This sounds good for green energy stocks. I know greg doesnt like to trade companies such as PLUG or WKHS, but I think they will go up fast under biden.

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I thought Greg said 8f a contested election the market will be volatile. Seems like it will be contested. I am 60% cash starting today.

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Against my own judgement I closed my hedges and bought AAPL and AAPL calls last night. I remember the election 4 years ago being similar, that’s why I did this.

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That's because the Markets "love" gridlock so nothing, zero gets done. "However",

you must also consider the American People's situations and position in all this.

So, you have people hurting and nothing is getting done domestically contrary to

Donald Trump in terms of new manufacturing and infrastructure and so more and more

people will get to the end of their ropes. In the old largesse days of fat overflowing

everywhere you could get away with do nothing Senate or Congress or President

but when you have a pressure cooker boiling up and over the sides and running down

onto the hot pad your ending up with people going to start raising hell as the system

is failing them in the gridlock scenario. This is going to get really, really ugly!

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What if either side starts to fight whatever the decision is - won’t this bring the market way down? I played it safe - maybe too safe but I felt better that way I want to see what happens

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i bought puts with this idea in mind...but i know nothing.

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i hear ya G but Trump is going to pull this through, for some reason MSM doesn't want to report it....

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Do you how crazy the Democrats will get

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Like those magic 128k votes for Biden and 0 for Trump in Michigan. Definitely not a fraudulent election... It will go into court. Get more popcorn.

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I sold too soon., missed the rally . And my puts clapped big time !! I hope I can get right next time !!

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me too. but at least i got some little profit and not more loss!

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Is there anything NOT positive for the stock market? All they are doing is destroying the value of the currency to inflate away debt and wages.

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