If Kamala is BAD, Trump is BAD, lower rates are bad (I agree), weaker dollar is bad (I agree), why are Cryptos/Bitcoin now GOOD? See the scam here...

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... what if the bankers have been secretly moving metal out of the country using block chain? What if teachers were secretly babtising children in school? What if you happened to know someone who is well-off and they probably shouldn't be? Skepticism is no cure for being double-blinded.

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Nobody can explain to me what tangible assets back up crypto. That’s because there are none. To expand on your point just a smidgen; Confidence is the only entity keeping crypto afloat. Confidence is better known as the “con” in the confidence game racket. If ever there were a successor to the Ponzi Scheme, crypto is it. Not only is it a con, but it is also a perfect segue into CBDC.

When Greg says “become your own Central Banker, I don’t think this is what he has in mind.

Nobody bats 1000. Ted Williams hit .3444 career and he’s the all time batting champion.

410 appx. and he

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Cognitive dissonance is a virus that causes Biden-style dementia a.k.a. brain freeze.

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THE SUPPRESSED HISTORY OF AMERICA: The Murder of Meriwether Lewis and the Mysterious Discoveries of the Lewis and Clark Expedition.

Authors: Paul Schrag and Xaviant Haze.

Foreword by Michael Ysarion. 2011. www,InnerTradition.com, or www.BearandCompanyBooks.com.

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I presume the stated hyper-economics, hyper-debt and another great depression, which expects to exceed £54 trillion by 2034 (3:55-4:11), corresponds to the post-2032 collapse, which Martin Armstrong's super-computer, Socrates. identified long ago.


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It sounds all very familiar. The Crash of 1929 followed by the Great Depression. Both were cleverly engineered to usher in New Deal politics and Keynesian economics.

FDR’s gold confiscation and tax increases primed the pump for a war footing. This all was the continuation of WWI which was better known as WWII. This was the second-in-line war to end all wars.

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A quick google shows Trump DOES want influence over FED. Question is, will it be the right direction. You say there are only 3-4 people on earth that are in your camp - so why don’t you see if you can have a conversation with him.

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