Apr 24·edited Apr 24

Well, stocks, like real estate, are going up.. because the dollar's purchasing power is collapsing past 13 years.. stocks and real estate are just tracking the devaluation due to Fed printing and diluting the value of every dollar in circulation with each print. Wages, however (real economy) has NOT tracked the devaluation. Those in workforce now get poorer every year on a salary. This is a paradigm shift: no longer is having a "good job" a plan for stability and security. Each year since 2020, a worker has lost 20% of their purchasing power in real terms. Each year.. and it compounds. This punishes anyone in workforce (younger generations) and blows up those retired or with massive amounts of assets. Somewhere after 2010, the Fed decided that anyone having a job would become working poor

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Donald Trump Rages Over Court Composites, Suggests Artist May Be Bias Against Him


Hahahahahahahaaaaa! 🤣 🤣 🤣

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(just) my opinion: actually a buy the dip-market. (stockmarket) /// your president-elect is long.

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There have been several examples of this throughout history. As the currency devalues, stocks go higher to compensate for the loss in value of the currency.

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I’m currently in several gold and silver miner stocks . What will happen to these in a market crash ? Are they any safer? I suspect they aren’t much safer but would appreciate opinions.

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MMRI is too high for me. Even buying the dips is no longer safe in this environment. I’m keeping the 13% I made this past year and waiting the crash or the MMRI to come down once interest rates are announced to be cut by the Fed.

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I have seen worse just can't remember when. Yes I was in my mid twenties during the Carter years and this is worse right now!

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There are no connections anywhere except here.

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Apr 24·edited Apr 24

In the book, "Friendly Fascism: The New Face of Power in America. Boston, MA: South End Press." Bertram Gross foresaw in this emerging order a beguiling sort of fascism in which “more concentrated, unscrupulous, repressive, and militaristic control by a Big Business-Big Government partnership [would] preserve the privileges of the ultra-rich, the corporate overseers, and the brass in the military and civilian order”. We the people have no say or representation!

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The 10 year is almost at the 5 year; significant?? Honest question, I know others know far more than I on the matter. ... I'm exasperated currently, trying to be fair with people on time/material billing for projects and dealing with government permissions to be able to use a hammer & nail. I really hope something breaks to make life better, or to be caught up in the clouds in the twinkling of an eye with the speed that lightning travels through the sky from east to west. Exasperated with my existence in Michigan; child/parent laws keep me here or I'd leave. Just venting to others here, I apologize for being off topic. God speed to my brothers and sisters here, everybody else can eat shit. Thank you Greg for all that you do! Peace

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Chuck you Schumer said it yesterday ,, we will do everything to keep our American way of life going. Meaning ,, we’ll sacrifice our kids in war so the upper echelons continue to prosper

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case in point:if you want to guage the state of the economy,watch the Baltic Dry Index.Things ain;t lookin' too too good

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I'm trying to figure out what type of career advice I should give my 17 year old as she graduates high school. I'm thinking the following are her best options:

1: Borrow as much money as you possibly can from the federal government for your degree in genderfluid studies with no intention whatsoever of paying them back. Use this student loan money to invest in the stock market, since it can only go up in value. Wave your Ukranian flag like our Congressman do when they approve another mint for killing people.

2: Work in a minimum wage low stress job, making sure that your income stays low enough to qualify for all government subsidies you will need to continue to feed yourself. Do not consider promotions or doing any real work as none of it pays well enough to support yourself.

3: Just stay with your parents!

Any other suggestions?

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I think that sounds like an endorsement of D J T. haha.

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Dealt not felt

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Greg how should savings bonds be felt with in this market? Liquidate for PMs or hold the bonds?

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