Our faith is in God, not Government

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Indeed yes. But what does this actually mean?

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Don’t expect the government to do the right thing, but know that God can still provide for us a way around it. Hope is powerful. Never give up.

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Sounds very nice, kind of selfish though actually. It does not seem that some people are being provided with a way around it... I suppose, at least for now, it depends where you live in the world.

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There are many promises in the Bible, that God gives to those who believe in him, and who are faithful to him, we may not get everything we want in life, but he will always provide for those who trust in him. Ultimately, it’s not really about how well we do in this life and how much we accumulate Ultimately, what matters is are we prepared for eternity when we leave this life, good things, and bad things can happen to both good people and bad people we’re not guaranteed we won’t get cancer or that we won’t suffer an early death in life, but we should not value the physical over the eternal. It’s not a matter of being selfish it’s a matter of simply trusting God “no matter what the situation“. Don’t let the government give you fears and make you afraid there’s no reason to be afraid because “if God is for us, who can be against us” it is a rhetorical question.

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Sounds nice on paper. But in reality, people right now who have unwavering faith have been condemned to die, with thousands more coming. Moreover, its coming right here.

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He who loses money, loses a little, he who loses health loses much, but he who loses hope, loses all. All I am saying is, there are many great concerns in this world, whether it be the potential for war between countries, a plague, a virus our personal health, financial challenges, life is hard everybody knows that, but keeping a powerful positive attitude and faith in God, gives you an advantage to overcome the struggles of this life, and if you believe no matter what happens that someday we can go and live with God because of his grace and the sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ then it helps keep everything in perspective.

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In this life, people of faith are always being tested to see if their faith is genuine the testing of our faith helps us to become stronger and more able to handle the next challenge in life again, if you measure what happens to you in this life as to whether or not, God is helping you, or taking care of you, or even it is in existence, then you were focused on the material world over the spiritual world if you were focused on this world, money and gold and power and assets, you are focused on what is temporary it is better if we focus on what is eternal there’s nothing wrong with prospering and becoming as wealthy as you can in this life especially if you will use that to help other people But I sort of get from your responses that maybe you don’t have a lot of faith in God, that could affect your attitude as to my comments, which is perfectly fine, everyone has the freedom to think whatever they want to think. I’m simply pointing out that while there are many things to be concerned about in this world no matter what’s going on. God is more powerful than any of the issues in this life and 30 years from now. Whatever is happening today won’t even Matter.

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Oct 20, 2023·edited Oct 20, 2023

Religion is not the Creator. I read religious book with a grain of salt. We are all on a karmic ride, and some ppl are in the shit this time around, others have it much better. But from what I have read, we all need to visuallize what we want to see. I know, I know it is very hard when we see shit all around us. Even I struggle with the matrix. But Visuallizing is the key out of this shit hole. Oregon Farmer

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Yes JT... Hope is powerful but hope is not faith. It is one's true faith in what appears impossible and the reality of substance in what is invisible. Each patriotic American should work on increasing/improving/strengthening his or her true faith in our Creator and then wait for His justice to be carried out. We will receive from Him what we deserve.

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How do we know that what "each patriotic American wants" is what our creator wants? Perhaps its diametrically opposed.

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Wth? Man, you're on POINT today. 👍😃💪

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If you want to know what our creator wants, you can find it by reading the New Testament the constitution of United States is not necessarily everything God wants, we are the most Christian nation on earth, and we are the most blessed and most powerful and richest nation on earth we’re also the only people on earth, who put on our currency “in God, we trust“ you won’t find that on any other currency of any nation on earth, with the exception of the United States of America. Coincidence that we are more blessed than any other nation? I don’t think so

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Let me stop you... The US is the most indebted nation on Earth, living under the rulership of a central bank. People are being crushed. MOREOVER, WE HAVE NO REPRESENTATION ANYMORE! The US has become a corporation! Which is trading dollars for human lives. Here is a wake up call for you.. the US is unfortunately in terminal decline with a smaller and smaller percentage of the population controlling more and more wealth. This is an extermination of the middle class on a grand scale. So much for a blessed nation....

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Hope is not a strategy.

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Then feel free to give up and panic 😱 The point is simply to keep a positive attitude as you also make all of the effort you can on your part to be successful, don’t despair, always be hopeful believe things can work out, believe that it’s better to focus on solutions than to focus on problems, I don’t really understand what’s so hard to understand about that, but maybe for you, it is 😂😂😂😂😂

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And you see where that has gotten you. Qanon, much?

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But remember we don’t have any money !!! 😳

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Pretty short term though. Who can the tax when they have killed us all off?

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They don’t care. They already have everything they need. Technology has advanced to the point where human labor is not required for them to survive. They call us useless eaters. They want us dead!☠️

It was literally carved in stone on the Georgia Guide Stones.

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Well if they kill everybody off, couldn't they just shrink the money supply because the population would be smaller and thus there would not be as much need for the liquidity?

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Death is deflationary. It frees up assets, and jubilees debts.

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Nice, 100Billion for Arms to kill Palestinians and a fraction 100 million for injured Palestinians . I bet the 100 million is just so they can assist for burial of the dead civilians and pay for the exodus to nearby lands. Americans need to stop this insanity funding other people's wars. We Americans need to wake up and take this country back from the Zionist regime imbedded in our govt .

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Biden admin is playing for the opposition. Obviously they are seriously in Cloward and Piven mode. The United States is being systematically dismantled by this gang and there seems to be no mechanism to stop it. 🤮

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Absolutely correct. If your goal was to destroy the United States, what would you do differently?

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Banker's wars he loves, and the laundry mat is working o/t.

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At this rate I wonder if we'll see MMRI 400 at this rate. Mad Max in the markets

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This has gotten way out of hand. Nato provoked Putin and I really cannot see where this money is going at all. We almost depleted our weaponry for Ukraine and already gave them $100+ Billion. Do we contact our elected officials and say we never supported this aid in the first place let alone another $60 Billion. Cannot speak ill of Israel without being labeled an Anit-Semite. Then Kevin McCarthy says Anti-Semitism must stop well I would say this goes both ways. The Palestinians seek to establish their own independent state in at least a part of historic Palestine. However, Israeli defense of its borders, control over the West Bank, the Egyptian-Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip, and Palestinian internal politics currently make this goal out of reach. Some say this advances the "Elites" interests in creating their NWO or Great Reset. Greg Reese brings up lots of valid points in this short video. https://rumble.com/v3py72s-zionism-and-the-creation-of-israel.html

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It's like watching a train go off of a downed bridge without stopping as the engine pushes from behind.

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And any body who disagrees with my comments, you part of the problem and might as well call your self a Zionist that said and in the words of Gerald Celente "take it and shove it you know we're the sun don't shine"

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As I read your newsletter Greg I noticed MMRI is 329.4. How high does the MMRI go or is there a different color like 1 -5 DEFCON??? This is getting crazy

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Greg it is not supposed to end well, the game is zero sum. the plan is for us to be destroyed. So every move is toward that objective. I know you are not surprised, once you know the destination, the tactics are anticipated.

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The innocent people in Gaza will never see any of the relief supplies or funds and everyone know it !

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Why can't these places pay for themselves!

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Fed printer go brrrrrrrrrr!

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