If there was any doubt, now there is none. We have become a corrupt banana republic country, just like those that we always said needed to have their leaders removed (i.e. Norega in Panama). Disgusting. BUT THE GENERAL PUBLIC IS NOT AWARE (because of the corrupt media), NOR DO THEY LIKELY CARE. I am just glad that my 60+ years were not so bad as what we are now faced with.

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I say let's rip the face of this market. Create abundance for the Lions. Buy an island and live in a society we create. The only way to by-pass all this madness!!.

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Terrible, we need a revolution.

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Greg, thanks again, for the important update, perspective and passionate commitment to truth and immense trading support!

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The gong show continues....

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LOL gong show eh?

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Rules for thee but not for me! Sickening but not unexpected. Most Americans don't care and the ones that do can do NOTHING about it.

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I remember the late 60's/early 70's. Musicians even were active in protesting government stuff (the Vietnam war is a good example). Now many of them do nothing, or support the democrats and their evil ways (i.e. Neil Young). the public has been dumbed down for too long and to the point of numbness. Look at the professional athletes. Again, disgusting.

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it's both parties - part of the dumbing down is to incite division among the people through this party fight. and I agree that the public has been dumbed down for so long now they are numb....deer in the headlights now with anything I say. whereas before people were at least remembering a part deep inside of themselves that was who they truly are and it would resonate. and those who have it resonate still (truth), are defeated and escape into lala land.

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Unbelievable! This is beyond any morality in this nation! No wonder we became the joke of the universe! Both Democrats and Republicans have destroyed our country! It's not going to be good... REVOLUTION soon! Way too much discrepancy between the wealthy class and the low/average class. :(

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So sad - I worked in hospital & retail pharmacy over 30 years ago - McKesson was a respected on time delivery vendor - disgusting what they turned into nowb

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Unbelievable corruption. The whole vax charade puts many citizens at risk, so why not chose a corrupt delivery system to distribute it.

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the government flu

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You do realized that allmost every single big pharma Company has convicted with crime in a us court right?

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Yep, just saw this. Posted something similar above. Exactly.

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All of the big pharma companies have paid massive fines (mostly for kickbacks) over the years. Look at Novartis just recently. ALL OF THEM.

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and btw, they are all FRAUDALENT companies who have been caught in the act in some way (look at GSK) who was accused of mafia style behavior by China police in 2013. Used bribes to push up costs over 1/3 and it was the patients that ultimately paid the bill....one of the doctors told BBC that everyone from hospital administrators to doctors receive kick backs when a drug is prescribed.

they are all doing dirty deeds - just who gets caught and how...and if they don't want to get the news out about it, they can manipulate that too. the ones who have news about these deeds, it was intended for some gain$ somehow - certainly not because of justice.

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I found it "funny" that all the hype of which company would produce the vax had everyone running in circles buying up stock...they of course then pull some unbefore announced company to "win" after they all scooped up bargain deals to pull their profits. then they'll float out news of how they can't invest in a fraudulent company and move on to the next kill.

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