Probably because they're retarded.

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RETARD means to HOLD BACK. Like to RETARD a fire.


Excuse my caps, but these people are slaughtering millions with their stupidity, and my family was a casualty of various bullshit that comes from RETARDS.

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You beat me to it. Cool. The truth hurts these politically correct buffoons. PC=Positively Communism ( but truly Fascism ).

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In the OLd days when folks were not over sensitive about everything, It was called Mentally Retarded. No big Deal. It's also called a Chinese Virus because that is where it originated from.

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This PC crap has gone too Far. Retards

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Looks like trump's beloved Europe is going down the tubes and turning into shithole countries as we speak. Anyone want to go live in Austria? Hahahahahaaaa! 👎 💉 🧬 🦠 📉 ☣️ 😂 🤣

Austria Will Be Imprisoning The Unvaxxed


Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeheheheheheheheheheheeeee! 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 😂 😂 😂

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A friend from Austria is moving to Romania from Vienna. Yup. Anyone who is suffering from lockdowns, please move to Florida. No lock downs. All open. Bars, clubs, restaurants all full and it's beautiful here.

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Jan 4, 2022·edited Jan 7, 2022

I have a friend who was born in Turkey and grew up in Canada and the USA, and was based in Thailand these last few years, just bought land on the Adriatic Sea in Turkey and has moved there with his wife and two kids. He did make a fortune in BTC and can afford to retire young!

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Mr, Greg...I just joined your band of Lions as I like what you have to say. Good stuff. As far as the term retard goes....I understand your culture and where you are from. I am from the south and have used the term "retard" many times.....until I met my wife of 40 years. She had a sister that was mentally challenged and when i used the term retard I was scolded as the term offended her whole family. I complied. So, although it hasn't bothered me at all when you use the term I can understand where some people may be coming from that are. The fact of the matter is the ones you are referring to as retarded definitely fit the mentally challenged term. The word insane, also comes to mind.....from Big P

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Full Definition of retard

transitive verb

: to delay or impede the development or progress of : to slow up especially by preventing or hindering advance or accomplishment

A flame RETARDant impedes the development of more flames so.....a retard is a GOOD thing!

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Full retard - one who is so delusional, they have Trump Derangement Syndrome. Get your head outta your ass. Your mother should have swallowed.

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In case you weren't aware of this little piece of news.....trump LOST the election! Hahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaa! 🤣 🤣 🤣 😂 😂 🥳 🥳 🥳

Watch trump as he gets KICKED OUT of the White House IN SHAME!


trump-tears are DELICIOUS!

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeheheheheheheheheheeeeeeee! 😂 🥳 😜

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Like I said, you are delusional and have a severe case of TDS. GFY

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Donald Trump leaves the White House for the last time DEFEATED AND IN SHAME!


Hit the road Jack!


"The Clown Show" is OVER! Hahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaa! 😂 🥳 😂 🤣 🤣

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I literally work w developmentally disabled folks for a career and Greg’s speech does not bother me at all.

Say whatever you want, it’s the ONLY WAY, to keep this a free country, which is the ONLY WAY ensure the safety, of those in need of help, like the disabled community. Freedom must defeat tyranny.

I believe in freedom. Many people born in America, Do NOT.

They want to control what you say and to DEPRIVE DISABLED PEOPLE OF THEIR RIGHTS.

FREE SPEECH is mandatory, hurt feelings are meaningless.

God bless you Gregory Mannarino.

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You mean, "you work with Retards for a career."

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That’s not what I meant but to each his own bro. You do you.

Words can never hurt me.


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I was just pulling your leg in the theme of Greg’s post, but it didn’t come across right via text. Keep up the noble work with the challenged folk.

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Right on bro. No worries. Much love and be well!

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Greg, I have heard that YouTube unsubscribes people, so the people unsubscribing could be YouTube and the influx could be them resubscribing.

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Greg, you've got to move here. You will be free to use N-word, R-word, Faggot word... etc. As my neighbour and you'll have 0% ZERO capital and 5% dividend tax.

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Where is “here”?

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Jan 3, 2022·edited Jan 3, 2022

Calling someone a retard who is not medically diagnosed as slow, is perfect.

