Yes Greg! We must be our pets advocates and demand changes. There are many sites for this info to follow, and www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com is one I trust. Find a holistic vet and integrate them in the best interest of your pet, not traditional vet's bank account. Dogs do NOT need 7 yearly vaccines. they can get titer testing to see if they are covered etc. make sure the rabies vaccine they are getting has NO mercury.

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Thats great for those who have time, otherwise no-carb, low carb wetfood for cats is essential. & organic whenever possible

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All true... goes with pet vaccines too... my doggie... only table food, raw eggs, organic grassfed hamburger bit out of every package opened. My doggie, zero vaccines... healthies dog ever! Pictured in my profile pic... five years old now still has his nuts and looking for a girlfriend! he is half jack russel, 1/4 yorkie, 1/4 corgi.

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Don’t worry we won’t have to worry about eating poison since pretty soon we’ll be eating nothing

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Look into mRNA Gene Therapies for all the livestock and countries stockpiling jabs for "the next pandemic".

(CSL Seqirus Inc. Audenz™ (aH5N1c) monovalent, adjuvanted, cell-based inactivated influenza (H5N1) subunit vaccine is designed to protect individuals from disease caused by the influenza A virus H5N1 subtype in the event of bird flu pandemics.)

What if all the livestock including Beef, Pork, and Poultry, suddenly die? Would it make a very convincing "evidence" based case to fearmonger the populous to protect themselves with more jabs?

Does this sound like a evil plan to depopulate and weaponize the global food supply? Be prepared for anything.

People have knew food was a weapon of war 2500 years ago:

"When resources are exhausted, then levies are made under pressure. When power and resources are exhausted, then the homeland is drained. The common people are deprived of seventy percent of their budget, while the government's expenses for equipment amount to sixty percent of its budget.

Therefore a wise general strives to feed off the enemy. Each pound of food taken from the enemy is equivalent to twenty pounds you provide by yourself. "II: Doing Battle, The Art Of War -Sun Tzu

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Raising my own meat... zero meds, zero corporate feeds, zero gmo...

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Great idea! As Dr. Robert Malone says this is the only way to have sovereignty over your food, I know too much about Malone and his career to trust him as anything but "controlled opposition", but when global disasters hit he is right there from the start so maybe worth paying attention too.

I noticed today Ed Dowd(former Blackrock Analyst) is just arrived in Maui, Biden in Canada, Macron soon fleeing to China next week, got a bad gut feeling. False flag incoming soon? Having (& defending) your own food/water sources may be the best hedge against complete societal collapse.

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Art of War was translated by a Jesuit priest and there is no historical record Sun Tzu ever existed.


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Interesting theory, my first wife went to a Jesuit University, I really don't trust those frauds. I assume the tweet refers to the 1772 translation by a Jesuit named Jean Joseph Marie Amiot.

In the same tweet thread a response says: "@Reflectblog

Replying to


The numbering system we see here wasn’t part of the original text. Even though there were debates on who actually was the author of Art of War, famous Chinese scholars and historians like Sīmǎ Qiān (145–86 BC) had already started quoting this book a long time ago. 10:05 PM · Feb 20, 2022 "

Looking for myself I found this:


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I agree do not trust high up Jesuits they are master tricksters and have perfected deception, manipulation and infiltration. They have been in China for a long time Way before they came to the US and set up DC ahead of the Feds. Roman architecture all over DC. Jesuit Masonic cabal is a alliance with Catholics and Jews and are the face of the NWO. They have cleverly kept a low profile while claiming they are do gooders and deflecting blame to the Jews when clearly it’s an evil collaboration tapping into ancient knowledge and some dark arts. They know how to run psychological operations with their puppets in the media pushing non stop propaganda.

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Did this really creep anyone else out?: https://www.cna.org/reports/2015/IQR-2015-U-012427.pdf

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Last summer for a few months every time my wife or I left my our farm village in rural Nebraska I would see two or three flatbed semi trucks hauling prefabricated modular prison cells heading south. Weird thing is because there is no large prisons in this area and no manufactures or suppliers of prefab cells in our state from what I found.

It does not make sense to travel on a small (really out of the way) 39 mile long state highway(Nebraska 15). I do not think Fairbury, Nebraska was their final destination(we visit there often) but I did not follow the trucks. My wife noticed them first and made a photo, I personally saw maybe 3 dozen trucks in total but always travelling in a convoy of only 2 to 4 at a time. If you keep traveling south you eventually end up here: https://archive.ph/G1Xqr

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The government is placing an extreme biohazard lab in the heartland. What could could go wrong? If it wasn't so serious, it would be funny. The "accidents" from that place have probably already been planned.

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I agree also think things have been planned.(event 201)

In the last few years I learned more than I ever wanted to know about the US bioweapons program, shocking and criminal to say the least. 2018/2019 were big flea years in our county and last summer there was a ridiculous amount of ticks. I bought a Beurer Insect Bite Healer Device, it's like a little electric toothbrush sized heater to help relieve a big bite but also a good idea to heat any tick bite as that may help neutralize any weaponized tick pathogen.

