Jul 14, 2022·edited Jul 14, 2022

America IS DONE FOR! Haha hahahahahahaha! 😁🤣🤣🤣🤗

America is GOING DOWN! 😃

Eeeeeeeheheheheheee 😈😃😁😂🤣👍💯🔥🔥🔥👇👎📉↘️

Don't blame "someone else", this is a situation of your own making.

Heheheheheheeee 🥂🍾🕺🥳🥳

You made your bed, now it's time to lie in it. Hahahahahaha 😁🤣🤣🤣🤗🥳🥳😍🤗🥳😍

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The freeze seems to be the trigger for the “great monetary reset.” We’ve been expecting it for some time now Greg. CBDC will be the “new reality.” This is going to be a global event. GOD GOLD (silver) and GUNS. Thanks for your advise Greg. It pretty much squares with the way most intelligent adults in the room think.

Have a significant amount of currency and silver for barter transactions. It will be rough on most of us, but we will get through it. Greg made the observation that “this event is being engineered,” by the same banking fraudsters who brought us a Civil War and two World Wars. It’s all sides against eachother. They will destroy the entire planet in order to get their way, if need be. The Sampson Option is their Trump card. These scummy Khazarian banksters always over play their hand.

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Just came back from the grocery store. I woke up happy as hell and was thinking about all the money I was going to save at the store.

I put all my items in the basket and went to self checkout. I put 4 Burro bananas on the scale and the cost was $6.55 for those 4 little bananas. I walked them jokers back to the shelf. I already have plantains and golden bananas at home so I'm good.

I figured, no big deal. "Evry' thins gon be alright". I put the bag of cherries on the scale and the price came out to $21. I don't need to eat cherries to live so I walked them jokers back to the shelf. "Evry'thins gon be alright".

Times are changing.

Loading up on beans and rice.

"Evry' thins gon be alright" 👍😃

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The economy is being obliterated as the deaths from the vaccines are skyrocketing along with inflation. It's all by design to kill off the human race by the satanic 💀 NWO 💀.that has taken over our corrupt and tyrannical government.

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The cabal's government and media tell us that the sanctions are against Russia, but they are really against us as Western countries are the ones getting hurt by the sanctions, not Russia. Greg's coined word "deceptionary" is apropos.


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Hi Greg. As I’ve told you more than once you’ve been overly optimistic about the stock market months ago (in front of a possible war you said it didn’t matter, that the stock market would have gone to new ATH) and then you sold all of it and said you were going into commodities. I wrote to you saying that maybe it was too late, at least for now, and after a while you said you sold it as well. Now you think there is going to be a pandemonium (there has been already one), but maybe BEFORE we’re going to have another bull market out of this bear market! Look at what Minervini is writing now!!! You’ve been very good in the last years but I think you should take a break from markets and refresh yourself. Just my opinion

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Here in the land of Aus. all my friends and acquaintances think only of travel holidays and football! No one to talk to above a third grade level of intelligence. "Awake" is the loneliest word! You guys in U.S. are lucky! Whenever our gov. tells us to jump, we ask "how high"?

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Draghi out.

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Greg's foresight has got me concerned.

Now I'm hoping that the collapse will be delayed until October the historical bad financial month.

The World Economic Forum "Great

Reset" collapse this year would be on track for a 7 year cycle Shemitah year. 2008 + 7 + 7 = 2022.

Has Greg Mannarino had enough signs that that the financial collapse will happen within a week or so?

Greg Mannarino really made a great call in February of 2020, when he sold his core positions on Friday and the market hit limit down on Monday.

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"We have not yet begun to fight." Strap in investors we got this.

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Advised you two-three years ago, this a a full blown war of the big boyz, who own everything.

What you are witnessing is them at war economically, politically, socially on every scale. They

are fighting for the seats at the table and what position each sits on that table period. So, if

you are in a war for the prize(s) you will do whatever it takes to win it all. I watch a lot of international

news and you see what has happened in Britain under the Boris Johnson. They took Britain to

Brexit, these olgarchs, who don't want "any" administrative government except for show with

raw capitalism that enriches themselves and impoverishes everyone else. So, they promised the

British people better economics and independence and they've ended up with less economy

for the average person, more for the oligarchs behind their Tory PM's and goverment with higher

levels of "waiting time" to either export stuff out of Britain or import stuff into Britain as the

rules between Britain and the EU are separate and so now more regulations leaving rippling

effect of shortages and delays in resupplies both ways. On top of that you have the elaboration

of the uber elite in Britain partying their ass off while pronouncing "austerity" for rest of you

Brits as sarcastically as they can stick up the average British Citizens Nose and say, "And you better

like it!" Now Boris, the Criminal Clown is caught again and again and again in his borish partying

philandering and yes meeting with Russian Oligarchs like Lebedevev cavorting and drinking his

ass off without any clearance by MI-5 or an entourage of security he did it any ways as he pontificates

about the "evil Russia" in public. Hypocrite "Creep Clown" representing the same ilk of terd oligarchs.

