trump-voters falling for a scam again? Hahahahahahaaaaa! Good, they deserve it. 😂 😂 😂

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Why are you posting things to divide us? We are not supposed to fall for the manipulation. Wake up!, and see the enemy isn't your neighbor it's the Fed the sooner you realize that the sooner you will stop wasting peoples time.

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And frankly, I am getting GREAT PLEASURE from watching The FED DESTROY you ignorant trump voters day by day. Hahahahahahahahahaaaaaa! It's like I just can't believe how WONDERFULLY they are destroying you dummies and all the while you clap your hands in exultation screaming "The economy is the strongest it's ever been! Unemployment is at an all-time low. We're in a V-shaped recovery" You people are stupid and deserve to be destroyed by The FED and your own government.


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That's the thing I'm not a Trump supporter. Just laugh at people who are triggered like you! LOL

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I can post whatever in the hell I want you Jackass. I don't NEED to divide you weak trump voters because you are already divided and stupid as hell.

MY enemy is NOT The FED. They are YOUR enemy!

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. 😃

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all the sheeple who question nothing and follow every scam that is presented to them. In the great words of Greg Mannarino... brainwashed imbeciles!! hahahahahahaha

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Yep, you're right. Hahahahahahahaaaaa!

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Your remark sounds like you're the sheep, not a lion.

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How the hell am I the sheep if YOU dumb trump-voters are the ones getting scammed? You got it twisted buddy. I am the LION watching you dumb SHEEP get FLEECED by scammers. Hahahahahahahahaaa! I'm in 100% support of the scammers. The scammers scamming you idiots are GOOD SAMARITANS to the Human Race.

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For one, it appears that Trump is living rent-free in your Trump derangement-filled ecosystem. Two, there's zero logic behind your hypocritical fit. You remind me of a screaming toddler looking for his mom in the middle of a Wal-Mart. Crying like a sheep, so the real lions come out and eat you and your weak-minded mother. Based on numbers alone... Rule one of statistics: Don't compare apples to oranges; otherwise, your data is erroneous. -- I'll send you an invoice, peasant.

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My "data"? WTH are you takling about? Stop smoking that crack pipe dude.

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Yes I've noticed I try and report them immediately. It's unfortunate that with a market where people can make way more money being legit they take the lazy way. They will always live with that for the rest of their lives.

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I love The FED. I love bankers too. They are doing a great job.

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Is that why you love your own comments too? LMFAO

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Actually yes. 🤣

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Hi Greg, please upload your videos to https://odysee.com/ I believe you will NOT be Youtube CENSORED there, I excellent platform, Jeff Berwick Banned on YouTube is on there! Very Cool! Anti VAX, Pro Crypto! etc. Please support guys??

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Nigeria phone number...

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all the big financial youtubers are having this happen.

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Greg, you can't fix stupid, it's the United States of Retards. You're better off posting your phone number and paypal next to the scammer and at least you'll get half the money. hahahahaha

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I just wanna put all online scammers in a place and soak them with HCL

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What a nightmare. I had my identity stolen last year and it is no fun!

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