It was funny as all getup when trump got KICKED OUT of the White House. The CLOWN SHOW is officially OVER. trump got RAN OUT of D.C.! He said he wasn't going to leave so I got out the popcorn to see how THAT ONE would turn out. They told him to pack his bags and GET OUT or he will be ARRESTED! trump then BOWED DOWN, CAPITULATED and did as HIS MASTERS commanded him to do and LEFT! Hahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaa! trump got ran out of D.C. and like a SNAKE slithered back to Flow-Ree-Duh with his tail tucked in between his legs. Hahahahahahahahahahaaaaa! It was really FUNNY when I saw trump's face in his car as he was LEAVING D.C. He felt like he was let down by his trump-voters because they refused to come out and vote for him. He looked so pitiful! His head was down and he looked so terribly sad. Boo-Hoo! 😞 😞 😞 He couldn't even smile at his cult-followers as he was LEAVING in his car, he just waved. He looked like he was CRUSHED! HE LOOKED LIKE HE WAS A BROKEN MAN! God has judged trump as a WICKED MAN and kicked him OUT of the White House. Heeeeeeeeheheheheheheheheeeeeeeeeeeeeee! πŸ˜ƒ πŸ˜ƒ πŸ˜ƒ Eeeeeeeeeeeheheheheheheheheheheheeeeeeeeeeee! πŸ˜ƒ πŸ˜„ 😁 πŸ˜† 😍 πŸ˜† πŸ˜€ πŸ˜ƒ πŸ˜ƒ πŸ˜ƒ

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That's why I would never get the Trump vaccine.

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C'mon Man :-)))

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Try using Grammarly...it's free. So next time when your meds stop working in mid-sentence, you will sound less like a lunatic.

Your welcome...weirdo

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newjackass city! Hey DUMMY! Hahahahahahahahahaa! DUMMY trump-STOOGE! Heheheheheheheheheheheeeeeeeee! Butthurt because trump LOST the election I see. Heheheheheee. That makes me feel all warm, fuzzy and HAPPY inside. Hahahahahahahahaaaa! IDIOT! 🀣 🀣 🀣

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Stock market CRASH in April 2021!!! Harry Dent. LOL


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2021...Ouch! That chart is showing we should have been going down the last month, but the DOW is rising. I think we're in an artificial environment where the "normal" rules of the market are non-existent? But then again....I guess we gotta wait and see if the last half of 2021 matches that chart.

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At the moment I think i will hold my Calls on Dow and Dax till end of July. Not longer. Then I will sell, wait and see. Would come together with an up-correction in EUR/USD till end of July. Means starting in August we would see Euro weaker and USD stronger for a while / for 9 to 12 month. Than Stocks up up up and USD down to maybe zero.

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Questions Swirl After Mysterious Drowning Death Of 41-Year-Old Bitcoin Billionaire. Where's the money?

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That drowning was an unfortunate "accident" I'm sure. He was "accidentally" drowned by his two friends who wanted his Bitcoin.

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Hey Greg, my father and I were going to go to the party but unfortunately I'm too young. Could we say hi at least before the party or something?

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In D.C. it's all about getting all you can as quickly as you can before you get run out of town. All the politicians know this. They just want to get elected then they get that pension FOR LIFE! Hahahahahahaaa! Biden and Hunter got theirs while they could and President Biden is getting more and more every day because he's doing just like trump did....give the FED leave to do what they want. I feel bad for Biden, he doesn't look or sound so good. You might want to start digging up videos on Kamala Harris because she might be the Presiden soon. lol.

God chose President Biden to rule America.

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that's why it's called Harris-Biden-Administration.

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Thanks Greg! Your post got me to FINALLY buy your eBook. Looks great and can't wait to dig-in. Cheers and enjoy the big weekend party. Wish I could go but I look forward to hearing about it.

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Thank-you Credit spread working like a champ.Luv you bro

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