God Bless and Protect you for sharing your wisdom with us!!!

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If the FED fails to deliver rate hikes next meeting, I can see the market crater substantially. "But", i also think that what will happen, like what I think is going to happen between now and then, is the FED continue to increase their balance sheet to keep markets stable. Powell mentioned the pandemic in his opening statements, and he will continue to keep using the pandemic as the fuel for the game to keep the financial markets in tune with a "normal economy", even though he just killed what's left of the economy today. So, in my opinion, i believe the market will either remain flat between now and then or it will go much higher. The next time he pulls this stunt, i think the market will nose dive even more, but the FED will be using the same excuse over again just to keep their balance sheet increasing. It doesn't matter what they do or say at this point, the market will remain at the top or go much higher. There is going to be no real "crash" anytime soon, until they bring us back to 2019. The real reason why is because they did allow the market to crater during March of 2020. They allowed this to happen in order to expose their final end game...and now they just did it again, but without a "in the moment" narrative. During 2020, everyone blamed the virus and lockdowns for the crash...but now, the only ones to blame are the FED's inability to act. Their agenda is the same, but the timing and coordination is different. If the FED is unwilling to show some kind of credibility today, then this just shows that they most likely will never show any credibility anytime soon, but they still do have one goal in mind, which is to keep the economy and the markets "appearing" extremely well off.

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Well said, thank you

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Paragraphs would really help us read this.

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Thanks again! Yes, I was somewhat surprised how bad it was but I followed your lead & did not give all in. I finished down but you keep me afloat. I don't know what I'd do without you. OKIE gal who was about to pull out with only $500 left but you saved me. No matter what happens, you keep me in. I make mistakes but YOU ARM ME WITH DAMAGE CONTROl so my losses are minimum to what they'd be without you. We are truly LIKE MINDED! I share. You are my lifeboat & I love you. I know how HARD you work & all the BS you go through. Thank you for caring! Your OKLAHOMAA gal who is a LEO & am PROUD to be in your Pride of Lions!. We are strong!! From $500 & on my way out, but I found you just in time. I admire, respect & love you for being you.

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thank you

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Thanks Greg, now go play with the puppies and hug the wife.

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Who told the Plunge-Protection guy he could go home???

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appreciate you Greg

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I just hope they don’t release another “variant” and start this fake war as an excuse to continue running up their balance sheet... USA arms dealers are probably making a killing right now

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Looks like a new deal with Russia as they plan to get missiles closer to America just as NATO tries to get more missiles close to Russia. The war might be fought in Ukraine and South America.

The military-industrial complex of NATO might end up facing the military-industrial complex of Russia and China. Meanwhile RT reports another virus on the way. Can't make this stuff up.

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I have a feeling this will be a wild ride .

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How is it that if the market prices in a rate hike and they didn’t get it, the market drops? That may make sense to some financial gurus but makes no sense to me.

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The market drops because it is showing that the FED has failed to deliver to the American people. It's all about credibility. Even though we know the government is complete horsesh** when it comes to telling the truth and getting things done, they still expose some kind of credibility to the American people in desperate times for "browny points". Everyone in this country knows what is going on, even though we were the first to see it...and now that the FED says "screw the people, we are doing our own thing", it's a middle finger to everyone who is late to the game.

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Joe, respectfully, 'The Market' did not drop because it " failed to deliver to the American people" as you say. 'The Market' does not give a rat's a$$ about "the people"...Wall Street isn't about "the American people" , I hope you get that. What I am now deriving from Greg's latest video this morning is that the drop was a sniff test. The market smells something rotten and that rotten thing is they are thinking that things are so overleveraged that the F3D can't even do a miniscule rate increase without collapsing the house of cards. Now, it's not that that is a fact but that after Powells statement 'The Market' lost confidence in being able to predict the F3D's actions. Things are rebounding this morning probably because clearer heads are taking the wheel.

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I am in the same boat. What is the rational for selling off when there is no hike (I.E. the cost of borrowing does NOT go up). Can anyone give a clear explination??? Haven't seen one yet.

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And they couch the market sell-off as a "taper tantrum!" Unbelievable!

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time to make money

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Thanks Greg.

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Hi Greg. I think you've missed that many stocks and sectors have been in bear markets for many months while the major indices were held up by FAANG stocks. I wish you had given us some timing advice, but you've pretty much said to keep buying. Thanks for the word of caution, but when you say to keep playing our game, what do you really mean? Buy now or sell now? Not sure what to do with your advice to be "cautious". Another thing, I've heard it elsewhere that the market went up initially on the Fed minutes where it was learned that there would be no rate hike, but sold off after Powell started talking about reducing the Fed's balance sheet; that's a very different take on the reaction to what you're saying. Btw I think you're great personally and I enjoy your channel. Best Wishes.

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A little write up on your MMRI indicator will help.....Specially how to read....when to go long....shortselff...be defensive ...be cautionary. Appreciate support

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