Thanks Greg, Good Morning LIONS, and maybe we can finish this week on a HIGH NOTE!!! If not its BEAR SEASON!!!

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Yes....accumulating First Majestic Silver stocks....Keith Neumeyer is a good silver miner CEO....and physical silver.....waiting for silver to break resistance at 27.50....

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What other stocks should I buy besides silver and gold ? I am scared of my money depreciating just sitting in the bank

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Greg's video is right over the bombsite the China Deal No Deal Deal No Deal that has

destroyed supply chains and retail profitability due to higher cost from all this mess "plus"

consumers starting to see higher prices from this as well as farmers having to go into debt

and more debt even with the 15 Billion new, new bailout of Farmers. Now, had Donald Trump

obtained a realistic China Deal two year ago, the agricultural sector/farmers would have already

been selling under these positive trading scenarios. Now all we see are empty carnival promises

to unsuspecting Trump Loyalist(*not conservative Republicans equaling in my opinion fiscal

responsibility, attempting to balance budgets, etc) who will believe everything he says hook

line and sinker. And even before the Covid 19 had any impact on the economy, Donald and

his Republican hacks and Democorporatists gave their rich buddies the biggest tax break

while everyone else remained in the same tax basis meaning we were left behind with leaky

economic boats and an already de accelerating economic forecast. Plus the military budget has

gone up double under Donald with no audits of anything while pontificating about reducing

basis Medicare, Social Security and other taxpayer benefits. This is ultimately clear, between

the carnival barker Donald J. Trump and the TrumpaRepublicans and Democorporatists the

only thing that will be cut will be the social benefits to the most needy and worthy of those

benefits due to their position. Then you place the Covid 19 economic disaster, the evisceration

of any remaining middle class-sole proprietors and business and you have a Mega Disaster

on it's way. You then have ask, if there is or has been any American Corporation Rebuild so

our Economic Infrastructure so that we can make our own stuff some time soon and voila-

nada, nothing, zero. So, if we as Americans have nada zero American Industrialization and

production revitalization and a waning middle class and poorer classes in abject poverty

how do we feed ourselves and the American People and build A Bridge to A New American

Century that provides a positive way forward for Americans? This goes way beyond what

Trumpski and Bidenowski utter and idle about stupid irrelevant things when our whole American

Home if you will is burning down to the ground and nobody gives a dam!??? Where are the

American I once knew in every sector willing to roll up their sleeves and build a better future

together. The old execs, the manufacturing machinery experts retired, etc. etc. One thing I

learned in my life and in sports, I never gave up even when I got pancaked and rolled under

the bus. We have to get up and get to work as a Nation and as An American People! We Are

Better Than This Always!

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Thanks Lions!!!!

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I have a small account and am unable to average down on the large positions like Walmart. Should I play it safer and just hold one expensive position so I am able to average down a little if needed in the future? Or only play cheaper plays like the Starbucks and stuff.

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The problem with not averaging down is that your contract price will be much higher than Greg's average price. When he sells a position, he is profitable at his lower price, whereas you are not. So you wind up sitting on the position waiting for the underlying stock to go up. That might not happen for a long time, if at all. (I've been there.)

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You should learn technical analysis and just choose your own trades

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oh i am. i'm only here lingering to see WTF to do with all these losses. not to follow anymore recommendations. rebooting and starting over with a loss on my own.

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Good call, you'll do a lot better I'm sure

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