It's funny how people always think "It can never happen here"...until it does. Heheheheeee! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaa! 🤣 🤣 🤣

I've been telling you people for YEARS the government YOU supported in taking other's rights away were going to take YOURS away by using the law and that's happening everywhere including America. They are actually making "mandates" laws. Hahahahahahaahahahaa! 🤣

LOOK at this dumb, disillusioned truck driver who thought everything was alright and everything would be the same the next day. He was lulled into a hypnotic sleep state by the NWO and he believed his government, which he loved, would always care about him and recognize his rights. Looks like he was duped. Now he's sitting in his truck pissed off because THE FULL REALIZATION of his lack of past action is finally seeping down into his pea-brain and he knows for an absolute FACT that life for him as he knew it has dramatically changed forever and HIS rights are being completely stomped upon by Canadian authorities and he is now a SLAVE with no rights.

Look how they’re doing the truck drivers in Canada!!! Tyranny!!!


I warned you people, but you wouldn't listen to me. That truck driver didn't listen either. Now he's disillusioned and pissed off because he is getting BULLIED by the government of Canada, which he loved and supported all these years, and there is NOTHING he can do about it. Hahahahahahahahahahaaaaa! 😃 🤣 🤣

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I was in Walmart 2 days ago and huge sections of shelves were empty. I simply smiled. Hahahahahahaha! The Whore of Babylon (America) is falling down as Yahuah foretold over 2,000 years ago.

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Your BEST vlog in a long time!! Fact based, no/minimal name calling, and focused. Keeping with your principle of loving each other... GREAT JOB!!

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Greg gets better and better. Just simply amazing!

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Personally, I'd be lookin to buy the stud farm right next to The Dollar Vigilante, if I could.

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By choice


Don't give any advice to them. They will become furious and respond with "This is my life. Get the F** out". You have to leave them alone

FED has nothing to do with it btw because if you bring Jose from south of the border, give me a work visa and drop him anywhere in the USA. Next you know that he has a lawn mowing business, he would be communicating the customer via Google Translator, buy a house and have 3 4 kids.

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Uranium Stocks (very) interesting again.

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Greg, your friend Michael Pento is calling for a market crash. He’s a bright guy, what do you make of it?

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Greg, you sing very well! 😄 and thank you for today's video.

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Jan 19, 2022·edited Jan 19, 2022

In my opinion the trucker strike will make the market fall further and farther. Canada mandates went into effect this past weekend, US mandates kick in this coming weekend. I think that is what is causing market distress. No one is taking about it because the narrative is not appealing for the cabal, but it is at our border now. CASH position might be king in this situation. Of course I am not selling anything, will be buying when targets happen.

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I was told today by a trucker today to stock up on what I needed while I had a chance to and so I took his advice.

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I've been doing the same. I've encountered a number of different things being unavailable. I'm not in Florida.

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Lots of things are not available on the shelves now.

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I was told by two different truckers to prepare

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Cross border truck drivers can’t enter US with deliveries beginning Jan 22 without vaccine

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Such problems have all been created by governments, and governments deserve all of the blame.

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And sharing what’s really happening honestly helps others.

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Governments as opposed to any threat from a pathogen.

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It may hurt the supply chain In both directions

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cross border truck drivers from Us can’t deliver loads of goods such as groceries or bring back loads of goods without vaccine proof as of Jan 22.

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I was in Walmart 2 days ago and huge sections of shelves were empty. I simply smiled. Hahahahahahaha! The Whore of Babylon (America) is falling down.

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Florida is all open. Restaurants are packed. No mask. Shelves are fully stocked. No shortage of anything. No financial crisis. No covid crisis.

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Is the federal reservists... just allowing the market to keep up with the banks debt load... could it be a good shot to kill this beast with the Silver Bullet... ?

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Here's question for Greg. Okay, Investment Banks and Banks drop significantly today even

as oil rises higher? If the banks are into oil futures and taking profits why would they be going

down. Like wise, if debt and the yield on debt increases, the only thing that might make a bank

or investment bank drop significantly would not be rate increases "but" that the banks are

holding a lot of bonds with lower yields so as new bonds with higher yields are offered than

the banks value in those bonds would go lower thereby hurting their bottom line. Interest

rate hikes of and by themselves by the Fed would not make banks go down but more so

drive their stock and bank bond values up as more return on invested monies would be

obtained in addition to the oil futures gains/profits. So, the bank stocks would be up with

just rate increases by the Fed and oil futures investments going up per oil per barrel and

natural gas gains as either of these over time would mean higher revenues for the banks

not less. But if they are carrying a lot of old bond portfolio at low rates then you have a

reason for the banks deflating stock prices.

I don't know if you were watching the news, but China's Dear Leader asked the Fed "not"

to increase the interest rates even as China is going to more dovish monetary policies as

China's growth slows and loans come due as well. So, you have a globalized world market(s)

even as the world is deglobalizing per se leaving the markets to have stops and starts in

terms of how well it can handle the next issue beyond supply lines, etc.

If you also noticed today, some US Natural Gas Enterprise that was working in conjunction

with some Middle East Nations is said to be having second thoughts on running a natural

gas pipeline to "EUROPE" with no other than Turkey's Erdogan advising this would be a

great idea! Who wants that natural pipeline from natural gas rich Middle Eastern Nations

to Europe to be nixed since 2013? That's right, it's Russian because they have 98% lock up

of the European Markets with France saying no to nuclear power and Germany sucking up

to the Vlad Putin. And where is Putin pushing and threatening to go further into? Ukraine

and the Eastern European Regions again. This is Russia's version of what the Nazi's and Hitler

called Lebensraum; their need and want of more "living room" so expect Putin to push even

further as well as do probes deeper into Eastern Europe once again. Me personally, nothing

against the Russians, "but" there is a reason for genuine competition in "any markets" whether

oil or natural gas or commodities because it creates "market discipline" among the competing

nations and companies to provide the lowest cost service or commodity to the end user. When

you have one company or Nation having a monopoly over any market, it creates a lack of

market discipline and so a market not providing the lowest cost for the best products. Interestingly enough, only two-three weeks ago amazingly enough Israel blocked a natural

gas pipeline to Europe saying it was all about an "environmental issue"! This is the Middle

East where they drop hundreds of tons of munitions with radiation all over the region speaking

about environmental concerns. So, there's a lot of crap behind all these doors for sure.

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Duh !

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