To quote George Carlin “It’s a big club and you ain’t in it!” None of those trades were accidental....

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They are all corrupt!

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Just another criminal working in Washington

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95% of congressmen and senators employed via the United States Inc are completely corrupt.Not one of these people serve the people.Can you say High Treason

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Doesn't hurt to have insider information. Some of the top traders in the world are politicans, look at Pelosi's record. Yes, corruption is everywhere with the so called elites. Fed officials are in on the game as well.

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Must be a Democrat... they were waiting for Hunter Biden's tax evasion to time-out so they wouldn't have to charge him... unbelievable the two tiers of judgment

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Republicans are just as corrupt. They just don’t flaunt it.

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No difference Demons vs Republican.This psych op on the American sheep has been going on since 1871 and the Organic Act.

If American Taxpayers really understood where a huge portion of their tax dollars actually go there would be improvised gallows on every street corner in America virtually overnight.

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Who ever tries to do anything about it, they will be cancelled, defunded and suicided.

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bribed or blackmailed...

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The fact it is public is what I find suspicious. Usually there are one of two reasons allegations of this level are publicized, to get rid of the person, or to discern public reaction. This situation appears to be the later. American citizens, a majority, are entirely apathetic. No one cares that Bostic did, let alone understands.

Bostic is what I call a tier 2 puppet master. The main members of the WEF gang are tier 1 puppet masters. What Bostic did is no different than Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, and many others in Congress/government. Apathy and ignorance reigns. No one cares.

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People are intellectually lazy. I barely know anyone who will recognize and discuss this corruption.

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Only other issue they won't discuss is the Liberty incident.

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And above the WEF are the trillionaires who own the central banks. The billionaires at Davos are their lap dogs.

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So true about apathy and ignorance...😕

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we are way beyond writing cards and letters and calling congressman , the only way this gets resolved is strictly written out in the declaration of independence but as long as the sheep can watch football and still access GMO processed foods we probably have very little chance at fixing this .

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being worth 10-MIllion is now the old 01-MIllion. So he may have the right in his mind to do what he do. I'm surprised hes not worth 100M

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That crooked smile is a dead giveaway.....

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Corruption, greed, and evil come in all races, colors, and creeds. Just look at a lot of modern churches.

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Which would be the Vatican.

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Let’s get bastards! Where’s the FBI, oh never mind.

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Looking at their budget money being spent on Israel 😢

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So who’s gonna prosecutor who would do that nobody in Washington

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Now that would be a great government shutdown

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Well if I made that kind of money the way he did, I might have a SHIT EATING GRIN on my face too.

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It's BS and a disgrace. These are greedy evil people.

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No. I wrote to the Atlanta Federal Reserve and requested he be expelled. I also wrote a bunch of other "issues" with their policy. They obviously would not comment on Bostic, but they did say we appreciate the input...yeah right. And his net worth is more than that after the runup. I am pretty sure of that!

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