They cannot be trusted, I will not forget

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The entire financial system cannot be trusted.

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Correct Greg that’s why I hold precious metals

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We have to becareful of the crypto markets as well. Now that finance has no other option but to allow it.

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What do you mean Sarah? Be careful as in?

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They like to manipulate the stock market. So they're going to try to start manipulating the crypto markets as well that's why I say becareful. I know we have people in crypto countering any big companies, banks or others that are trying to manipulate. It's just a matter of time. Specially with governments creating digital currencies and the whole process of them. When they're going to tether those to the crypto Market itself. Is a very high possibly. To transfer off the dollar. When the tethering event occurs within active Market it's going to cause volatility.

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They're going to be issues with transactions while the tethering occurs with cashing out. There is a much bigger picture to unfold. They are making money with crypto and many people are involved to just let it go. They have seen how it is beneficial to their bottom line and businesses. How it can,and will hold up countries during distressing times.

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That is 1000000000 percent certain!

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That is good, but I have a feeling Pay Pal just made their bed. Hopefully people turn from them. That isn't a mistake taken lightly.

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Then be sure to cancel your bank accounts, credit, and debit cards.. all a part of the same thing.

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Yeah, I suppose you're correct, its all interconnected. But I still say fk um. 😆 🤣 😂

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Won't let me like your response. Interesting.

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Greg I wish that were possible. I know a few swamis who live in caves or under trees in India and they never touch money at all. But they are the most rare.

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Like Greg always says, become your own central bank.

It’s best to use cash everyday.

That way they can’t track and trace what you spend on and you deprive them of a percentage cut of every transaction.

It’s straight up racketeering.

But my points!

Are those points really worth your freedom?

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It is why I refuse to use any of these woke pos companies! Let me just send a check to a P.O. Box.

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Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022

they do have a $2500 violation fine...how they construe a violation is up to them and therefore you have to fight to get your money back. I don't trust them at this point...my husband and I both cancelled our paypal accounts...we have been using paypal for over 20 years and I just don't trust them to not quietly reinstall a more specific "wrong think" fine policy ...at this point is isn't about the OFFICIAL response that they don't have the fine, it is all about trust...I don't trust them

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paypal is part of the evil authoritarian system to shut down freedom of speech and truth

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dude you need to go to rumble and find ways to get payments outside the Communist big brother watching you. do you take dogecoin?

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Trust nothing..

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No phone call needed, just look at their "Restricted Activities' section of the user agreement. www.paypal.com/ga/webapps/mpp/ua/useragreement-full#restricted

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.. and then while your at it, check out the acceptable use policy... https://www.paypal.com/ga/webapps/mpp/ua/acceptableuse-full

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Paypal just gaslit you the fuck up

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Ouch lol

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Shown the proof here that Paypal also lied to Greg. Its here at the top of their own page in black and white. What more proof does anyone need.

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I would NOT trust ANYTHING PayPal says. I am in civil court with them now, their policies are a train wreck and they do not follow up on frauds cases. they just sell them off to LLC companies that try to recover a supposed debt.

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I want to support you but sending that statement out "in error" does not sit well with me. Why was that statement typed at all...error or not?

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Exactly. Greg, you've been telling us to keep cash on hand. If you want 5 Bucks you better open a P.O. Box so we can mail you 5 bucks. No one is reopening their PayPal accounts here. All the banks proboblsy have the same things written in their legal documents but PayPal got caught.

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Paypal is pure commie now. Has been moving that way for awhile. I was surprised you used them. Hopefully you'll bounce now.

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what they are is pure capitalist fascist scum. Rule by corporations IS FASCISM. The OPPOSITE of communism.

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Commie lover! 🤣🤣🗑🗑. Fascism is trash too. Capitalism rocks though. You're a loser.

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calling it "commie" shows more about you then most of us would like to know

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Don't get your panties in a bunch, ruby! 🤣

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This just proves what snakes they are, and that PayPal is operating as a tool of the "new guard". That means you can't trust them if you think for yourself and want to speak your mind. It's all about pressure to censor free speech, part of the grand socialist scheme of things.

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Meh, who cares. The company needs to be put down. Closed my account on it. These companies and our government are starting to get away with so much (IRS: is the new mob, they can and will end you if you dont give them your money) What trash! We are owned. There is no freedom. You are a battery today. It doesnt help that our boys are now girls and being masculine is toxic. No one will fight back. It's over. They have taken your rights, loaded you with debt you didnt sign up for (every tax payer owes about 247K....LMFAO.) Ummm...no. All the while, congress fucks you. They do everything you dont want or need provided the companies that own the US and your ass keep paying them...

We are screwed...

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And they said that was all MISINFO & wouldn't happen. They are all FUCKING LIARS

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PayPal should be punished, by their users, for that memo. Plenty of other options... I'm off.

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