Jul 11, 2022·edited Jul 11, 2022

I am watching the Book of Revelation unfold right before my very eyes and people STILL refuse to repent just like the bible said so.

Within 5 years it's going to be common for people to be eating people. 🧠🫀🫁🍖🥩

Right now might be a good time to start obeying God's commandments. 👍💯

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MSWAP is up 650% in the last 7 days. That's JUST what the doctor ordered. YES! 👍😃😀😁🤣

I LOVE the volatility of crypto. 😁

MSWAP Daily Chart:


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Just think if leaders and all people followed God's commandments the world wouldn't be in this mess .It's so simple!

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That's right! 👍💯😃

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MSWAP up 157% today. Hahahahahaha 🤣. THAT makes me happy! 🤗😁😃

Money Swap Daily Chart:


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Greg, "They" have to promulgate COVID variants in order to falsely justify lockdown and election cheating in November. Also, to cover up the COVID vax deaths and injuries that will consume US in the fall. It's their "business plan".

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Killing off those most vulnerable to sickness could save the U.S. government billions of dollars in sick-care expenditures. Plus, it would save Social Security yet more billions by avoiding ongoing monthly payouts.

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Killing off those with long term major health problems is an entirely different matter than releasing harmful substances into the environment to harm and kill people at random.

The government doesn't want to save on expenditures because it needs ever greater spending in order to increase the debt that keeps the debt based monetary system running. We are in the hell of the ultimate tax farm if the government gets to bump off people who are not considered productive by the government.

As for what to do about the people who are burdens because of their long term major health problems, I don't know the answer. I know that God knows everything that goes on in His universe and holds us to account for our decisions.

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Well, everything in this world is "monetized" whether you believe it or not. You own birth certificate

is monetized in the "MAWKETS", All commodities are monetized in the markets, every human being,

animal and plant forms are monetized in the markets. So, if you are arguing debt model, who in fact

is becoming the debtor and for what? When you buy stuff on credit or a car by car loan or mortgage

for a house, etc. etc. it's all debt based including any little item as well you purchase. So, in effect you

and I are a debt based model and so it the world. Now, if you extrapolate the people out there,their

own benefits and coverage in retirement are intrinsically from a debt based model. There is very little

of anything that is not debt based. Businesses with loans are debt based models as well with larger

or smaller debt in the way of bonds and/or loans. Your currencies are all debt based models as well

as money is propagated by dividing the dollars in any banking system into "loans" that people use

to buy something with. The investor places his or her dollars with an investment firm or bank which

is divided into multiple loans for items they wish to purchase. If you had distinctly any economic or

currency model other than debt based model, you would end up with lots of people with very little

items whether homes, autos, etc. so a verifiable stagnant pond of economics at best. To then intellectually consider a lower economic activity without a debt based model equals less for everyone

not more for "everyone". If you can't get a loan for a car or your interest rate is 20% on the auto loan

how many cars will the dealer sell, so the salesmen, so the repairman in the dealership repairs, so the

parts man delivering the parts, etc. etc. The more you move to a nonelastic economic model the less

business activity you end up with not more. That means less jobs, less business sales, etc. etc. so the

debate as to a proper debt model is more so what is the proper balance between debt versus assets

backing the debt if you wish to debate those areas of interest.

As far as a freeze in the markets or debt, etc., I don't think it will happen as international banks can

from time to time rebalance currencies in swaps and other traunches in order to rebalance the system

to provide the most efficient and long term balances between and with the standard currencies of

trading partners around the world. So, if the US Dollar rises to high than there will be swaps and

traunches of outside the US Dollar format that will be used to rebalance the System for the most

gain between trading partners and nations while still providing higher rather than lower activities

in and between trading partners around the world. Now, if the financial system did not ever do these

type of things then that would be basically a bank not doing it's due diligence to itself and the overall

monetary system. The Fed will raise the interest rates again by .75 until the so called Hawks out there

in the MAWKETS begin crying like little chirping chickens for the Fed "to lower the interest rates" in the face of a "rising tide" of economic down trending. You see, the MAWKETS are the problem in

themselves. "They" live on debt as well whether any of the investment community wants to admit

it as they need that cheap money quick drip into their business sachels to keep da businass going

great guns, get it? And, if they can get free "helicopter money" to those very same businesses

to remain intact in their own junkie syndromed existences they'll acquiesce to the FEDS Largesse

as well. They have been doing that since 2000's onward, pointedly in 2007-2008 and now still

adding to that sack of chip whining to the Fed. You already hear this mantra coming out of supposed

Hawks intimating that the FED is "forcing" the "MAWKETS" into a hard landing by increasing the

interest rates while at the same time or just only recently "claiming" the Fed was "behind the MAWKETS" and yet the MAWKET WHALES want the Fed to pour forth the gravy train again and

"Lower" interest rates rather than increase interest rates.

