Hello Greg, thank you for the quality of your daily content that allows us to see more clearly on the markets.

Using your MMRI, I developed a Chrome extension that allows you to have the main information at a click (S&P 500, Dow Jones, US 10 Year, DXY, MMRI, VIX, Gold, Silver, WTI, Brent, Bitcoin, Ethereum).

I'm sharing Investor Dashboard with the rest of the community in case other lions are interested: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/investor-dashboard/pfjnkpmfmmnmhppfoemcgpedgcnajbed

I can also improve it if it helps other lions. Have a nice day.

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Everything in the market is all intricately related and weighted. If your oil goes up, then

transportation costs goes up and cost of everything goes up. During this time period

this is your inflation according to economists. "Then" as a consumer, your costs go up

consistently higher and your income is limited, this makes the consumer taper their consumption

of items even if there is low interest to buy items. This then has a ripple effect down and through the whole economy over time. This is when you will see a declining amount of

revenue stream to corporations producing all the stuff resulting in lower profit margins as

consumption levels dip per the inflationary bubble which then equals eventual less jobs

or cutting jobs so a repressive-depressionary movement or down trending at this stage

even though pricing has to maintained at the higher costs do to the underlying cost to

make any items. This is when you see stagflationary processes arise where there are no

longer any alternatives to consider only diminishing returns in a vapid deacceleration of

business activities even as those businesses are still absorbing the higher cost and trying

to pass them on to consumers.

The current push of purchases of items goes beyond any person supposedly trying to get

out of the dollar. This has more to do with the media advising consumers they may not

be able to get their "stuff" for Christmas or Holidays so better buy "now" rather than later.

I think preppers are also fueling this as well as they wait patiently for the end times and

armegeddon on the plaines of Meghitto.

In terms of any prudent person doctrine, you should have several weeks of food, water

and other necessities for any natural disaster or hardships from wherever they come from

as well as getting out of debt as much as possible. Anyone, who is piling into and on more

debt at this time and not reducing your monthly costs in some way has been drinking the

cool aid too long and needs maybe to sit down with paper and pencil and make some tertiary


As far ex pats, I think they should very honestly know their surroundings and what's going

on in the nation or region they are in as well. If things get bodaciously bubbly out there

then you need to have plans as well on what you're gong to do when the doo doo comes

to your door(s).

Be smart, keep your helmets on, your thinking caps running daily and above all remember

we are undefeatable together and unified. If they break us up into individuals or small groups

we'll lose both the battle and the war. So, stick together and keep your eyes open and your

minds clear. Tomorrow has come today!

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unfortunately BITO only has monthly option contracts at this time

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Just noticed that the new Bitcoin ETF has options on it now. Is it Bull Put Spread time? :)

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