Now, he effectively blocks his own resignation in the House of Commons by stating you can't

file a complaint against a government official in the Commons so it's illegal to have a "no confidence"

vote. See how sick he is and his supporters and the Tories so crass and creepy as if to come out of

a Harry Potter movie as the reptile creeps overlords. So, what was Putin's major aim in Europe?

To divide the EU via any means. So, bankrolled the Brexit Movement from day one with Nigel

Farage et al with other oligarchs their that care less about Britain and British People but more

on gaining absolute power over everything that might effect them and their pocket full of change.

Meanwhile, Putin pushes monies into Marie LePen, in France against Macron as the anti-government

right winger of choice, but you find out she was the daughter of a former, Vichy Government Official

during WWII friendly cohort in France to no other than Hitler and the Third Reich so, so much for

the right winger but mores so the new fascist wannabe in France. Fortunately, she was defeated

as fascism can take over a nation very quickly with anti government forces domestically. If Marie

LePen would have won what would have been her response to Putin and his Invasion? Loud Claps

of Applause and affirmation of the wonderful intelligence of Putin's war of attrition in Ukraine.

In the US, Putin had to create divisiveness in the the Society and Government with a "candidate"

that he groomed since the 1960's and funded him to the hilt. Thus came the Donald Trump, our

President in 2016. Let's review Trump's ascension to power. Firstly, his staff he selected. His

first National Security Advisor General Flynn, supposedly a patriot and defender of the Constituion

right? Well if that was so, why was General Flynn in Moscow at the very same table with Putin

and Jill Stein, the Green Party Candidate at a Russian Television Gala in early 2015? Jill Stein

ran in the 2016 Elections as a Green Party Presidential Candidate so which party would she be

siphoning off election votes from? Surely not the Republican Party but more so from the Democratic

Candidate. Thus Putin triangulated the election of a US President in 2016 confirmed by Trump

attacking his own Government Officials while saying he trusted Putin and the Russians?!! As

soon as he was inaugurated, Donald had Sergei Lavrov and the US Ambassador up to the White

House for a full visit and inspection with Russian TV crew only and no one else, not even "any"

US news there why? In Helsinki Meeting, Trump had discussions with Putin in which Trump

told his stenographers they weren't needed yet Putin had is stenographers recording everything?

Donald also looked up to many dear leaders like Putin and Kim Jong Un as his heroes???

Then we move onto the insurrection and riot inside and outside the Congress so the Legislative

Seat Of the US Government by Trump supporters no knowing what they were doing was anti

Constitutional in every way, shape and form yet Trump chided the Red Masses to do his calling

their as he tried to toss out an election result of him "losing" and remain the President despite

losing the election fair and square. You then ask, well was it a voter fraud burdened election as

a red guy or gal? Yet, to this very day, none of these proponents of voter fraud in the 2020

elections have provided zero evidence to that assertion as they call up "Q" as if he or she

or it has any real bonafide credentials and so creditability as a source of factual information

just conspiracy bits and pieces to make the gullible keep eating the pigeon bread trail long

enough to keep them sucked up to the fakery of this nonsensical anti democratic and Republic

disinformation. Today, even hard core conservatives are telling anyone that will listen that

"Q" is either an ex military or current military psyop group specifically to confuse and disinform

a certain population in the US so as to use them to burn down the current US Government

and Constitution for a future fascist leader(ship) to come to power which will then have

zero authority over the oligarchs running this sh__ show so they can pollute, trash and rob

the rest of all the other American Citizens that still baagh as this crap continues unabated.

needless to say, Trump still is praising Putin's Invasion of Ukraine as "genius" move! So, how

could anyone believe he is a suck up to Putin and Russian Oligarchs is beyond anyone with

half your brain tied behind your back.

In pre WWII Germany, the German People said the same things that Hitler would bring "order",

that he would clean out the "undesirables in Germany" meaning anyone that Hitler didn't like

shut down the free press and yes, his most creepiest move to "burn down the Reichstag"

the Legislative Branch of Government thereby put it out of commission as well as blame it

on a "Commie Sympathizer". So, when you hear anyone spouting out Commie this or that

you know they're taking this right out of the Goebbels Playbook in which he stated, "it is

better to tell big lies and often and always" and eventually they, the People, will believe it

and embrace it. This should all sound eerily familiar to anyone that studies history.

Now, other forces and oligarchs are seeing all this sh__ show and the attempt to coup d'etat

their own interests and their responding in like kind and quality more so in dissuading future

attempts toward fascism in the larger free world and democracies.

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Thanks Greg; Lots of honesty! Great Job!

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