So, for two to three years they all railed against the Fed's supposedly loose monetary spending

and provisions, "but" when the Fed says "He we need to put on the brakes and then see whats

going on", they then query in public, "Is the Fed causing a Hard Landing?"!!!??? You can't make

this stuff up. Now, none of the international corporations said sh__ when Trump and Congress

provided them with the biggest tax break in the last two decades in 2016, nor the helicopter

cheap money they received since then due to Covid and other things, yet they can contemplate

the $1,400 the Government gave to Americans as the "true cause" of "Inflation"? No, the Big

Boyz got big bucks and continue to get big bucks while the rest of the plebians are told "their"

puny $1,400 was the reason for inflation?? Really? It's hysterical in and of itself. I think Senator

Mitchell made those assertions in the last 8-10 days so they're trying that trial balloon hoping

dummies will fall for it.

Consequently, I don't really see any liquidity freeze up occurring any time soon because "you know"

the "Fed" will gold spoon the big international corporations no matter what to the chagrin of the

average American People and that's straight up truth. Additionally, the banking systems will move

as I said to swaps, traunches and agreements to reverse or negate any currency from increasing too

much and for too long whether it's used any where in the World or right here in the US of A.

As far as the Fed moving to a digital currency, well why wouldn't they as currency costs a lot of

actual expense to create and further apparently people are using digital transactions more and

more for their daily purchases as well as businesses. So, The Fed can go digital eventually as

crypto is not backed by anything except the next speculator through the purchase doors and

will not replace the use of the actual accepted currencies whether digital or otherwise,

Gold & Silver are hedges for security of capital but can do really nothing in terms of consequential

gains unless they appreciate in value and as we have seen over time that is highly questionable at

best over time even in lieu of inflationary processes. Gold & Silver are also "not" used as currency

as using gold and silver as your currency has the same stunting effect as moving off a debt based

model as you then can only buy so much and therefore sell so much, so ends the expanding universe

of sales and purchases that businesses vie for and yet which old forms of currency decapitate quite

rapidly as explained above.

So, expect nothing for any regular people, only shittier and shittier salaries and jobs over time

and benefits, more offshoring by the big boys as usual except "not" in China but more so any

other place else. As far the inventions of disease and wars, who makes money/profit off wars

and pandemics? Certainly not the average guy. No it's anyone that invests in the war manufacturers

and all their counter parties and big pharma. Do you see them going down lately and over time?

Hell no so stock buyers and bond buyers will buy their positions off their base line earnings and

future earnings and so to pharma JNJ, Eli Lilly, and so on. So, you see you can point at this evil

banker rubbing his hands but in the end everyone is making money off this debt based system

and then whining about it each and every day.

As far as dogs being abandoned Gregg, they have been doing that for the last seven to eight years

worth. I picked up my Presley from a home that had over 48 dogs in it hoping to find a home for

him. He's a mix of a Beagle, Hound and Rat Terrier. Best dog I could ever have imagined to take

in and give him a home. I hope when any sh hits the fan you think about humans the same way

because if we don't that's the real test of everyone's character inside and out!

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This should be taught in every school and church

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If this wasn't your most informative video I don't remember one better. Have you considered rumble? Their going to be part of the trump media and they believe in freedom of speech.

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Greg will not move to rumble or other media unless he’s banned from The tube. To much passive advertising revenue coming in with 200k+ subs. Doesn’t hurt to have a back up platform though just in case. Greg should know how important “diversification” is as an important investor/trader

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the dog story is rough man... to think it may come down to the worst case and people start eating them, and these evil SOBs doing what they doing may cause such things.. oh lord have mercy

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Greg...... He wouldn't know the difference.

Whitehouse, doghouse, same to him.

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I , heard today that FEMA was issuing alerts of what to do if a nuclear event happens. I think that they are setting up for a false flag of some kind

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Time to pray for those who despitefully use us and pray for those that we have despitefully used

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We all know the system is going to crash and burn so what do we do to really prepare ourselves. We know to buy non perishables, what else should we be doing to prepare?

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Buy physical silver and keep it in YOUR possession.

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It takes 1000% inflation before all the pets are eaten. See Venezuela.

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Have you first hand knowledge or just what the chosen ones for interviews or other news media tell us? Are you implying that Venezuelans ate all their pets?

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Bitcoin 12.5 did I miss something

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No. I have no first hand knowledge. Just the crap that I am fed. So maybe you can correct me and I will humbly stand corrected.

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Yeah dog food been hard to find maybe people are stocking up as in everything else that ain’t nailed down

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