Let's rip the face off this freaking Ponzi, for the sake of Liberty and Blow-Boy 😉🎉

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rise taxes nobody working who's going to pay also 60% of business are close

what a joke

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They already have raised property taxes in Nevada and opened the water bill last week and there's a brand new 15 dollar tax on the bill. They have also raised sales taxes in Nevada during the pandemic. Our governor is an absolute ass. Theres more ways to tax then just payroll taxes. :(

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Just think, if we the people held those retards to a higher standard and said, find ways to be more financially prudent, taxes would actually decrease. Sadly, patronage and favoritism in the way of jobs for votes prevails. Start an action committee to hold these scummers accountable...it is the only way.

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They will raise taxes on whomever is left by a ton to make up for the 60%. Horrible scenario any way you look at it. And the rich get richer.

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We were told this month our water and sewer bill will "TRIPLE" starting in November. Water bill now OVER 100 dollars per month. Nothing can be done about it since it is already a done deal.

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What state are you in Bill? Yeah my water bill was 88 bucks this month when its usually around 60.

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Wow i'm surprised. I guess its happening all over.

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solar generator and + 55G drums with rain water.

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Greg, i still have open call positions on SLV and APPL EXPIRE 2021, i was sick and didn't close them before i went to hospital, should i hold them, they are obviously down for now...Pls advise

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He closed that position, but didn't notified on his newsletter. So if you down substantially and your call is expire in june 2021 just wait ( basically that what he said in reply on some of his twit).

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Remember, the fed and Trump admin will do EVERYTHING to keep this market propped up, no matter what. This is evident since the dow should realistically be 10k or less but has been bid higher with all the stimulus money being dumped by the fed, it is all make believe, pretend, lies/deception. Relax, you may be surprised if slv goes stratospheric.

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You should be fine. Hang tight and let the markets do its thang.

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I will continue to be LONG Inflation. TY GM!

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Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced that the Senate will vote Wednesday on the coronavirus relief proposal crafted by Republicans, in addition to a separate vote on additional funding for a program to aid small businesses on Tuesday.


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I’m learning a lot by Greg’s trades

Know when hold them and know when to fold. I’m still up after a month of trading so far.

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Dear Gregory Mannarino,

in your latest Video you said:

"I don't care who wins. I'm voting for Biden you know that ..."

With all respects. This is a JOKE. Voting for nobody is an Option. Voting for Biden is a NO GO! Do you know who are you voting for? Do you know who are you REALLY voting for? Seems you wanna vote for Socialism, Corruption and a Sexual Predator. So think about it. Feel free to ask for informations/evidence.

Sincerly, Zio

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Wait till Greg does his taxes after a Biden win. Gonna be a sad day.

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Yes + Under Biden taxes will be our smallest problem.

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Its unfortunate Gregory is voting for Biden/Harris. The left all but tells you they'll sacrifice our country for the sole purpose of complete power and control. My question, what good is this perceived Biden/Harris Bull Market if the country as we know it is over? BTW, I don't believe for a second the market's going to do better under a Biden/Harris Admin. If the left takes over you can kiss our so called "Free Market" goodbye. The freedoms that are slipping away today will be gone tomorrow. I've seen first hand what Socialism does, and it's not pretty.

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Why is it Greg that you cannot tell us the exact time you make a trade and at what price? How much later do we get the buy signal when you make a trade?

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But ya know what, its about time America woke up this secular decline phase we have been in

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Glad you are telling us the truth at a time when it is not at all "acceptable".

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I dislike both candidates!

If Biden/Harris win, not only will the be destroying the middle class they'll also attempt to create a one party system that will destroy everything that keeps this nation a functioning democracy/republic. At that point many the right might see no other option then succession. Unfortunately that would likely lead to a civil war. On the other hand, if Trump wins its going to be four more years of unrelenting scandals, accusations, and impeachment attempts that will make the last four look tranquil. This to might start a civil war

Regardless, who ever wins will have to deal with the impending economic collapse brought on by our unsustainable Medicare/Medicaid system. If nothing changes, within four years our current healthcare system will collapse, and so goes the rest of the economy (sooner if Medicare/Medicaid For All is enacted). Although not a Trump fan, in my opinion he is the better candidate..Biden/McConnell/Pelosi/Ryan and the rest of DC are responsible for the current mess, so I put very little faith in "DC" once the impending chaos begins. Trump, on the other hand has a lot more to loose in a economic collapse and thus much more incentive to get us out of one..

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The outlook doesn't have to be that gloomy. Freedom fighters could rise up in righteous revolt. I sure wish they would.

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We are held by the short and curlies. Look at grocery stores. Cannot enter to shop without a mask. That is just the beginning. Be prepared for inflation and shortages and more rules and more draconian measures. In Weimar Germany there was a "gluttony" law which said your meal at a restaurant could NOT be extravagant. Of course the powerful did not need to abide, only the common people. That is how ridiculous it got.

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The powerful bizillionaires don't feed from our slop troughs. They live by a whole different set of rules as they have such wealth that they can hire people to hire people to hire people to destroy you or me and remain so detached from their own schemes that it would be near impossible to hold them accountable for those deeds. Sadly, our own tax dollars are used to provide them with that insulated protection.

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Getting us to pay for our own destruction has long been what they've done.

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You've got to be f'ing kidding me.

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I guess we'll all have to tighten our belts.

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Hi Greg. What do we need to be learning now? Puts? Do you short actual equities? Do I need margin on my account or anything else to be prepared? I just started trading a few calls.

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Election Cycle says long till election day.

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