Jun 20Liked by Gregory Mannarino

By Design! Do not forget what "yellowstain" recently said that bank deposits and interests belong to the institutions. Therefore, they can confiscate it like what they will do to "Russian" deposits/interests. Huh! Russian gov't or people?

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Jun 20Liked by Gregory Mannarino

yup and we are the ones who will have to rebuild it based on tangible assets and first principals practices.

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Jun 20Liked by Gregory Mannarino

To be honest manno, I think your completely correct, but I also believe we are just getting started with what's going to happen..?? Honestly we, all of us are pushing for corporations agenda, but the masses are completely oblivious to the truth. This is more then an agenda, this could lead to complete corruption or an all in favor of one systems design. We'll see at the selection.

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Jun 20Liked by Gregory Mannarino

i just caught the interview, awesome! you have the position and people do listen.You an Kaiser are spot on and that interview could have run for a longer period of time. Still AWESOME.

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I love Greg's message about God, governments, and freedom that's in the video.

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Fear sells.

P.S. I feel oil going up soon fir some reason.

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