You said it best Greg. It's a freak show I would call it a sh show which is much more accurate

Did you notice pre market opening the US 10 year locked in at .666? Truly the "markets" are

the beasts not reflective of much of anything "valuable". I agree, buy gold, silver and all related

stocks as well as cryptos. The rest of it has already been flushed into never never land fantasy modes.

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I think we all have nationalistic biases and we "think" it's this country against our country

and this President against that one but in essence they own the whole dam thing and they

meet every year in Switzerland and figure out the next moves to make. Trump whether you

hate him or love him is just a puppet sock and they keep referring to the Deep State yet

the Deep State elects all Presidents and "all" elected officials. They have the power and muscle

to do what they want whether in Russia, China or the US. That's why we have to hold on to

intrinsically valuable positions. I never went into gold or silver etc. but now I think that's the

best "defensive position" any one can take whether here or around the world. Whatever happens

today, don't panic that's when they really have you by the b lls!

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Thank you Greg!

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I’m dreading this press conference I have a feeling the market is going to crater today even further 🤦‍♂️ thanks to this bogus charade of a trade deal and Hong Kong BS!

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Thank you for staying abreast of this Greg. (huh huh huh, he said Breast) I am scrambling to get on top of things this morning and then WHAM! Greg alert, and now I know the flavor of today's market. I can't tell you Greg how you've changed my life, and several other people who are now learning about our your (our?) strategies in this market environment. you have made me look good by good to the folks I recommended to start watching you.

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Thanks Greg!!! Maybe President Trump will do something productive today instead of tearing someone or something to pieces??? Pure Insanity!!!

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Hi Greg! Thanks so much for all the advice so far!

Would like to get your thoughts on USD itself?


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aero space equals space force currently being reconstructed. Earlier one was

government sponsored/funded and then they took it into black ops and then

privatized. So, there is an existing space force but it "ain't" ours anymore and so

now they're concocting the second generation of government funded space force

which will again be eventually privatized and quantified in other private hands. such a con

game. Did you notice Tesla's Falcon Rockets are just newer versions of Russian

heavy payload rockets with better navigation from circa 1965-1970 which Elon

admits that's were he got the blue prints for them. Did you also realize that we

built the Saturn V Rocket our US Version of heavy payload but we don't have the

blue prints anymore and can't build our own Saturn V again so we go to Falcon X

privately owned. And while "our" US Space Shuttle is mothballed the Russians

have theirs now? That's because they bought the dam patents for them from the

actual "owners" of that technology and we refused to pay for the rights so the

stuff is bye bye in the US. I think I will buy some aerospace stocks soon that's

the next mega trillions they will be searching for in terms of stocks etc. Only

a matter of time before that happens.

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Wow what a roller-coaster ride, but ended up putting on some gains at the end of the week.

TGT and MRK moving on up too!!!

Thanks Greg and have a GREAT WEEKEND!!!

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Hey Greg what's your thoughts on the kinesis money system? It seems like a good idea to me, but I wanted to see what your professional opinion was on it too.

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