The fed is a corporation the real entity to be put on trial is the Supreme Court for allowing the fiat scam to happen and exist.....

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... the Constitution doesn't enforce itself - Freedom is a verb - "Take Action" ... if you don't know your rights then you have none.

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Well, that’s definitely the government indoctrination school systems and 2020 the lockdowns to shut downs Mr. operation, warp speed vaccine New York City deep state trillionaire Trump when he pulled off was just a test run for when he comes back there was no constitution at all. It was one big tyrannical, communist scam, the China trade deal Beijing Trump

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... I couldn't imagine a better candidate to help foster a more manageable 500-million global population target and bring forward their extinction plan. More extinction rebellion I say.

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... GM must be making a difference - the stream-feed dropped 3X then snapped the censorship breakers. Truth and Authenticity on the highest vibe. Once you've been red-pilled you're in the fight or you die... be a "hard case" GM... in times of universal extinction telling the truth is a revolutionary act. If I thought there was one central 'character' with solutions to stop the government from destroying humanity in the sickcare-big-pharma industry like Greg is for the Fed End'rs - then I'd be there God loves GM.

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This is an excellent interview. The current tyranny would be destroyed if the 330 million of us in this country actually worked together, presented a united front, and spoke with one voice.

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Enjoyed the interview! You didn’t use your normal hate, facial and language dialogue. You even corrected yourself on a word coming out and the moderator laughed! Again it was good!

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Great Interview! You keep saying what I'm seeing

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GM can I get your thoughts on this one? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLYCPbaiurY this looks like a scam.

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