F them.

PS...I just PayPal’d you for your great work.

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Maybe they are retarded? I understand you use the word for emphasis. Everyone is so sensitive these days. Used to be, the snowflakes would get their asses kicked on the playground. Now, everyone gets a participation trophy for showing up.

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People who dislike retarded are a special group of WOKE RETARD'S and SNOWFLAKES !

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It's political correctness with the "r" word just like every word now in our vernacular.

Most of the PCer's are hypocrites because they use worse words that "r" when speaking

about anyone or to anyone that doesn't agree with them. That's the problem now, you

have too many folks talking "at" people rather than speaking to them so you end up with

safe rooms and people going off the rails every time they hear something that their monkey

brains can't accept or even contemplate. Let's see, the China/USA so called trade agreement

has expired, Germany is saying no to nuclear power as the rest of the EU says yes considering

the natural gas and other energy squeezes, Bill Gates is building a "mini nuke" plant in "Wyoming" foretelling what I'm not sure of yet. Maybe that's where his man cave will be

so he has the energy his undergroud de jure of the present moment is. The Epstein/ Ghislaine

Maxwell deal is showing all the bull crap of both parties as both sides have "flown" on the

Lolita Express inclusive of Trump and Clinton and gone to the Orgy Island so you all don't

have to worry about Russian Kompromat on either of these dolts ex politicians, meanwhile

we have factions talking about Civil War in the US which they still can't figure out doesn't

end well for any individuals, businesses or families as then all you have are no rules just

different rules in different areas of the US and people killing each other and innocent

civilians; kind of like Beruit Lebanon or Afghanistan.

Meanwhile, you're financial system is supposedly busting seams and then supposedly there

is the lovely lala land after all this dystopia takes place. In the background of this you then

have decoupling and de globalization taking place across the world then we have resulting

supply lines issues, and we can't quite figure out yet that maybe having no industrial or

production capacity in the US or in other nations so dispersal would be essential if that

decoupling would be sound and logical as each nation would have supporting infrastructure

to get through any time periods of take down and rebuilding across the board. Everyone

thinks this is really great planning and logistics but then continuously bitch that they can't

get their stuff and "on time". It's hysterical to say the least.

But, I'm under the impression all the larger nation states will strangle and regulate the crypto

space as currently it is a massive fraud or con waiting to happen on the unsuspecting buyer

of cryptos as mentioned previously. You can get hacked so your password into your account

is stolen and they can clean that account out. Two, you can lose your password and then not

be able to obtain your funds again. Three, there is no similar FDIC backup to guarantee your

funds if they are taken, stolen or the crypto system origin of your coin goes down and out.

Four, then you have the next shoe to fall the digital currencies that are and will be the currency

when paper currencies fall away not just per the lack of backing, etc. but because printing currency and coin costs the government(s) and private sector a lot of money to produce

so why would they continue to produce currency and coinage when in fact we're moving

into higher and higher efficiency levels in just about everything and more technological

advances that are basically revolutionizing the whole financial space(s).

I'm not quite sure but I think whether you like the current global system or not there is

no real alternative that is viable at this point and if we have folks in more debt and less

income over time, profit margins will have to go down over time regardless of what the

Fed or anyone else contemplates doing. In that China is a financial player now, you also

as an American Citizen or French Citizen or Canadian Citizen, etc. that your "debt" is

not US Debt, etc. but international debt bases. So, you might be able to get away with

defaulting on your credit card, etc. but eventually they will tighten debt forgiveness

and go back to the old penal system for people who don't pay their debt. So, having

less debt is immensely important now and so to is financial discipline over time.

I think we are moving to a new period of thinking and time and sadly there will be nations

and people that will just not get it nor want to get it so that will be a drag on the entire

system in terms of macro economic and micro economic financial systems and profits.

I think we will have to have some real patience because when people don't have what they

need they normally go ape sh__ and start burning and breaking things and that's not

how you can have a normally functioning and healthy society anywhere on the planet.

This is not to mention the issues of water, energy, air, seas, under ground resources that

are not congruent to single minded nations being able to resolve in any way. So, maybe

everything will have to really suck, before people around the world finally contemplate

their mortality in all of these decisions that go beyond just one self or just one nation but

more so will effect all nations equally and consistently in significant ways and impacts.

