Just sold WMT....popped nicely today🍻

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Thanks Greg and got my dry powder ready!!!

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We are going to rip the face off this market.

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They are an existential threat to our way of life.

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CSCO creeping up just a bit by .08 cents a day...lol Won't be long maybe pull a profit, and GILD creeping up finally by about .09 cents today so maybe it will catch a bid before long. Making progress!!!

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Greg you're the best. I'm ready

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Greg's over the targee as ladies would say as far as what's going on

"but" the only time a whole system is attempting to change is because

the "whole system" is going to come down and fall apart. He's right you

have to be fearless Lions now but know this, on the other side the way

we're all accustomed to living, etc. is going to change whether we like it

or not. Any time "any one" is losing control over every thing and everyone

is when the system attempts to revamp or change whether to dominate or

whether to ameliorate world populations. The Theory of Relativity provides

dramatic insight into this as "everything" is related to everything else so in

that knowledge what happens when London Bridges is falling down, falling down?

So, they will attempt to consolidate power knowing they're all losing power no

matter what portion of the circle it is and as it gets more and more obvious you'll

see more and more disruptions and demonstrations around the world. PLEASE

do not participate in these as they create only negative results and more reasons

they can put the hammer on your and my rear ends. Help each other and "teach"

people how to build more and more life rafts rather than burning down the supply

house that has the materials to build more life rafts.

Prepare and protect your families, your friends and anyone, who knows what is

coming down the pipeline. It makes me really sad sometimes to know this sh__!

But, the message has been and always will be the same, there is light at the end of the tunnel

and it ain't an oncoming train, it's our FUTURE! Believe it, make it happen in all the right ways and be peaceful, patient and love each other always.

Footnote- If you have hungry lions all around you, what do you do with those lions?

You of course throw them big gobs of fresh meat to eat to satisfy them. Extrapolate out this idea

to markets and you will then understand the underlying drift(s).

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Right on brother!

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Got out if there with a pathetically small profit, but a profit. I think I bought in late on my initial investment. Had no where to go. Do not want to lose money here so sold. WMT should be a winner over time as they are improving their online presence. But they are competing with Amazon, which is a tough road imo. Lesson learned on timing.

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I agree. I believe WMT is a good long term investment. There's no way they catch up to AMZ but there's money to be made for 2nd place WMT. I am waiting for a major pullback to buy more WMT.

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Got out of what?

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Markets have been rocketing. Pullback seems appropriate

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Appreciate all your hard work Gregory. Thank you.

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Down to the Iron Bank! We need to get back to free markets and economic fundamentals where all citizens can benefit without playing roulette in the markets. It's insane what the banksters make by loaning out the fake Dollars. They are leaches on society. At some point, we are going down hard.

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Thanks Greg

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Did you just quote yourself? 🤣. Good quote though.

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So do you think we will be adding to the GILD position or is that like our DAL position we barley escaped LOL. Thanks Greg!

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I added to my CSCO and GILD calls again this morning while they were down. They are trying to creep up slightly.

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First time closing trades today. Cisco @ 7.5%. Thanks again, Gregory.

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How? It's been all in the red and I bought at the low when Greg bought.

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Same here, but indicators are strengthening slowly since the drop. I'm riding out for a gain.

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how a gain?!

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Thanks GM, Im wirh you all the time ;-) Thanks xxx

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