By 2017 the world economy has collapsed. Food, natural resources and

oil are in short supply. A police state, divided into paramilitary

zones, rules with an iron hand. Television is controlled by the state

and a sadistic game show called "The Running Man" has become the most

popular program in history. All art, music and communications are

censored. No dissent is tolerated and yet a small resistance movement

has managed to survive underground. When high-tech gladiators are not

enough to suppress the people's yearning for freedom......more direct

methods become necessary.

Truth in movies... for decades.

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All true. But for how long will the crowd tolerate it until they reach breaking point? Suicide alone is way up across the world on the heels of this medical terrorism. What does that tell you? People would rather die than put up with it. Others take it our on each other and animals. Ugly times but they won't and can't last.

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Agreed. Question is how long will it last. Well if depopulation is a desired goal of the Jesuit NWO then they are happy to keep the pressure up on the masses in multiple ways to reach their goals. It would have to get really bad if the Georgia Guidestones are really part of the plan.

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Exactly! Lies in the news…truth in movies. Predictive programming years before 9/11 and coronavirus too. 2011 Captain America movie scene towards the end in Time Square with a Corona beer ad up high on one side and the other a picture of a what looks a lot like the Covid molecule shown so often in the fear mongering news and articles.

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War could last for years? Good! I'll make money off these WICKED GENTILES who are killing each other for fun. 👍😃

Eeeeeeeeeeheheheheheeee! 😂🤣😂🤣🤣😁

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They need to have War so National emergencies enacted in able to continue to hide Vaccine deaths so Trickery up ahead ... all our Kiss ass friends got us here because they have had YEARS to wake TF up

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They have to transfer their grubby vaccine labs to another country. Go Putin Go clean them up.

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It's ,ridiculous havnt we learned anything?Yes, but they do what they want anyway.

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Head line should read General says I hope war lasts forever

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Lithium Prices Skyrocket, Electric Vehicles May Soon Follow

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Is substack hacked ???

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