to $22.00 per ounce. Bitcoin is at $38,000 plus "but" relative to what in terms of highs?

$50,000 plus?

So, naturally whether the advocates for $100-$500 per barrel oil, this will boomerang

contrarily on the entire economic system and result in an even more quickened pace

of economic activities and so sound and good economic barometers inclusive of the

misery index that most folks never talk about until it effects them to some degree.

I think the Fed knows this all too well, and so to do the other Central Bankers out there

so rather than create a panacea of panic and despair over the basic fundamentals of

the world economy that is decoupling as the supply lines and faltering Chinese production

and real estate demonstrate, where is all this so called growth coming from? In terms

of capital markets, inevitably they go from "boom to bust" over a period of time. Whether

we like it or not. So, I think the Fed if they do any increase of rates it will be much more

deliberative and slow than one thinks or projects from what they say in public. In good

times or at least with more forward powerful economies of scale and better indicators

the Fed would increase the rates but "not" if it means completely derailing the entire

macro and micro economies in the most serious sense. That would be rather fruitless

and terribly insane when referencing to the general public and general welfare of the

full body of the US Citizens here in the US as well as those around the world.

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Greg, whatever happens, we will win!!!

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