If our glaciers melt in the Antartica as projected and anticipated a decade or more ago or

in the Artic, you end up with "less land" as the sea rises with "more people" in the land that

is available as well as quality air, food, etc. So, this is what I logically consider, how the hell

is this current path and future projection going to work out well for the bulk of humanity or

any nation? This is why there have been other world societies thousands and thousands of

years before our own that went extinct and "out go the lights" as they never could clearly

have a logistical way forward that everyone would accept before blowing themselves up

and out of existence.

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Gates & the elites have a remedy! Population control. Limit the population of the earth to 500 million. Georgia guide stones

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Well, I think if you look at current trends of population growth it is going negative

as people are having zero kids or two at the most so the "elites" wouldn't worry about

that currently. If you notice in Western Nations between the "sexual revolutions" as it

stands today, there are fewer and fewer people having or planning to have children. So, maybe biologically as well as internally that is why this happening of and by itself.

China's population is dropping so they ended the limited children policy. Russia

has to provide stipends to young couples to get them to have children and this

is very much the same in Western Europe and elsewhere so these elites may not

have to do anything but watch internal biology changes meaning less children

and more "stuff" whether intellectual or material or all the above. In the US

that is probably why they wanted tax credits for families having and with children

as well.

I believe Elon Musk about three or five weeks ago stated in a video that he saw

people not having children as an imminent danger to the survival of the human

race going forward. He's also the one that wants to colonize Mars and other planets

thereby reducing the stress on Earth's natural systems.

But you do have a point, Gates was integrally in with Epstein and apparently

ended up divorcing his wife due to the fall out of this former relationship with

Epstein and the Pedophilia Syndrome.

I also know that it's not just Bill Gates and these current elites, I would suggest

you google search The Iron Mountain Paper which was our own US Government's

then paper on controlling the populations in all spectrums. So, this concept has

been around since just after the JFK assassination onward leaving anyone after

that in the next generation to challenge or change legislatively through our votes

and then legislation in countering it all but it never happened.

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Very well presented and you have several good points to consider. Thank you for your reply.

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You were making sense right up to the global warming bullshit. Get your head outta your ass, pal. Look at the narrative shift over the past 5 decades. When the predicted climate disaster does not happen, they switch to a new one. Retards can’t see the pattern. I don’t think you’re really retarded.

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Well, you do know that other planets are warming as well do you not. So, Artic Glacier

and Antartic Glaciers melting had nothing to do with global warming? Planetary warming is happening as well as perturbations of these planets so it goes beyond

the term "global warming" and quite honestly I don't think I ever used that term

all so honestly Dave this is what I'm talking about people can't say much because

everyone has terms that turns them red mad. That's why we can't get anything

ever resolved in the right ways or logically. So, if the tip of Florida goes under

water who the hell cares if someone calls it global warming, planetary warming,

Artic or Antartic Melting the results are the same more urban areas negatively


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I’m well aware there is a natural cycle of warming, cooling, warming, cooling etc. here on earth. I’m not denying that. Just the bullshit narrative the powers that be shove down our throats via the idiot box while we’re too busy trying to survive in the rat race. It’s all about power and control.

I’m not sure what relevance warming on other planets has to do with this space ball we live on.

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In terms of astrophysics the Earth doesn't exist of and by itself. It is part of

a solar system of planets and a star/sun and/or binary with two stars with normally one star being a brown dwarf. Astrophysics studies the "relationships" between planets as all planets, moons, etc. are all naturally via gravitational forces and electricity move through space and time together. So, when other planets are "heating up" throughout our solar system then we might expect warming here on Earth regardless of how it originates per the political talking heads. So, if your solar system so planets are heating up for whatever reason through basic relativity all planets will warm up based on rudimentary physics. Perturbations are actual observable movements in the planets path that are consistent with another body outside our Solar System directly effecting them so their path(s) meaning direct consequences on each of the planets. Now, astrophysicists are not blowing their horns as to

these planetary changes "besides" Earth because it would scare the living

sh__ out of the average person. But it is happening and that's why logical

reasoning needs to be used in going forward.

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