Search for "Operation Big Itch" and you will see some of what I'm talking about. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/42117387-bitten






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Also so much creepy BS I forgot about seeing with my own eyes the "mystery drones" fly a grid pattern over our village and county at night in 2019/2020. My kids were camping in the yard and came in the house because they were scared like a fudging horror movie.Things are so crazy and as Greg says, we have not seen anything yet.

Search for mystery drones fly over Colorado or Nebraska, it was in the national news. The early official response was confusion/stupidity then officials were warning people it would be illegal to shoot them down. If this was not a US operation our Homeland "security" is a complete joke, but pretty sure it was above the paygrade of the FAA and Military as they had no explanation.

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Interesting. The new Plum Island in Kansas!

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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023

Vaxxes are and always have been about depopulation. (Infectious diseases declined due to improved nutrition, hygiene and sanitation and had absolutely nothing to do with vaxxes.) Before COVID, I naively thought the PTB thought vax injuries were "acceptable" for the "greater good"; or that Big Pharma profit was the motive. The COVID hoax has shown they're really about stealth depop. As Attali famously said:

"We will have taken care to have planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots will thus be done by themselves: they will go to the slaughterhouse on their own. “


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Things are going great in France.

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Unfortunately I learned about this deadly poison after our English Bulldog (Mildred) died of organ failure. Nothing hurt as bad watching my 11 year old son cry for the loss of his best friend.

Ghastly to do research on this and learn it also harmed peoples children exposed to this poison who had pets that would sleep in their bed. There is a ongoing war against humanity and nature. https://www.classaction.org/news/seresto-flea-collar-class-action-alleges-bayer-elanco-misled-pet-owners-about-deadly-product

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Where's the LINK to PETFooled? it's not linked here (that I can see).

do I have to search BoobTube for it?


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RemovedMar 24, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023
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People are replacing children for dogs. I have a husky who is my best friend and I love, but he's not a child. I have two children. Instead of having kids, people are getting pets. Corporations are exploiting this. Its as simple as that. My dog has been fixed and had a rabies shot. If she needs emergency care, she will go to the vet, otherwise forget it. She does eat mostly people food, but people have gone mad over pets. Its Sad! Have some kids and Get to church People!! They are ANIMALS not People! Sorry for the rant. :)

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I see it too! My mom just told me "why would anyone bring children into this world during times likes these". I told her that's exactly what TPTB want people to think, depopulation is the goal. Look into any of these things: Rockefeller medicine, US "Special Virus Cancer Research Program", Polio jab gave "wild" polio return to Africa and coming soon to a city near you. mRNA Gene Therapies for all the livestock, and "next pandemic" of H5N1, government mandated culling of poultry, six sigma rise in cancer, Global birthrate drop, search twitter for "placentagate", Antibody-dependent Enhancement (ADE) and Vaccines etc.

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Spoken like a cold demented shallow person. Many Asian coin are authoritarian nightmare no thanks.

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no wonder my cats turn their nose up and some of the different flavors....

Where are the guillotines?

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My on pup, received 1st round of shots as a pup and one rabies shot. He is 11 now and in good health. Check out a book called STOP THE SHOTS.


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They consider 'US' domesticated animals right now so its easy for them to cull the herd.

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Fantastic documentary! I have dingoes and as an undomesticated breed they have absolutely no tolerance for commercial dog food and will refuse to touch it. They are fed completely raw human grade meat. They will even turn their nose up at this if there has been any sort of preservatives or unnatural additives, which just goes to show how much crap they add into our own meat that they don’t disclose to us.

We also cannot give them any pharmaceuticals or vaccines as they react very badly to them and cause depression and other mood changes.

It’s criminal the amount of suffering inflicted on our pets at the hands of these greedy corporations.

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How about if you have kids, be prepared to raise them and not let the state raise them. I was lucky enough to be a stay at home mom. My kids are respectful and thoughtful and love their family :).

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Agreed and also a good idea to homeschool ( unschool )children we don’t need any more people indoctrinated and brainwashed by the so called educational institutions.

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My 13 year old cat has been eating Darwin's raw pet food for over 6 years. He has a very shiny coat and is still full of life and love. Darwin's is a great company. I'm a senior and asked if they could give me a discount. Now all of my orders are now discounted 20%.

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At some point soon it will only be safe to source your own meat for your pet. Personally I'm done eating any commercial poultry, beef, or pork.

food is a weapon: https://www.fda.gov/animal-veterinary/outbreaks-and-advisories/fda-cautions-pet-owners-not-feed-certain-lots-darwins-natural-pet-products-due-salmonella

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God bless you Gregg for telling your viewers about the poison in dog food. Read the"China Study" book to learn about America's diet and why we have obesity, heart disease, diabetes, etc.....Our American diet is making us very, very sick. (book is NOT about China)

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Greg Dr Karen Becker has been on my radar for several years. If you are interested in learning more about dog wellness and natural feeding I would be more than happy to answer questions you may have.

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where do we find the documentary,,my crystal balls in the shop

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Crazy that they showed the human food pyramid for comparison at the late 16minute mark....🤔

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