Food inflation is much more than +10 %, no question.

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There are a lot of people on government food cards. They do not pay attention and do not care what food costs. They buy whatever they want because it is "free" to them. And the suppliers of food products and grocery stores? They are cashing in on the government subsidized food purchases. That is part of the Cloward-Piven strategy to totally destroy our country. Obamabots burning food production facilities without a trace is also promoting the increasing food prices. Then of course you have China and Bill Gates buying square miles of farmland and the recent release of yet another food borne pathogen on produce. This stuff will not stop until there are consequences for the actions of the evildoers.

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If you check out the YouTube Channel : next news network they've got a video about a synthetic meat plant owned by "gate's" burning down ! Good Guy's At Work ?

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There is a small percentage of people on this planet that are not just wasting good air but should be removed for the parasitic scourge they are.

This is a quote from someone:

"The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of "Men who wanted to be left Alone".

They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love.

They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it.

They know, that the moment they fight back, the lives as they have lived them, are over.

The moment the "Men who wanted to be left Alone" are forced to fight back, it is a small form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. . . .

Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these "Men who wanted to be left Alone", fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at the Left's door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy . . . . but it will fall upon deaf ears."

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Pasta, Butter, Cheese, Meat, ... + 50 % or more.

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Thank you Gregory for interpreting what is going on in the financial markets and cutting thru the BS! It is sad that almost all institutions in the US have been corrupted. My husband was self made and became Chairman of a bank group. He was retired in 2008 and wouldn't listen to me about my concerns re: the financial markets. Our bank threw him under the bus, he lost $15 ml and had a stroke. I went back to work as a CFO (I am a CPA) and now am 67. We have some money but I don't want to be broke in the future. Our leaders are dutifully following the globalists plan to destroy the 90% of Americans not in their club. Keep using your voice to educate others! Thank you!

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Greg. A major area of concern is for those of us who need to take essential medications for heart, diabetes, chronic pain and other illnesses. We are seeing deliberate shortages in the food chain. The pharmaceutical chain has not been talked about nearly enough. If time allows, I would like to hear what you and Chuck Barone have on your scopes. Thanks.

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No doubt that Inflation steals your wealth. Coffee creamer last week $3.50. The same Coffee creamer this week $4.39

Avocados two weeks ago .99 each and this week 2 avocado for $4.00.

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If you hear someone say a recession is behind us now they’re not lying ... because something worse than that has began to form! ignore the bs and be wise .

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I told you that the govts will do whatever it takes to not let a severe crash happen. You have been talking like a fear monger.

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Democrats best case for midterm elections would be stocks up and oil down.

https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/976/cpsprodpb/8E8C/production/_125929463_bidenfistbumpreuters.jpg <<< nice try.

But even then, their only chance of not getting under the bus is to somehow prevent the elections.

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For weeks, the White House has stressed that oil production is "not the focus" of conversations Biden will have with officials in Saudi Arabia. <<< funny.


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Greg, I think I found a great resource regarding inflation numbers. Here is an interview with one of the creators who explains his methodology. Can you tell me what you think.


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Ok Greg I get the surging inflation. Big and bad. But what is not covered enough is how the suging inflation can continue if everyone is a cash strapped debt slave, who are running out of credit lines. In other words who is supporting all this inflation? What happens when you cant bleed out a rock?

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of course we have. The elite grp must protect their $$$$

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You think food prices have gone up 100%? Serious question, are you retarded?

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Heck yeah planned hyper implosion absolutely i am waiting for the supposed data hack at the banks like you said gm bringing everthing to an abrupt halt

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Gregory: I would love to speak to you re: Supporting each others work

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