Thanks Gregory

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You "know" what's going on! This is a civil war between international organizations who "run"

the whole world. They had a falling out since around 5-6 years ago, so now they are bashing

each other economically, sometimes hits, and sometimes war actions. That's why people are

and will suffer further. You remember John Wick and the High Table? Who is the High Table

in the World but no other than syndicates the world over now all so fixated on taking over

the whole table or taking someone else's place at the table that they are conducting all out

warfare against each syndicates positions. This makes the God Father movies look like a bunch

of sissies. Who would or could ever think of releasing a viral pandemic on the world? Some

entities that are not human because humans have emotions and feelings for their own families,

nations and people in that nation.

I watched Nouriel Roubini the other day on his video assessment of a week ago I believe it

was titled the Hard Truth via Bloomberg News. After listening to this assessment in great

detail you see that the "systems" have been created to each the other over and over like

a serpent eating it's own tail. That's why you have order out of chaos now as well. So, Uber

takes out the regular licensed cabbies, then self driving cars will take out uber! It's the worst

kind of AI that is now in control of everything whether we believe it or not. Principalities of power

not governments origins of power now at play and people don't get it and are dumb founded.

Trump is in a vortex or whirl pool and can't get out as he is involved in each and everything

for years and years and so is Biden. So, are we voting for "anyone" the people actually want

or being fed the bull fantasy candidates of the one's running this whole schtick?

I can only hope everyone gets ready now.... prepare because if you think it's bad now wait till

October comes around. That's not me predicting it but astrological convergences and people

who know this field. "Come People Smile On Each Other, Everybody Get Together Try to Love

One Another Right now! 1960's yes, but basically and directly to the point of truth and things that make all of us unified in the most important aspects and makes life worth living every day!

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