Thanks Greg, and some of these positions I have added to already and some I have not added to yet, because they have not fallen that far way, so if they fall back this week I will add more and average my prices down. Thanks for the update and see you in the morning!!!

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Just for clarification what do you mean by " I will add more and average my prices down"? Thanks

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Karim, if the stock price falls some and just say you bought 1 contract CALL for 1.00, but it is now only worth .50, then you would buy a 2nd contract of the same option for .50 and then you would own 2 contracts at an average price of .75 and It helps get you closer to showing a profit when the stock price comes back up. This adding to a position is very important to finesse a position and will allow you to collect profits quicker rather than waiting longer for the option price to come all the way back up to the original purchase price. I hope that helps.

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It helps a lot! Now I understand the concept. Thanks again William

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What would Greg recommend for 401K/IRA money that I can not buy individual stocks. Should I park the money in a S&P 500, a sector fund such as Precious metals, or a money market account? Thank you in advance.

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GM someone is emailing me from officialgregorymannarino@gmail.com asking me if I want to join a crypto investment fund called RexCapital just want to verify that is not you.

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What does Greg mean by "finesse"? an example will be very helpful to understand the concept? Thanks

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If Gregory says he added to his position you need to do it too. He is buying more contracts at different prices to make sure the contract is profitable when he closes that position. He does not tell you how much because that will be different for everyone as he may have 20 contracts and I might just have one. I just add one contract when he says to add to his. I hope this helps.

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What is the call on the CSCO trade from the Lion pride

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It is CSCO June 18, 21 42.00 Call. But I would not buy it now. You should only buy it when you get the email to do it.

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I have been averaging down. It;s currently trading at very close to my break even. Hopefully we get a pop next couple of trading sessions.

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Can someone help me understand the dates that he posts with these? The “call” numbers are the price he’s buying at, yes?

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Yes, you go into your options chain, find the date he gives you then you will see prices and you choose the price he gives you on the call side. Click it and it will tell you how the cost of that trade and the amount you can make. Hope this helps.

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Oh, Gregory. I knew this because you told me to do it that way. I thought I had enough for the Cisco trade. I put the 2nd trade in but then there was a 3rd! I had not transferred more money into my account so I could not do the third.

I told this to the men in the chat and they told me to ride it. I luckily went from -42.00 to -1.00 at Friday's close. I think I will close it first thing tomorrow morning and hopefully get out without too much carnage. Thanks for all your help and education and have a good day!

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you don't think cisco will recover?

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I don't know. I just worry that since I didn't finesse it like Gregory that I will lose on it.

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Either it will go back up and you'll probably start profiting or it'll go down and you'll have another chance to add.

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Thanks Pete, we will see what happens today!

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hmmmm...i don't know either. it seems very flat lined at the moment...even if you do "finesse" it.

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Thank you for your help. I will have to see what happens tomorrow. I paper traded his trades for 2 months and have profited on every trade but I added to my positions when he told me too.

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Hi Greg,

I've been watching your videos for about two weeks now. I've been trading cryptos for a short while but want to have a look at stocks now too. I'm UK based (18 years old) What I want to do is test these positions on a simulation account on something like trading212 before I steak my own (extremely limited / a few £k) capital. I have a few questions which I'd love some help from either you or your lions in answering.

1) Is it possible for me to 'paper' trade your positions? What I mean by this; is it possible for me to benefit from these trades but scaled down. to the point where I'm able to afford it.

2) Do I need to apply for something such as a Hargreaves Lansdown trading account where I can use complex instruments such as calls, or is a simple trading 212 account going to suffice?

3) Perhaps I haven't enough knowledge about trading or capital to benefit from this newsletter. If that's the case, where do you suggest I start in the trading world so that I can build myself up.

I understand that these are ridiculously elementary questions to you, but I ask for your patience. This aside, everybody has to start somewhere. I'd appreciate all the insights I can get. All the best and I look forward to hearing from you.

p.s. Id love to see some content catered towards lower capital/novice traders. I'm aware this isn't your demographic, but id rather hear it from you than be manipulated by some clickbait YouTuber making money off midroll ads.

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Hi Max,

I have been following Greg's work for about eight years and at 57 years old I just didn't feel competent ( or have the time) to study investing.

My 24 year old son did have lots of time however because of batstew flu and he studied everything Greg has written that he could get his hands on and created a google based site that I sent perfect for beginners.

My son had twelve thousand dollars to invest with and in nine weeks, following Greg, he now is at thirty thousand.

I am attaching the site ( which is open and free- just as Greg does) he created.

Please let me know if this works for you, and my best to you.


I https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1yU32XwD-JUK_ujEU5__ESuJjXnTE7tdVUXnlBqaP890/mobilebasic#h.bce8gmluobrj

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Todd- Thank you for being so helpful. I appreciate the website!

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Glad you found it useful.

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Hi Todd,

Thanks for your reply. I'm sorry to hear about your son, I hope he's had a speedy recovery. That's an incredible increase over 9 weeks, wow. I've got so much to learn still about the stock market, but I feel I'm in the right place to start. For the next week or so I'm shadowing Gregs' positions on a simulator, for nothing else than personal clarification and helping me to develop an increased understanding of the markets. I'm also doing this to gauge how much I'd have to steak, as I'm only 18 and have limited cash (under £6k)

I appreciate you attaching that google document too. I'm unable to view it, however, so I have requested access. Perhaps, if it's your son's document you may be able to explain to him why some 'randomer' is requesting access.

All the best,


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Hi, I paper traded his trades for 2 months on just 1 or 2 contracts (scaled down)and made a profit on every trade. I used thinkorswim. He does not tell you how many contracts to buy, as long as you add to them when you are supposed to.

I have just started using real money and was able to add to one trade but was not able to add to it again. I had not transferred enough money into my account.

So you have to have enough "Dry Powder to Finesse." or just don't do the trade.

Just get in and start paper trading his trades and you will start learning a lot.

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Hi L Math,

Thanks for your reply. I've opened a thinkorswim account and will do exactly that. From being a passive onlooker to Greg's newsletter I understand how often he updates his positions, and furthermore understand the importance of doing this (promptly). I hope you don't mind answering these questions;

1) Did you continue to use thinkorswim after paper-trading, with your real money?

2) May sound pretty stupid, but is there any way to trade options with an ISA benefit? I'm expecting a no, but I'm unsure.

3) Do you pick and choose which of his positions you trade or do you pick the cheapest one / do your own research to which seems most viable / or simply do them all?

I look forward to hearing from you, thanks for helping me out.


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Hi Max

1) Yes, I continue to paper trade alll positions when I am trading some real ones. I have two platforms because thinkorswim want 23000.00 in our account to trade options. So I use Interactive Brokers and they do not have a deposit limit.

I like to do it so I can compare but the paper trading is off a little.

2)I don't know about the ISA. You will look into it.

3) I researched when I was starting Value Investing but of course there is no price discovery anymore, I really can't tell what has value. I trust Gregory and the chat room. Today they told me to hold Cisco even though I could not add to my position a third time like Gregory did.

Of course I would research other trades and find out as much as you can about them if you so desire.

Have fun, huge learning curve and be patient!

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Hi Lmath, are you uk based by any chance? trading in £ on the interactivebrokers platform?

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Hi Max, no I am in Alberta, Canada. I don't know if they trade int he UK but I would just give them a call. I liked them because I there is no limit to your deposit to start trading and it was easy to get through the option trading process. Hope this helps!

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