74% Of COVID-19 Cases From Massachusetts Outbreak Occurred In Fully Vaccinated People: CDC

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Those folks who took the vaxx are getting more than they bargained for. Maybe if they took just two hours to research those so-called "vaccines" they would know you shouldn't under ANY circumstances put that crap in your body. Foreign mRNA? WTH? No way baby! If I didn't create the mRNA then I'm not putting it in my body. The ramifications are just too great.

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And some know more than revealed.

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Your body is your vessel and without health you will not be able to live here on this planet in this world around all of the ————- people.

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trust big pharma. they always want your best ...

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Of course. They, as well as your national, state and local governments are looking out for your "safety and security". Hahahahahahahahaaaa! 🤣

1. I trust Big Pharma

2. I trust my government

3. I trust Pfizer and their vaccines

4. I trust the National Guard who come knocking on my door asking if I want to take the vaccine.

5. I trust the 120 million or so SHEEP in America who tell me the Vaxx is GOOD for me.

6. I trust my local Evangelical Christian "Pimpin' Pastor" who tells me to get the jab because God would want me to do it for the safety of everyone. And then he tells me to make damn sure after I get the jab to give him a TITHE and an OFFERING of 20% of my income before I die from the jab.

7. I trust Liberal Mayor of New York deBlasio who is FORCING his civil servants to get the jab.

8. I trust my own damn doctor who asked me FOUR TIMES did I want the jab.

9. I trust my V.A. Healthcare system who asked me FIVE TIMES did I want to get the Vaxx.

10. I trust ignorant trump-voters who tell me to get the vaxx so I won't make them sick. I ask them "If you got the vaxx and now you are "protected" from COVID-19, then why are you worried about ME giving it to you? Aren't you protected form COVID-19 now?". Then they just stand there staring at me blankly with nothing to say.

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Dont know if THIS is true >>> https://t.me/Zuerst_Deutschland/57

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Uh-Oh, France has been the historical battleground for the Jesuits. Every time France rebels against the Jesuits, France ends up going up in flames.

I was hoping their reason for quitting would be "I refuse to war against my own people to enforce despotic dictates" instead of "I don't think Macron is worth dying for". But hey....as long as they won't attack their own people it's all good.

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Omg! 😳 who knew?!

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Think big. There is no Virus. False mass testing creates the "Pandemic".

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It's beginning! Mandatory Vaxxes! Hahahahahahahahahaaaa! I told you dummy trump-voters YEARS AGO the government that YOU supported to oppress others was going to turn their attention to oppressing and killing YOU! That's the way KARMA works. It is soooooo satisfying watching America go down the tubes and turn into a shithole country. . Hahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaa! Oh, and the BEAUTIFUL thing is......it's going to get worse, MUCH worse. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaaa! YOU are the target now. Biden wants to make damn sure YOU get the Vaxx too! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaa! 🤣 🤣 🤣

The Persecution Of The Un-Vaxxed Begins! President Biden does a 180 and is now making the vaxx mandatory for "certain groups" which means....ALL GROUPS in time. Hahahahahahahahahahaaa! 🤣 🤣

Biden MANDATES vaccines to certain groups. (They WILL mandate for all groups soon...that includes YOU! ) Hahahahahahahahaaa! 🤣


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Report: More vaccine deaths last week than COVID-19 deaths ☠ ☢ ☣ ⚛ ☠ ☠ ☠


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^^^ and one more so called conspiracy theory is coming true ...

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The Persecution Of The Un-Vaxxed Begins! President Biden does a 180 and is now making the vaxx mandatory for "certain groups" which means....ALL GROUPS in time. Hahahahahahahahahahaaa!


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Many of the health care workers will refuse.

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That's the crazy thing...a lot of them are getting the vaxx and the ones who refuse.....I'm reading a LOT of articles saying it will be mandated for them. When I was in college I knew a lot of medical majors in my Biology class. They taught us what mRNA was. These "nurse trainees" took more in depth bio classes than I did and if THEY are advocating taking the vaxx then they are either dumber than "Dumb and Dumber" or they are naive and trusting as hell of their government. No one in their right mind would allow someone to inject mRNA into their bodies.

Those health care workers will eventually lose their jobs if they are mandated to get vaxxed and they refuse. They enjoy a good standard of living. Will they be willing to give that up and lose their job if their children need to be fed? They are under incredible pressure economically to get the jab.

These are times where we are going to have to make some hard decisions huh? I've alreayd made mine.....NO VACCINE! 👎 👎 👎

What will YOU decide?

Read this.....


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same script everywhere ...

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Mhm you’ve got it.

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Thank you !

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The Persecution Of The Un-Vaxxed Begins! President Biden does a 180 and is now making the vaxx mandatory for "certain groups" which means....ALL GROUPS in time. Hahahahahahahahahahaaa! 😂


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All of you make Greg’s group just one more positive reason I’m happy to support his work!!! Thanks to all of you who who keep us in the know! 🙂

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You're welcome Brook. 😃

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same procedure worldwide, maybe except africa.

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dont understand. what do you mean with "Stakeholders may get shaken"?

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Like possible class actions or something .

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Inventor of mRNA technology removed from Wikipedia after he warned against taking COVID jabs


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Well, didn't trump say he was going to get the military to help distribute the vaccine and the trump-voters cheered him on? Now they have no right to complain because THEY AGREED with trump to get the military to help distribute the vaccine. Now trump-voters HYPOCRITES are complaining about it Hahahahahahahahahaa! Now I am CHEERING President Biden's effort to use the military to STRONGARM trump voters to take the vaccine! It's what they wanted so I approve of Biden's efforts to innoculate trump-voters. Hahahahahahahahaaa! 😅 🤣 🤣

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Boston Dynamics (or Bosstown Dynamics) can help.


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Interesting article. I am so happy trump-voters are being LIED TO by their own government. That makes me HAPPY! Hahahahahahahahaha! 😅

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FRIDAY, JUL 30, 2021

"It's official: at exactly 1:15pm today, the NY Fed reported that for the first time ever, 86 counterparties parked over $1 trillion in reserves at the Fed's Reverse Repo Facility for overnight 'safekeeping' and collecting a nice, fat yield of 0.05% - representing hundreds of millions in absolutely free money as these are reserves that the Fed has previously handed out to banks - for free - who then turned around and handed it right back to the Fed where it collected a small but nominal interest."

Chart >>> https://assets.zerohedge.com/s3fs-public/styles/inline_image_mobile/public/inline-images/trillion%20dollar%20reverse%20repo.jpg?itok=gHv-T0dH

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"It is not YOUR job to wake up the sheep. It is YOUR job to wake up all of the other lions"

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